Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Nielsen, Kaare Magne"
Assessment of the impact of wastewater and sewage sludge treatment methods on antimicrobial resistance. Scientific opinion of the Panel on Microbial Ecology of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Wasteson, Yngvild; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Joner, Erik; Madslien, Elisabeth Henie; Ottoson, Jakob; Sørum, Henning; Uhl, Wolfgang; Yazdankhah, Siamak Pour; Bergh, Øivind; Eklo, Ole Martin; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Trosvik, Pål (VKM Report;2020: 08, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-01)The request from NFSA and NEA: Antimicrobial agents and microorganisms are introduced to sewage systems by different human activities, from private homes, institutions such as schools and hospitals, office buildings, ... -
Competence for Natural Transformation Is Common among Clinical Strains of Resistant Acinetobacter spp
Domingues, Sara; Rosario, N; Candido, A; Neto, Daniela; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Da Silva, Gabriela Jorge (Microorganisms;Volume 7, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-24)Horizontal gene transfer events provide the basis for extensive dissemination of antimicrobial resistance traits between bacterial populations. Conjugation is considered to be the most frequent mechanism behind new resistance ... -
Critical knowledge gaps and research needs related to the environmental dimensions of antibiotic resistance
Larsson, J; Andremont, A; Bengtsson-Palme, Johan; Koefoed Brandt, K; de Roda Husman, AM; Fagerstedt, P.; Flick, J; Flack, CF; Gaze, William H.; Kuroda, Masako; Kvint, K; Laxminarayan, R; Manaia, M; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Plant, L; Ploy, MC; Segovia, P; Simonet, Pascal; Smalla, Kornelia; Snape, J; Topp, Edward; Van Hengel, AW; Verner-Jeffreys, DW; Virta, MPJ; Wellington, EM; Wernersson, AS (Environment International;Volume 117, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-07)There is growing understanding that the environment plays an important role both in the transmission of antibiotic resistant pathogens and in their evolution. Accordingly, researchers and stakeholders world-wide seek to ... -
Detection of Aminoglycoside Resistant Bacteria in Sludge Samples From Norwegian Drinking Water Treatment Plants
Ullman, Ingvild F.; Tunsjø, Hege; Andreassen, Monica; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Lund, Vidar; Charnock, Colin (Frontiers in Microbiology; March 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 487, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-13)Through a culture-based approach using sludge from drinking water treatment plants, this study reports on the presence of aminoglycoside resistant bacteria at 23 different geographical locations in Norway. Sludge samples ... -
Genome editing in food and feed production – implications for risk assessment. Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Bodin, Johanna Eva; Thorstensen, Tage; Alsheikh, Muath; Basic, Dean; Edvardsen, Rolf Brudvik; Dalen, Knut Tomas; das Neves, Carlos Gonçalo; Duale, Nur; Eklo, Ole Martin; Ergon, Åshild Gunilla; Jevnaker, Anne-Marthe Ganes; Hindar, Kjetil; Håvarstein, Sigve; Malmstrøm, Martin; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Olsen, Siri Lie; Rueness, Eli Knispel; Sanden, Monica; Sipinen, Ville Erling; Vikse, Rose; von Krogh, Kristine; Våge, Dag Inge; Wargelius, Anna Sofie Troedsson; Wendell, Per Hans Micael; Yazdankhah, Siamak Pour; Alexander, Jan; Bruzell, Ellen Merete; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Vandvik, Vigdis; Agdestein, Angelika; Elvevoll, Edel O.; Hessen, Dag Olav; Hofshagen, Merete; Husøy, Trine; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Krogdahl, Åshild; Nilsen, Asbjørn Magne; Rafoss, Trond; Skjerdal, Olaug Taran; Steffensen, Inger-Lise Karin; Strand, Tor Arne; Velle, Gaute; Wasteson, Yngvild (VKM Report;2021: 18, Research report, 2021-10-29)The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) initiated this work to examine the extent to which organisms developed by genome-editing technologies pose new challenges in terms of risk assessment. This ... -
Global dissemination patterns of common gene cassette arrays in class 1 integrons
Domingues, Sara; da Silva, Gabriela Jorge; Nielsen, Kaare Magne (Microbiology;161(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-01)Integrons are genetic elements that contain a site-specific recombination system able to capture, express and exchange gene cassettes. Mobile integrons are widespread and often confer resistance to multiple antibiotics, ... -
Scientific Opinion on a notification (reference C/NL/09/02) for the placing on the market of the genetically modified carnation IFD-26407-2 with a modified colour, for import of cut flowers for ornamental use, under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC from Florigene
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew Nicholas Edmund; Chesson, Andrew; du Jardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Herman, Lieve; Hoen-Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messéan, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesná, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (EFSA Journal;12(12), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Genetically modified (GM) carnation IFD-26407-2 was developed to express anthocyanins in the petals conferring a mauve colour to the flowers. The GM carnation is intended to be imported in the European Union as cut flower ... -
Scientific Opinion on an application (EFSA-GMO-BE-2011-98) for the placing on the market of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified soybean FG72 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, ANE; Chesson, Andrew; du Jardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Herman, Lieve; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Soybean FG72 was developed by biolistic transformation to express the HPPD W336 and 2mEPSPS proteins, which confer tolerance to isoxaflutole- and glyphosate-based herbicides. The molecular characterisation of soybean FG72 ... -
Scientific Opinion on an application (EFSA-GMO-BE-2011-98) for the placing on the market of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified soybean FG72 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew; Chesson, Andrew; duJardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Lieve, Herman; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Soybean FG72 was developed by biolistic transformation to express the HPPD W336 and 2mEPSPS proteins, which confer tolerance to isoxaflutole- and glyphosate-based herbicides. The molecular characterisation of soybean FG72 ... -
Scientific Opinion on an application (Reference EFSA-GMO-NL-2011-100) for the placing on the market of the herbicide-tolerant, increased oleic acid genetically modified soybean MON 87705 × MON 89788 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Monsanto
