• DeepFake electrocardiograms using generative adversarial networks are the beginning of the end for privacy issues in medicine 

      Thambawita, Vajira; Isaksen, Jonas L.; Hicks, Steven A.; Ghouse, Jonas; Ahlberg, Gustav; Linneberg, Allan; Grarup, Niels; Ellervik, Christina; Olesen, Morten Salling; Hansen, Torben; Graff, Claus; Holstein-Rathlou, Niels-Henrik; Strümke, Inga; Hammer, Hugo L.; Maleckar, Mary M.; Halvorsen, Pål; Riegler, Michael A.; Kanters, Jørgen K. (Scientific Reports;11, Article number: 21896 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-09)
      Recent global developments underscore the prominent role big data have in modern medical science. But privacy issues constitute a prevalent problem for collecting and sharing data between researchers. However, synthetic ...
    • Deepfakes: current and future trends 

      Gambín, Ángel Fernández; Yazidi, Anis; Vasilakos, Athanasios; Haugerud, Hårek; Djenouri, Youcef (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Advances in Deep Learning (DL), Big Data and image processing have facilitated online disinformation spreading through Deepfakes. This entails severe threats including public opinion manipulation, geopolitical tensions, ...
    • DeepNAVI: A deep learning based smartphone navigation assistant for people with visual impairments 

      Kuriakose, Bineeth; Shrestha, Raju; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Expert Systems With Applications;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Navigation assistance is an active research area, where one aim is to foster independent living for people with vision impairments. Despite the fact that many navigation assistants use advanced technologies and methods, ...
    • Defining the limitations and opportunities in the consultation with the Sámi: The cases of the Arctic Railway and the Davvi Vindpark 

      Sara, Inker-Anni; Rasmussen, Torkel; Krøvel, Roy (The Arctic Yearbook;2021 -Defining and Mapping the Arctic, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The results of this study point to a number of limitations in the consultation with the Sámi, such as incomplete information, lack of transparency and the failure of governments to build relationships based on trust with ...
    • Definitions and measurement of health literacy in health and medicine research: A systematic review 

      Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Andersen, Marit Helen; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Borge, Christine Råheim; Helseth, Sølvi; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad (BMJ Open;Volume 12, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Objectives: The way health literacy is understood (conceptualised) should be closely linked to how it is measured (operationalised). This study aimed to gain insights into how health literacy is defined and measured in ...
    • Deformation of C*-algebras by cocycles on locally compact quantum groups 

      Tuset, Lars; Neshveyev, Sergey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-01-15)
      Given a C ∗ -algebra A with a left action of a locally compact quantum group G on it and a unitary 2-cocycle Ω on ˆ G ,we define a deformation A Ω of A . The construction behaves well under certain ...
    • Deformations of modules of maximal grade and the Hilbert scheme at determinantal schemes 

      Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (Journal of Algebra;407, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-04)
      Let R be a polynomial ring and M a finitely generated graded R-module of maximal grade (which means that the ideal I_t(\cA) generated by the maximal minors of a homogeneous presentation matrix, \cA, of M has maximal ...
    • Degree completion among students with an immigrant background in short-cycle welfare-oriented professional education 

      Hundebo, Pål Oskar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article examines degree completion among students with an immigrant background who enrolled in professional bachelor’s degree programmes in early childhood or teacher education, nursing, or social work. By using the ...
    • Degree completion in short professional courses: does family background matter? 

      Helland, Håvard; Hovdhaugen, Elisabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Many studies have found a greater risk of dropping out among students from modest social origins compared to those from families characterised by high levels of education. This paper investigates social differences in ...
    • DEI Maturity: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at a Not-for-Profit Organization 

      Linden, Christophe Van; Roberts, Paula T.; Warren, Lee (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • Delay discounting of money and health outcomes, and adherence to policy guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Krawiec, Jakub M.; Mizak, Szymon; Tagliabue, Marco; Białaszek, Wojciech (Frontiers In Public Health;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-22)
      Delay discounting refers to the observation that the subjective value of an outcome decreases as the delay to its receipt increases. It is well-established that steep delay discounting is related to various maladaptive ...
    • Delegating Pollution Permits 

