Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Støren-Vaczy, Blanka"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Digital competence in social work education: readiness for practice
Støren-Vaczy, Blanka; Lise Cecilie, Kleppe; Siri, Fjeldheim; Edda, Stang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In line with the digital turn in service provision, social work students should acquire relevant knowledge and skills, preparing them for work within digitalized welfare services. In Norway, these expecta- tions are ... -
Digital competence in social work education: readiness for practice
Fjeldheim, Siri; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie; Stang, Edda; Støren-Vaczy, Blanka (Social Work Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In line with the digital turn in service provision, social work students should acquire relevant knowledge and skills, preparing them for work within digitalized welfare services. In Norway, these expectations are articulated ... -
Implementing the Place-Train Approach in Train-Place Services: Organizational Culture and Supported Employment
Støren-Vaczy, Blanka; Bakkeli, Vidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Supported employment (SE) is increasingly implemented in employment services worldwide. The disruptive character of SE, involving a shift from ‘train-place’ to ‘place-train’ models of vocational rehabilitation, has led to ... -
The Interconnection of Work-life Balance, Organisational Culture and Social Policies: A Qualitative Study on the Promotion of Gender Equality among Female Leaders in Norway
Mærland, Karoline (Master thesis, 2023)Norway is often presented as one of the most gender equal countries in the world. Where equal opportunities and rights are fundamental elements. The following thesis aims to explore the experiences of women in leadership ... -
Omsorgens pris: En kvalitativ studie i sekundærtraumatisering blant barnevernsansatte
Ulen, Ellen (Master thesis, 2023)En kvalitativ studie i forekomst av sekundærtraumatisering blandt behandlere i barnevernet. Studien tar for seg behandlerens kunnskapsgrunnlag, tilbud om organisatorisk veiledning, emosjonelle belastninger, samt hvordan ... -
Psykiske helseplager blant ungdom «…man prater høyt om det, at man er psykisk dårlig» En studie om ungdomsskolelæreres erfaringer med ungdoms psykiske helseplager.
Eidem, Hilde Bjørka (Master thesis, 2023)Forskning slår fast at ungdom i økt grad rapporterer om psykiske helseplager. Samfunnet har som mål å forebygge psykiske lidelser og helseplager. Som et resultat av dette har forskning vedrørende årsaker til den økte ... -
Temporary Employment Agencies’ Role in Work Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees: Opportunities or a Permanent Precariat?
Støren-Vaczy, Blanka; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-12)Temporary employment agencies act as mediators between job-seekers with immigrant backgrounds and the labour market. We ask; do the agencies promote or inhibit participation and social inclusion among immigrants on the ...