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew Nicholas Edmund; Chesson, Andrew; du Jardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Herman, Lieve; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (EFSA Journal;13(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The EFSA GMO Panel previously assessed the two single events combined to produce soybean MON 87705 × MON 89788 and did not identify safety concerns. No new data on the single events affecting the previous conclusions were ... -
Scientific Opinion on application (EFSA-GMO-DE-2011-95) for the placing on the market of genetically modified maize 5307 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Syngenta Crop Protection AG
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew; Chesson, Andrew; duJardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Lieve, Herman; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Maize 5307 was developed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation to express two proteins: eCry3.1Ab, conferring resistance to certain coleopteran pests, and phosphomannose isomerase (PMI), used as selection ... -
Scientific Opinion on application (EFSA-GMO-NL-2012-108) for the placing on the market of the herbicide-tolerant genetically modified soybean MON 87708 × MON 89788 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew; Chesson, Andrew; duJardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Lieve, Herman; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-18)Single events MON 87708 and MON 89788 were combined to produce the stack two-event soybean MON 87708 × MON 89788. The EFSA GMO Panel previously assessed the two single events and did not identify safety concerns in the ... -
Scientific Opinion on applications (EFSA-GMO-UK-2008-57 and EFSA-GMO-RX-MON15985) for the placing on the market of insect-resistant genetically modified cotton MON 15985 for food and feed uses, import and processing 1, and for the renewal of authorisation of existing products produced from cotton MON 159852, both under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Monsanto
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew Nicholas Edmund; Chesson, Andrew; du Jardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Herman, Lieve; Hoen-Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messéan, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesná, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (EFSA Journal;12(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Cotton MON 15985 was developed by biolistic transformation of cotton MON 531 to express Cry2Ab2 and GUS in addition to the Cry1Ac and NPTII proteins. Cry proteins in MON 15985 confer resistance to major lepidopteran cotton ... -
Scientific Opinion on the annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report from Monsanto Europe S.A. on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810 in 2012
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew Nicholas Edmund; Chesson, Andrew; du Jardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Herman, Lieve; Hoen-Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messéan, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesná, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (EFSA Journal;12(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA GMO Panel) assessed the post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report for the ... -
Scientific Opinion on the annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report from Monsanto Europe S.A. on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810 in 2013
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew; Chesson, Andrew; duJardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Lieve, Herman; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Tebbe, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA GMO Panel) assessed the results of the general surveillance ... -
Scientific Opinion on the application (EFSA-GMO-BE-2012-110) for the placing on the market of tissue-selective herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize MON 87427 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew; Chesson, Andrew; duJardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Lieve, Herman; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-19)Maize MON 87427 was developed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation to express the CP4 5-enolpyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) protein, in all tissues except for the male reproductive tissues, ... -
Statement complementing the EFSA opinion on application EFSA-GMO-UK-2007-41 (cotton MON 88913 for food and feed uses, import and processing) taking into consideration updated bioinformatic analyses
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew Nicholas Edmund; Chesson, Andrew; du Jardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Herman, Lieve; Hoen-Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messéan, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesná, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (EFSA Journal;12(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this statement, the EFSA GMO Panel responds to a request from the European Commission (EC) to complement its partially inconclusive scientific opinion on cotton MON 88913 taking into consideration updated bioinformatic ... -
Statement on a request from the European Commission related to the emergency measure notified by Bulgaria on genetically modified maize MON 810 according to Article 34 of Regulation (EC) 1829/2003
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew Nicholas Edmund; Chesson, Andrew; du Jardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Herman, Lieve; Hoen-Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messéan, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesná, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (EFSA Journal;12(12), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Following a request of the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) evaluated the concerns raised by Bulgaria and the accompanying documentation submitted under Article 34 of Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 ... -
Updating risk management recommendations to limit exposure of non-target Lepidoptera of conservation concern in protected habitats to Bt-maize pollen
Arpaia, Salvatore; Birch, Andrew; Chesson, Andrew; duJardin, Patrick; Gathmann, Achim; Gropp, Jürgen; Lieve, Herman; Sorteberg, Hilde-Gunn Opsahl; Jones, Huw; Kiss, József; Kleter, Gijs; Løvik, Martinus; Messean, Antoine; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Ovesna, Jaroslava; Perry, Joe; Rostoks, Nils; Tebbe, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Using mathematical model ling , the EFSA GMO Panel ha s previously quantified the risk to non - target (NT) Lepidoptera of conservation concern, potentially occurring within protected habitats, ...