      Kundu, Tapas; Nilssen, Tore (The Scandinavian Journal of Economics;Volume 124, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-02)
      We discuss the decision to delegate the regulation of pollution through sales of permits to a biased expert in a situation where the polluting firm has private information about its technology. We consider, in particular, ...
    • Delegation of Regulation 

      Kundu, Tapas; Nilssen, Tore (The Journal of Industrial Economics;Volume 68, Issue 3, September 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-12)
      We discuss a government’s incentives to delegate regulation to bureaucrats. The government faces a trade-off in its delegation decision: bureaucrats have knowledge of the firms in the industry that the government does ...
    • Deletion of Endonuclease V suppresses chemically induced hepatocellular carcinoma 

      Kong, Xiang Yi; Vik, Erik Sebastian; Nawaz, Meh Sameen; Berges, Natalia; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Vågbø, Cathrine; Suganthan, Rajikala; Segers, Filip; Holm, Sverre; Quiles-Jimenez, Ana; Gregersen, Ida; Fladeby, Cathrine; Aukrust, Pål; Bjørås, Magnar; Klungland, Arne; Halvorsen, Bente; Alseth, Ingrun (Nucleic Acids Research;Volume 48, Issue 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-21)
      Endonuclease V (EndoV) is a conserved inosinespecific ribonuclease with unknown biological function. Here, we present the first mouse model lacking EndoV, which is viable without visible abnormalities. We show that ...
    • Deling av pensjonsrettigheter mellom ektefeller. Hva sier opinionen? 

      Kitterød, Ragni Hege; Pedersen, Axel West (Universitetsforlaget;Årgang 61, nr. 3-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-24)
      I Norge, som i mange andre land, får kvinner gjennomgående vesentlig lavere pensjon enn menn. Det norske pensjonssystemet har flere elementer som bidrar til å redusere dette kjønnsgapet, som omsorgsopptjening blant ...
    • Delt lederskap i Oslo kommune 

      Klausen, Jan Erling; Myrvold, Trine; Stokstad, Sigrid (Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift;Årgang 36, nr. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-27)
      Med innføringen av parlamentarisk styreform i 1986, fikk Oslo kommune delt politisk topplederskap. Det tradisjonsrike ordførervervet ble beholdt, samtidig som byrådslederen inntok en viktig rolle som operativ politisk ...
    • Deltakelse og verdighet: Et kritisk-konstruktivt perspektiv på medborgerskap og personvern i nærværsteknologiens tid 

      Köhler-Olsen, Julia; Rasmussen, Erik Børve; Johannessen, Lars E. F.; Haldar, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Nærværsteknologi muliggjør virtuelle møter gjennom strømming av lyd og bilde i sanntid, og har raskt blitt en del av hverdagen. I artikkelen viser vi hvordan nærværsteknologi setter i spill motsetningsfylte idealer i den ...
    • Deltakelse på arbeidsmarkedstiltak – hjelp til selvhjelp? Helserelatert ulikhet i sysselsetting blant langtidsmottakere av økonomisk sosialhjelp 

      Heggebø, Kristian; Bråthen, Magne; Hermansen, Åsmund (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 37, nr.1-2-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)
      I denne artikkelen følger vi en kohort langtidsmottakere av økonomisk sosialhjelp fra 2004 til 2013, og studerer hvordan deltakelsen på arbeidsmarkedstiltak og overgangen til arbeid påvirkes av helseproblemer. Ved hjelp ...
    • Deltaking i barnevernet - ein analyse av ungdomar sine forteljingar i lys av posisjoneringsteori 

      Tunestveit, Merete; Mæhle, Magne Olav; Ulvik, Oddbjørg Skjær (Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern;Volume 98 | Issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-25)
      I artikkelen utforskar vi vi korleis unge gjev meining til erfaringane sine knytt til deltaking i barnevernet. Det empiriske materialet er basert på intervju med 13 ungdomar om å delta i barnevernet. Ved å nytte narrativ ...
    • Deltidsarbeid på retur? : en sammenlikning av tre kull sykepleiere utdannet i 1977, 1992 og 2003 

      Abrahamsen, Bente (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;27 (1-2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Denne studien belyser sykepleieres bruk av deltid fra 1970-tallet og fram til i dag. Spørsmålet som tas opp er om den langvarige deltidstrenden blant sykepleiere videreføres blant de som er nyutdannede i dag. Resultatene ...