”Jeg er venn fra 8 – 16” : vennskap i sykepleie - pasient relasjoner som varer over lang tid?
Original version
Haug, K. (2008). ”Jeg er venn fra 8 – 16” : vennskap i sykepleie - pasient relasjoner som varer over lang tid? Vård i Norden, 27 (3), 57-59 https://doi.org/10.1177/010740830702700313Abstract
This developmental project outlines
reflections regarding the
therapeutic potentials of the
dimension of friendship in extended
nurse-client relationships.
Four nurses were interviewed
about the milieu on a psychiatric
centre; the patients were later
interviewed about their experiences
of the same milieu. All the
nurses emphasized the importance
of making the centre a safe
place to be in. This included
meeting the clients with respect
and accepting them as they were.
This was later confirmed in the
interviews of the patient. The nurses
also described themselves as
«being a professional friend».
They described the dimensions of
friendships as involvement and
devotion, but were aware of the
limitations and the risk of overinvolvement.
The way in which
this may help the patient to go on
living, and be able to form
friendships, will be discussed in
this article.