Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Bye, Asta"
Now showing items 21-40 of 70
En prospektiv kartlegging av risiko for underernæring blant pasienter som får strålebehandling mot endetarms og analkreft
Rahimi, Shahla (Master thesis, 2011)The purpose of this study was to illustrate if the survey of nutritional risk and efforts against malnutrition is feasible during radiotherapy in the departemment of Oncology patients with rectal and anal cancer. Subjects ... -
En tverrsnittsstudie av hvilke faktorer som påvirker selvopplevd helse blant ikke-vestlige mødre i Akershus og Østfold
Shawali, Jehan (MAPO;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Bakgrunn: Andelen personer med innvandrerbakgrunn har økt i Norge de siste tiårene. Flere ulike studier gjennomført blant ikke-vestlige kvinner, konkluderte med at helsetilstanden til denne gruppen avviker fra helsetilstanden ... -
Ernæringsrelatert dokumentasjon er mangelfull i journaler til eldre i ernæringsmessig risiko
Gaustadnes, Lisa Mari; Høyem, Mari Hval; Molin, Marianne; Bye, Asta (Norsk Tidsskrift for Ernæring;Nr. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09)Bakgrunn I «Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer for forebygging og behandling av underernæring» presiseres det at dokumentasjon knyttet til ernæring er viktig. Helsepersonell er pliktig å journalføre nødvendige opplysninger ... -
Exercise and nutrition interventions in patients with head and neck cancer during curative treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Bye, Asta; Sandmæl, Jon Arne; Solheim, Tora Skeidsvoll; Stene, Guro Birgitte; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Thorsen, L.; Pripp, AH (Nutrients;Volume 12, Issue 11, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-22)The aim of this meta-analysis was to examine the effects of nutritional and physical exercise interventions and interventions combining these interventions during radiotherapy treatment for patients with head and neck ... -
Experiences of elderly patients regarding participation in their hospital discharge: a qualitative metasummary
Lilleheie, Ingvild; Debesay, Jonas; Bye, Asta; Bergland, Astrid (BMJ Open;Volume 9, Issue 11, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-06)Background Ageing patients are discharged from the hospital ‘quicker and sicker’ than before, and hospital discharge is a critical step in patient care. Older patients form a particularly vulnerable group due to multimorbidity ... -
Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in patients with cancer: A study on oncologists' perspectives
Koteng, Lisa Heide; Sand, Kari; Paur, Ingvild; Bye, Asta; Ervik, Bente; Solheim, Tora S; Ottestad, Inger; Balstad, Trude Rakel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background and aim: Patients with cancer are at high risk of malnutrition, yet relevant ICD-10 codes for malnutrition are underutilized in cancer clinics. Understanding oncologists' perspectives is crucial for optimizing ... -
Feasibility of a Mobile Phone App to Promote Adherence to a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle: Single-Arm Study
Lunde, Pernille; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad; Bergland, Astrid; Bye, Asta (Jmir Formative Research;Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Apr-Jun, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-03)Background: Long-term maintenance of preventive activities is fundamental for achieving improved outcomes in cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Despite this, it has been shown to be a major challenge for many patients to follow ... -
Food for Soul—Older Immigrants’ Food Habits and Meal Preferences After Immigration: A Systematic Literature Review
Lillekroken, Daniela; Bye, Asta; Halvorsrud, Liv; Terragni, Laura; Debesay, Jonas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There are few primary studies that focused on the older immigrants’ food habits and meal preferences after immigration and settlement in a new country. A comprehensive database search for literature was conducted in May ... -
Food intake by Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) corresponds to energy and protein intake as well as weight change in patients with advanced cancer
Bye, Asta; Meli, Kari; Solheim, Tora Skeidsvoll; Laird, Barry J; Kaasa, Stein; Stene, Guro Birgitte; Balstad, Trude Rakel (Clinical Nutrition Experimental; Volume 25, June 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background & aims The aim of this study was to test how well the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) question about food intake correlates with a well-established measurement of food intake. Furthermore, ... -
Forekomst av underernæring blant pasienter med lungesykdom som blir henvist til rehabilitering i spesialisthelsetjenesten
Pedersen Strømme, Marte (Master thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn: Pasienter med lungesykdom opplever ofte symptomer som påvirker deres evne til å spise og øker energiforbruket, for eksempel dyspné, hoste og tretthet. Disse symptomene kan øke risikoen for underernæring på grunn ... -
Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy. Protocol of a Norwegian cluster-randomised controlled pilot study
