Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Vist, Torill"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Arts-Based research in European arts education: Philosophical, ontological and epistemological introductions
Almqvist, Cecilia Ferm; Vist, Torill (The European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education;4(1), Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Educational settings where arts subjects or aesthetic forms of expression (such as visual arts, music, dance, film, drama, fiction or poetry) play an important role are considered rather complex. Consequently, communicative ... -
Does this work [of art] invite me into [intersubjective] dialogue? Discussing relational aesthetics in music education
Vist, Torill; Holdhus, Kari (The European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education;3(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Some artistic and educational practices in music have yet to be defined within the dichotomy of referential and autonomy aesthetics. However, there has been an ongoing shift towards more interactive, social and relationally ... -
Erfarne musikalske assistenter i barnehagen
Evanger, Trond (Master thesis, 2024)Tema for denne masteroppgaven er assistenter med musikalsk bakgrunn og lang fartstid i barnehage. Målet for oppgaven er å undersøke deres rolle i og syn på musikkpedagogisk arbeid. Oppgaven følger en fenomenologisk ... -
Fortellinger om samsang – fellesskap i og mellom generasjoner
Vist, Torill (MusPed:Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article; Kapittel, 2022)This article illuminates, analyses, and discusses co-singing as it appears in interviews where the conversation originally revolved around music experience as a mediating tool for emotion knowledge (Vist, 2009). The main ... -
Miljøets tilbydelser beveger. En estetisk-teoretisk synliggjøring av begrepet affordance som aktivt tilstedeværende i barnehagen
Nilsen, Anne Marie (Master thesis, 2021)Oppgaven min utforsker, gjennom et postmodernistisk og estetisk blikk, hvordan affordance kan ses som tilstedeværende i barnehagens miljø. Med problemstillingen: Hva kan komme til syne i barnehagen når begrepet «Affordance» ... -
Music education through the lens of ITERS-R: Discussing results from 206 toddler day care groups
Vist, Torill; Os, Ellen (Research Studies in Music Education;Article first published online March 27, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article presents results from a large-scale Norwegian study that examines the quality of early childhood education and care, using the research tool ITERS-R. Although ITERS-R consists of 39 items, this article focuses ...