• Livsløpsoverganger i eldre år. Betydningen av kjønn og sosioøkonomisk status 

      Herlofson, Katharina; Veenstra, Marijke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Overganger i eldre år innebærer ofte tap av roller. De kan både være uønskete og vanskelig å planlegge og forberede seg på – og av og til uventete. Dette kan bidra til økt sårbarhet, som igjen kan begrense mulighetene for ...
    • Older Workers and Work Exit Preferences in a Digitalized Working Life 

      Solem, Per Erik; Hauge, Linda; Hellevik, Tale; Herlofson, Katharina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      With working life being in the middle of both a demographic and a digital transition, a key question is whether digitalization may counteract the policy goal of delaying work exit. Here, we use survey data from the Norwegian ...
    • Older Workers in Digitalizing Workplaces: A Systematic Literature Review 

      Komp-Leukkunen, Kathrin; Poli, Arianna; Hellevik, Tale; Herlofson, Katharina; Heuer, Annika; Norum, Roger; Solem, Per Erik; Khan, Jawaria; Rantanen, Visa; Motel-Klingebiel, Andreas (The journal of aging and social change;Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-04)
      Workplace digitalization created a sea change in work practices and it altered the situation of older workers. Digitalization entails the increased use of digital technologies, such as computers and online services. Older ...
    • Spousal bereavement and its effects on later life physical and cognitive capability: the Tromsø study 

      Strand, Bjørn Heine; Håberg, Asta; Eyjólfsdóttir, Harpa Sif; Kok, Almar; Skirbekk, Vegard Fykse; Huxhold, Oliver; Løset, Gøril Kvamme; Lennartsson, Carin; Schirmer, Henrik; Herlofson, Katharina; Veenstra, Marijke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Spousal bereavement is associated with health declines and increased mortality risk, but its specific impact on physical and cognitive capabili- ties is less studied. A historical cohort study design was applied including ...
    • Veier ut av arbeidslivet. Senkarrierer og yrkesavgang 

      Herlofson, Katharina; Hellevik, Tale; Pedersen, Axel West; Solem, Per Erik (NOVA Rapport;2023: 3, Report, 2023)
      Hvordan forløper overgangen fra et liv som yrkesaktiv til en tilværelse som fulltids pensjonist utenfor det betalte arbeidsmarkedet i dagens Norge? Spørsmålet belyses i denne rapporten som presenterer funn fra prosjektet ...
    • Why care? How filial responsibility norms and relationship quality matter for subsequent provision of care to ageing parents 

      Vangen, Hanna; Herlofson, Katharina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      How to meet the demands of long-term care is a pressing issue in ageing societies. In most countries, care systems depend on the capability and willingness of family members to fill the gap between existing needs and formal ...
    • Why care? How filial responsibility norms and relationship quality matter for subsequent provision of care to ageing parents 

      Vangen, Hanna; Herlofson, Katharina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      How to meet the demands of long-term care is a pressing issue in ageing societies. In most countries, care systems depend on the capability and willingness of family members to fill the gap between existing needs and ...