Røyset, Inga Marie; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Rostoft, Siri; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Bye, Asta; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Bergh, Sverre; Melby, Line; Halsteinli, Vidar; Døhl, Øystein; Røsstad, Tove Garåsen; Eriksen, Guro Falk; Sollid, May Ingvild Volungholen; Rolfson, Darryl; Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen (Journal of Geriatric Oncology;Volume 13, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-25)About 50% of patients with cancer are expected to need radiotherapy (RT), and the majority of these are older. To improve outcomes for older patients with cancer, geriatric assessment (GA) with management (GAM) is highly ... -
Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy: a cluster-randomised controlled pilot study
Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen; Røyset, Inga Marie; Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning; Halsteinli, Vidar; Døhl, Øystein; Vossius, Corinna Elisabeth; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Bergh, Sverre; Rostoft, Siri; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Bye, Asta; Melby, Line Kari; Røsstad, Tove Garåsen; Eriksen, Guro Falk; Sollid, May Ingvild Volungholen; Rolfson, Darryl; Saltyte Benth, Jurate (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Geriatric assessment and management (GAM) improve outcomes in older patients with cancer treated with surgery or chemotherapy. It is unclear whether GAM may provide better function and quality of life (QoL), or ... -
Health Literacy in patients participating in cardiac rehabilitation: A prosepective cohort study with pre-post-test design
Lunde, Pernille; Grimsmo, Jostein; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad; Bye, Asta; Finbråten, Hanne Søberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background and aims: Adherence to recommendations regarding medical treatment and healthy behaviour serve as a significant challenge for patients experiencing a cardiac event. Optimizing the patients’ health literacy ... -
Healthcare professionals’ experiences of providing individualized nutritional care for older people in hospital and home care: A qualitative study
Hestevik, Christine Hillestad; Molin, Marianne; Debesay, Jonas; Bergland, Astrid; Bye, Asta (BMC Geriatrics;19, Article number: 317 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Recent studies indicate inadequate nutritional care practices in healthcare institutions and identify several barriers to perform individualized nutritional care to older persons. Organisation of care can become rigid and ... -
Health‐care professionals’ experiences of patient participation among older patients in intermediate care—At the intersection between profession, market and bureaucracy
Hartford Kvæl, Linda Aimee; Debesay, Jonas; Bye, Asta; Bergland, Astrid (Health Expectations;Volume 22, Issue 5, October 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-24)Background Patient participation is a key concern in health care. Nevertheless, older patients often do not feel involved in their rehabilitation process. Research states that when organizational conditions exert pressure ... -
The impact of nutritional status, physical function, comorbidity and early versus late start in dialysis on quality of life in older dialysis patients
Lægreid, Inger Karin; Aaserød, Knut; Bye, Asta; Leivestad, Torbjørn; Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen (Renal failure;36(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-09-12)Background: For the majority of the older patients in dialysis, the treatment will be lifelong. Thus, quality of life (QoL) is a crucial outcome. Our aim was to assess the QoL of older Norwegian dialysis patients and to ... -
Individrettede tiltak for å fremme helsekompetanse hos personer med diabetes type 2 - en litteraturstudie
Dahlberg, Line Øvergaard (Master thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn: Helsekompetanse hos personer med diabetes type 2 har fått økt oppmerksomhet internasjonalt og nasjonalt. De siste to tiårene har det blitt utført flere intervensjonsstudier basert på helsekompetanse hos personer ... -
Informal caregivers’ views on the quality of healthcare services provided to older patients aged 80 or more in the hospital and 30 days after discharge
Lilleheie, Ingvild; Debesay, Jonas; Bye, Asta; Bergland, Astrid (BMC Geriatrics;20, Article number: 97 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-24)Background: In the European Union (EU), informal caregivers provide 60% of all care. Informal caregiving ranges from assistance with daily activities and provision of direct care to helping care recipients to navigate ... -
It takes two to tango: carers’ reflections on their participation and the participation of people with dementia in the James Lind Alliance process
Nygaard, Agnete; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Bye, Asta; Bergland, Astrid (BMC Geriatrics;20, Article number: 175 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-14)Background: Worldwide, patient and public involvement (PPI) in health research has grown steadily in recent decades. The James Lind Alliance (JLA) is one approach to PPI that brings patients, carers and clinicians together ... -
Kan enkle ernæringstiltak bedre ernæringsstatus blant hjemmeboende eldre?
Halleland, Agnethe (MAEH;2015, Master thesis, 2015)Bakgrunn: Underernæring er utbredt blant eldre mennesker og har en rekke uheldige helsemessige konsekvenser. Blant annet øker risikoen for depresjon, fysisk og mental funksjon forverres, infeksjonsmotstanden reduseres og ...