Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Steensen, Steen"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
(Against a) Theory of Audience Engagement
Steensen, Steen; Ferrer Conill, Raul; Peters, Chris (Journalism Studies;Volume 21, 2020 - Issue 12, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-07)Audience engagement has become a key concept in contemporary discussions on how news companies relate to the public and create sustainable business models. These discussions are irrevocably tied to practices of monitoring, ... -
Blood and Security during the Norway Attacks: Authorities’ Twitter Activity and Silence
Ottosen, Rune; Steensen, Steen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This chapter analyses the Norwegian authorities’ presence on Twitter during the 22 July 2011 terrorist attacks. Twitter activity by two official institutions is analysed in particular, namely, the blood bank at Oslo ... -
Conversing the Audience: A methodological exploration of how conversation analysis can contribute to the analysis of interactive journalism
Steensen, Steen (New Media and Society;2013, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper argues that conversation analysis (CA) has much to offer studies of online interactions and, particularly, online interactive journalism. CA provides a methodological opportunity to closely investigate the ... -
Conversing the Fans. Cover it Live and the Social Function of Journalism
Steensen, Steen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
Cozy Journalism : the rise of social cohesion as an ideal in online, participatory journalism
Steensen, Steen (Journalism Practice;5 (6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-17)In recent years applications like CoveritLive have diffused with great speed in online newsrooms. Such technologies create an interface where audience participation and journalistic reporting potentially merge into a ... -
Dealing With Covid-19 in Casual Democracies
Steensen, Steen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article reports findings from an in‐depth, autoethnographic study of local communities in Denmark and England left behind by local journalism. The study was conducted during—and is thematically framed by—the Covid‐19 ... -
Deconstructing Digital Journalism Studies
Steensen, Steen; Ahva, Laura (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)This chapter will discuss the formation and state of digital journalism studies as a field of research. Our point of departure is that journalism studies is an interdisciplinary field that draws inspiration and conceptual ... -
Dialogue as a Journalistic Ideal
Hornmoen, Harald; Steensen, Steen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-16)Discussions and practices related to participatory and interactive journalism emphasize the dialogical aspects of journalism. However, throughout history, the idea of dialogue in journalism has taken a variety of forms. ... -
Feature Journalism
Steensen, Steen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)Feature journalism has developed from being a marginal and subordinate supplement to (hard) news in newspapers to becoming a significant part of journalism on all platforms. It emerged as a key force driving the popularization ... -
The Featurization of Journalism
Steensen, Steen (Nordicom Review;32 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Feature journalism has developed from being an insignificant supplement to news journalism to a family of genres that today dominates newspapers. The present article explores the growing importance of feature journalism ... -
Fra fast lokaljournalist til midlertidig digitalt hode. Utviklingen i stillingsmarkedet for journalister 1987–2017
Steensen, Steen; Kalsnes, Bente (Norsk Medietidsskrift;Årgang 107, nr. 1-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-03)Denne artikkelen presenterer en analyse av stillingsannonser i fagbladet Journalisten fra 1987 til 2017. 1628 stillings- annonser i årene 1987, 1997, 2007 og 2017 er analysert for å undersøke hvordan arbeidsmarkedet for ... -
Generasjon z søker studier En kvalitativ studie av informasjonssøking og utdanningsvalg hos generasjon z
Johansen, Solveig Stormo (Master thesis, 2022)I denne oppgaven blir vi bedre kjent med informanter fra generasjon z og hvordan de søker etter informasjon. Vi blir også kjent med hva som påvirker dem når de skal foreta store valg. Generasjon z er født mellom 1995 og ... -
Hva skiller innholdsmarkedsføring fra journalistikk og PR/reklame? Retoriske analyser av ni nettartikler
Vogt, Line Fosser (Master thesis, 2016)Norsk pressehistorie har vært preget av et tydelig fokus på uavhengighet og objektivitet. Siden Tekstreklameplakaten for første gang ble vedtatt i 1925, og fastsatte at tekstreklame var uforenlig med god presseskikk, har ... -
Journalism and source criticism: Revised approaches to assessing truth-claims
Steensen, Steen; Belair-Gagnon, Valerie; Graves, Lucas; Kalsnes, Bente; Westlund, Oscar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article presents a hermeneutical epistemology for the assessment and production of truth-claims in journalism. This epistemology is based on Gadamer’s functional hermeneutics, and it advances the concept of source ... -
Journalism theory
Steensen, Steen; Ahva, Laura (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-06)Journalism studies is a multidisciplinary field of academic inquiry. As such, it employs theory from a wide range of academic disciplines and traditions, and – as its object of study changes – is in constant search of new ... -
Journalism’s epistemic crisis and its solution: Disinformation, datafication and source criticism
Steensen, Steen (Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism;Volume: 20, Issue: 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-10)Journalism in many cultures is today in an epistemic crisis. The mains drivers of this crisis are discourses of disinformation and the general datafication of society, which combined render dubious the ways in which ... -
Key Communicators’ Perspectives on the Use of Social Media in Risks and Crises
Hornmoen, Harald; Backholm, Klas; Frey, Elsebeth; Ottosen, Rune; Reimerth, Gudrun; Steensen, Steen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017-09-14)This chapter examines how key communicators understand and evaluate opportunities and challenges of using social media in risk and crisis situations. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with several risk and crisis ... -
The limits of live fact-checking: Epistemological consequences of introducing a breaking news logic to political fact-checking
Steensen, Steen; Kalsnes, Bente; Westlund, Oscar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article analyses the novel form of live political fact-checking, as performed by the Norwegian fact-checking organisation during the Norwegian parliamentary election campaign in 2021. The aim of the study ... -
News Flows, Inter-Media Connectivity and Societal Resilience in Times of Crisis
Steensen, Steen; Eide, Tine (Digital Journalism;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-23)This article analyzes how inter-media connections and news flows can establish societal resilience in times of crisis. The article is framed by understandings of the discursive practice of news as polyvocal and networked, ... -
Online Feature Journalism: a Clash of Discourses
Steensen, Steen (Journalism Practice;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-02)Although online journalism still is dominated by breaking news coverage, new genres are emerging that differentiate it more and more from old media journalism. This article explores the emergence of feature journalism in ...