Browsing Research Programmes by Title
Now showing items 7-8 of 8
Nasjonalgalleriets basisutstilling Kunst 1 - om museale tumulter
(FORMakademisk; 2(2), Academic article, 2009)Basisutstillingen Kunst 1 ved Nasjonalgalleriet i 2005 var i stor grad en tematisk ordnet utstilling og ikke kronologisk ordnet, som tidligere. Dette utløste mye debatt i media. Artikkelen presenterer noen resonnement som ... -
The Oslo Museum Puzzle : reflections on the relation between culture and economy
(FORMakademisk;4 (1), Academic article, 2011)The decision has been made to relocate several cultural institutions in Oslo, without any existing plans for the old premises. In this article, the supportive arguments are analysed against the backdrop of the critical ...