Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Kim, Moon Keun"
Analyse av en integrert CO2: Varmepumpe koblet til et vannbårent gulvvarmesystem i et bolighus i Norge
Hovland, Bjørn Alexander (MAEN 2021, Master thesis, 2021)Elektrifisering av energisystemene er en viktig del av det grønne skiftet. Byggenæringen står for opp mot 40 % av det globale klimagassutslippet og utnyttelse av lavtempererte løsninger, som skaper energieffektive og ... -
Application potential analysis of different control strategies for radiant floor cooling systems in office buildings in different climate zones of China
Cui, Mengying; Liu, Jiying; Kim, Moon Keun; Wu, Xiaozhou (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Building Electricity Consumption Based on Weather Conditions and Electricity Prices
Fremmerlid, Yngve Øye (Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates the potential of using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict electricity consumption in buildings based on weather conditions and the price of electricity. The study deploys two different ... -
Comparative Modelling Analysis of Air Pollutants, PM2.5 and Energy Efficiency Using Three Ventilation Strategies in a High-Rise Building: A Case Study in Suzhou, China
Fu, Nuodi; Kim, Moon Keun; Chen, Bing; Sharples, Stephen (Sustainability;Volume 13 / Issue 15, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-28)This study investigated the ventilation efficiency and energy performance of three ventilation strategies—an all-air system (AAS), a radiant panel system with a displacement ventilation system (DPS), and a radiant panel ... -
Comparative numerical energy analysis of decentralized ventilation adapting to local Norway climates
Strand, Anders; Kim, Moon Keun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The present work evaluates the performance of different decentralized ventilation control strategies in the local Norway climate. Evaluation is performed using a monthly time-step energy analysis and the IDA-ICE simulation ... -
Developing a collaborative control strategy of a combined radiant floor cooling and ventilation system: A PMV-based model
Ren, Jing; Liu, Jiying; Zhou, Shiyu; Kim, Moon Keun; Miao, Jikui (Journal of Building Engineering;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The development of collaborative control strategies for radiant cooling and ventilation systems improves thermal comfort and energy efficiency. This study used the Transient System Simulation (TRNSYS) tool integrated with ... -
Developing simplified numerical calculation and BP neural network modeling for the cooling capacity in a radiant floor cooling system
Liu, Jiying; Su, Meng; Kim, Moon Keun; Song, Shoujie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)To upgrade the computational efficiency and ensure the accuracy of calculated cooling capacity of radiant cooling floor, this study proposed a simplified three-dimensional modeling by combining with a user-defined function ... -
The development of radiant floor cooling system (RFCS): System type, control strategy, and application
Cui, Mengying; Ning, Baisong; Wu, Xiaozhou; Kim, Moon Keun; Yang, Bin; Tian, Zhe; Liu, Jiying (Results in Engineering (RINENG);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The utilization of radiant floor systems is one effective method to address the increasing cooling demand. The radiant floor cooling system (RFCS) has self-regulating capabilities, which benefit grid stability and the use ... -
Dynamic prediction of the pre-dehumidification of a radiant floor cooling and displacement ventilation system based on computational fluid dynamics and a back-propagation neural network: A case study of an office room
Su, Meng; Liu, Jiying; Zhou, Shiyu; Miao, Jikui; Kim, Moon Keun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study was carried out to solve the problem of condensation in radiant floor cooling systems. Computational fluid dynamics simulation and back-propagation neural network prediction were employed to conduct thorough ... -
Experimental and numerical analysis of indoor air quality affected by outdoor air particulate levels (PM<inf>1.0</inf>, PM<inf>2.5</inf> and PM<inf>10</inf>), room infiltration rate, and occupants' behaviour
Fu, Nuodi; Kim, Moon Keun; Huang, Long; Liu, Jiying; Chen, Bing; Sharples, Stephen (Science of the Total Environment;Volume 851, Part 2, 10 December 2022, 158026, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-01)This study conducted an experimental analysis of how indoor air quality (IAQ) is influenced by the outdoor air pollutants levels, infiltration rate, and occupants' behaviours. The impacts of these factors on IAQ were ... -
Experimental and Numerical Study of an Active Solar Heating System with Soil Heat Storage for Greenhouses in Cold Climate Zones
