Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Vedeld, Trond"
Cities as public agents: A typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation
Hofstad, Hege; Vedeld, Trond; Agger, Annika; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Tønnesen, Anders; Valencia, Sandra (Earth System Governance;Volume 13, August 2022, 100146, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article develops a typology of co-creational leadership for urban climate transformation. The typology is constructed from a combination of governance theory and empirical observations of co-creational leadership in ... -
Climate adaptation at what scale? Multi-level governance, resilience, and coproduction in Saint Louis, Senegal
Vedeld, Trond; Coly, Adrien; Ndour, Ndeye Mareme; Hellevik, Siri Bjerkreim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper utilizes a multi-level governance framework to explain how and at what scale climate adaptation, exemplified by flood risk management, was governed in the medium-scale city of Saint Louis, Senegal. It explores ... -
The Co-creation paradox: Small towns and the promise and limits of collaborative governance for low-carbon, sustainable futures
Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Co-creation is considered a ‘near perfect strategy’ for resolving complex and unruly public problems, such as climate change. Based on data collected among small Scandinavian towns, this article investigates the role of ... -
Democratic decentralisation and poverty reduction: Exploring the linkages
Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003) -
Designing and leading collaborative urban climate governance: Comparative experiences of co-creation from Copenhagen and Oslo
Hofstad, Hege; Vedeld, Trond; Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-28)This article has a twofold aim. First, inspired by collaborative governance theory, the article develops an analytical framework built around three ideal co-creation strategies utilized by city governments for building ... -
Exploring city climate leadership in theory and practice: responding to the polycentric challenge
Hofstad, Hege; Vedeld, Trond (Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-05)This article has a twofold aim inspired by observed gaps in urban climate governance theory and practice. First, it explores city leadership strategies of securing a closer correspondence between climate policy goals and ... -
Forskning for framtidens byer
Vedeld, Trond; Bergsli, Heidi; Millstein, Marianne; Andersen, Bengt (NIBR-rapport 2015:26, Report, 2016)Denne rapporten omfatter en kartlegging og vurdering av norsk by- og byrelatert forskning de siste 8-10 åra. Kartleggingen peker mot forskningsområder for framtidens byer stillet overfor en ny global agenda. Kartleggingen ... -
Grønn økonomi og Rio+20
Vedeld, Trond (NIBR-notat 2011:118, Notat, 2011)Rapporten drøfter begrepet grønn økonomi slik det brukes av UNEP og FN, og vurderer den tilhørende utviklingsagendaen knyttet til programmet ”A Global Green New Deal”. Grønn økonomi – innen rammen av bærekraftig utvikling ... -
How can co-creation improve the engagement of farmers in weather and climate services (WCS) in India
Vedeld, Trond; Mathur, Mihir; Bharti, Neha (Climate Services;Volume 15, August 2019, 100103, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-31)This paper compares how the governance of four agro-met services operating in the same basic area of Maharashtra, India condition the engagement between the users and the providers of the services. The four cases reveal ... -
Leading co-creation for the green shift
Hofstad, Hege; Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob; Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)European cities are formulating ambitious climate mitigation goals and calling for the mobilization of societal resources through the co-creation of innovative solutions to help them achieve their goals. To improve the ... -
Lokal oversikt over folkehelsen
Lid, Stian; Vedeld, Trond; Schou, Arild; Hofstad, Hege (NIBR-rapport 2015:13, Report, 2015)Denne rapporten er resultatet av en følgeevaluering av Vestfold fylkeskommunes «erfaringsfylkeprosjekt» på oppdrag av Helsedirektoratet. Målet med erfaringsfylkeprosjektet er at Vestfold fylkeskommune, i samarbeid med to ... -
A multi-dimensional assessment of urban vulnerability to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Herslund, Lise Byskov; Jalayer, Fatemeh; Jean-Baptiste, Nathalie; Jørgensen, Gertrud; Kabisch, Sigrun; Kombe, Wilbard; Lindley, Sarah; Nyed, Patrik Karlsson; Pauleit, Stephan; Printz, Andreas; Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)In this paper, we develop and apply a multi-dimensional vulnerability assessment framework for understanding the impacts of climate change-induced hazards in Sub-Saharan African cities. The research was carried out within ... -
Polycentric urban climate governance: Creating synergies between integrative and interactive governance in Oslo
Vedeld, Trond; Hofstad, Hege; Hilde, Solli; Gro Sandkjær, Hanssen (Environmental Policy and Governance;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-08)Abstract Cities have emerged as important agents and sites in climate governance interventions, experimentations and networks. Drawing upon two strains of climate governance and collaborative governance literature, ... -
Reaching out? Governing weather and climate services (WCS) for farmers
Vedeld, Trond; Hofstad, Hege; Mathur, Mihir; Büker, Patrick; Stordal, Frode (Environmental Science and Policy;Volume 104, February 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-03)High-quality weather and climate services (WCS) can be critical for communicating knowledge about current and future weather and climate risks for adaptation and disaster risk management in the agricultural sector. This ... -
Regional bolig-, areal- og transportplanlegging – status og utviklingsmuligheter
Harvold, Kjell; Nordahl, Berit; Vedeld, Trond (NIBR-rapport;2019:13, Research report, 2019-10)Alle fylker arbeider med en eller annen form for BATP, men ambisjonsnivået varierer. Noen fylker har et avgrenset fokus. Andre utarbeider regionale planer med et bredt fokus, der alle elementer – bolig, transport og areal ... -
The role of goal-setting in urban climate governance
Hofstad, Hege; Millstein, Marianne; Tønnesen, Anders; Vedeld, Trond; Hansen, Karsten Bruun (Earth System Governance;volume 7, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12-11)This article argues that goal-setting is an important, albeit understudied, part of urban climate governance scholarship. By using goal-setting theory, the article introduces concepts and perspectives capable of shedding ... -
Samskapingsparadokset: Mindre byer, klimastyring og bærekraftig byutvikling
Vedeld, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-01)Artikkelen analyserer hvordan tre mindre byer i Oslo regionen navigerer som aktører i klima- og bærekraftig byutvikling og hvilken rolle samskaping spiller for styring og strategiske beslutninger. Det pekes på et ... -
Social and environmental dimensions in international development
Vedeld, Trond (NIBR-notat 2005:135, Notat, 2005)Last ned gratis The working paper provides an overview of how four important international development agencies organise their work in terms of incorporating 'social' and 'environmental' dimensions in response to new ... -
Tilnærminger, modeller og verktøy i oversiktsarbeidet
Vedeld, Trond; Hofstad, Hege (NIBR-rapport 2014:23, Report, 2014)Rapporten gir en kunnskapsoversikt over tilnærminger, modeller, verktøy og metoder for oversiktsarbeidet innen folkehelse - basert på norske og internasjonale kilder og erfaringer. Utgangspunktet er folkehelseloven som ... -
UNDP as strategic partner
Vedeld, Trond (NIBR-notat 2005:138, Notat, 2005)Last ned gratis A profile of Norway's multi-bilateral allocations to UNDP over a 4-years period 2000-2003 - amounting to 1,1 billion NOK. It assesses the policy coherence of these allocations in relation to UNDP's and ...