Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Sara, Inker-Anni"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Defining the limitations and opportunities in the consultation with the Sámi: The cases of the Arctic Railway and the Davvi Vindpark
Sara, Inker-Anni; Rasmussen, Torkel; Krøvel, Roy (The Arctic Yearbook;2021 -Defining and Mapping the Arctic, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The results of this study point to a number of limitations in the consultation with the Sámi, such as incomplete information, lack of transparency and the failure of governments to build relationships based on trust with ... -
Introduction: Research, Education, and Self-Determination in Sámi and Indigenous Journalism.
Sara, Inker-Anni; Krøvel, Roy; Jensen, Ellen Marie; Fridman, Marina; Eira, Nils Johan (Journal of Global Indigeneity (JGI);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article advances the critical importance of Indigenous journalism – both as a field and practice – for Indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination. The co-authors demonstrate this through discussions of education, ... -
The role of the Sámi media in democratic processes: The Arctic Railway in Yle Sápmi and NRK Sápmi
Sara, Inker-Anni; Rasmussen, Torkel; Krøvel, Roy (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This media research was prompted by the Arctic Railway construction project that is planned to run from the city of Roavvenjárga/Rovaniemi in Finland to the city of Kirkonjárga/Kirkenes by the Arctic Ocean in Northern ... -
A Sámi media system?
Rasmussen, Torkel; Sara, Inker-Anni; Krøvel, Roy (Nordicom Review;Volume 42 (2021): Issue s2 (March 2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-26)In this article, we propose a history of Sámi journalism and news media as a step in the direction of analysing the existing media system in Sápmi. Numerous Sámi activists and organisations have contributed to the establishment ...