Yu, Tao; Wang, Dongju; Zhao, Xintian; Liu, Jiying; Kim, Moon Keun (Buildings;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Root temperature is an important ecological factor affecting plant growth. A solar greenhouse with an active solar heating system was built in Jinan, in the cold climate zone of northern China. Experiments encompassing the ... -
Experimental Investigation on Thermal Comfort of COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Sampling Staff in Hot and Humid Environment: A Pilot Study of University Students
Zhao, Yingying; Liu, Jiying; Kim, Moon Keun; Zhou, Shiyu; Du, Yanqiu (Applied Sciences;Volume 11 / Issue 23, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-04)The current situation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention and control coupled with the need to work in high-temperature harsh environments makes it necessary to ensure the health and efficiency of medical ... -
Experimental study on control strategies of radiant floor cooling system with direct-ground cooling source and displacement ventilation system: A case study in an office building
Ren, Jing; Liu, Jiying; Zhou, Shiyu; Kim, Moon Keun; Song, Shoujie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Hourly Heat Load Prediction for Residential Buildings Based on Multiple Combination Models: A Comparative Study
An, Wenhan; Zhu, Xiangyuan; Yang, Kaimin; Kim, Moon Keun; Liu, Jiying (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The accurate prediction of residential heat load is crucial for effective heating system design, energy management, and cost optimization. In order to further improve the prediction accuracy of the model, this study ... -
Hourly Heat Load Prediction for Residential Buildings Based on Multiple Combination Models: A Comparative Study
An, Wenhan; Zhu, Xiangyuan; Yang, Kaimin; Kim, Moon Keun; Liu, Jiying (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The accurate prediction of residential heat load is crucial for effective heating system de- sign, energy management and cost optimization. In order to further improve the prediction accu- racy of the model, this study ... -
Impact of correlation of plug load data, occupancy rates and local weather conditions on electricity consumption in a building using four back-propagation neural network models
Kim, Moon Keun; Kim, Yang-Seon; Srebric, Jelena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study explores approaches to evaluates correlation how significantly plug load data, occupancy rates, and local weather factors affect the actual electricity consumption of a commercial building in seasonal changes ... -
Investigating the reliability of estimating real-time air exchange rates in a building by using airborne particles, including PM1.0, PM2.5, and PM10: A case study in Suzhou, China
Fu, Nuodi; Kim, Moon Keun; Huang, Long; Liu, Jiying; Chen, Bing; Sharples, Stephen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study aimed to evaluate the reliability of using airborne particles to estimate the real-time Air Exchange Rate (AER) of buildings, considering particle size and outdoor conditions’ impact on the AER estimation ... -
Investigating the reliability of estimating real-time air exchange rates in a building by using airborne particles, including PM<inf>1.0</inf>, PM<inf>2.5</inf>, and PM<inf>10</inf>: A case study in Suzhou, China
Fu, Nuodi; Kim, Moon Keun; Huang, Long; Liu, Jiying; Chen, Bing; Sharples, Stephen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study aimed to evaluate the reliability of using airborne particles to estimate the real-time Air Exchange Rate (AER) of buildings, considering particle size and outdoor conditions’ impact on the AER estimation accuracy. ... -
Investigation of Applicability of Impact Factors to Estimate Solar Irradiance: Comparative Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Cha, Jaehoon; Kim, Moon Keun; Lee, Sanghyuk; Kim, Kyeong Soo (Applied Sciences;Volume 11 / Issue 18, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study explores investigation of applicability of impact factors to estimate solar irradiance by four machine learning algorithms using climatic elements as comparative analysis: linear regression, support vector ... -
Investigation of outdoor air pollutant, PM2.5 affecting the indoor air quality in a high-rise building
Fu, Nuodi; Kim, Moon Keun; Chen, Bing; Sharples, Stephen (Indoor and Built Environment;Volume 31, Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-12)This study investigated the impact of outdoor air pollutants on indoor air quality in a high-rise building, considering factors related to the seasons and air infiltration. Further, the impact of atmospheric weather ...