Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Jansson, Dag"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership
Jansson, Dag (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The notion of balance is assumed in a variety of aspects of leadership such as task/relational orientation, control/autonomy, the leader person/function, and attending to competing organisational concerns. Such issues have ... -
Choral conducting competences: Perceptions and priorities
Jansson, Dag; Døving, Erik; Elstad, Beate (Research Studies in Music Education;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Choral conducting is a complex and multi-faceted leader role. Leading music is a particular kind of leadership through the prominence of gestural communication, and it is a ubiquitous phenomenon across a variety of social ... -
Choral conducting education: The lifelong entanglement of competence, identity and meaning
Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (Research Studies in Music Education;First Published April 8, 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-08)Choral singing is one of the most widespread musical activities, and choral conductors work in a variety of social settings that involve every imaginable type of choir and musical genre. The conductor role draws on a number ... -
Choral singers' perceptions of musical leadership
Jansson, Dag (Chapter, 2019)This chapter is about musical leadership and specifically the role of the choral conductor. The conductor role is familiar to anyone who has been singing in a school choir or have been the audience of live or televised ... -
The construction of leadership practice: Making sense of leader competencies
Jansson, Dag; Døving, Erik; Elstad, Beate (Leadership;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-24)The notion of leadership competencies is a much-debated issue. In this article, we propose that how the leader makes sense of his or her competencies is key to leadership practice. Specifically, we look at how leaders ... -
Dilemmaer i skandinavisk korlederutdanning
Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (MusPed: Research;Nr. 2 2021, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-20)Within higher education, programmes in choral conducting are offered of varying kinds and at different levels, from dedicated programmes to single courses that are embedded in other music programmes. The choral practice ... -
From Artist to Manager—Working Conditions, Career Satisfaction, and Professional Identity among Graduated Arts Management Students
Elstad, Beate; Jansson, Dag (Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)This paper examines the careers of artists and cultural workers who completed a one-year arts management graduate program. After the program, almost half of the participants were in positions with managerial responsibility, ... -
From Artist to Manager—Working Conditions, Career Satisfaction, and Professional Identity among Graduated Arts Management Students
Elstad, Beate; Jansson, Dag (The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society;Volume 50, 2020 - Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)This paper examines the careers of artists and cultural workers who completed a one-year arts management graduate program. After the program, almost half of the participants were in positions with managerial responsibility, ... -
The gesture enigma: Reconciling the prominence and insignificance of choral conductor gestures
Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Durrant, Colin (Research Studies in Music Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-02)Curious as to why conducting gesture are both acknowledged and ignored by choral singers, this article investigates the enigmatic nature of the act of conducting. Education and research are biased toward gestural aspects ... -
Hva bidrar til utvikling av psykologisk trygghet i team? - en kunnskapsstatus
Opdahl, Tone (Master thesis, 2022)Bakgrunn: Psykologisk trygghet er en sentral faktor i forskning på teameffektivitet. Det er forsket mye på hvilke effekter psykologisk trygghet har, men man vet mindre om hvilke faktorer som påvirker utviklingen av denne ... -
Hvordan balanserer mellomlederen forholdet mellom tillit og kontroll fra hjemmekontoret? En studie av hjemmekontorets påvirkning på mellomlederens rolleutøvelse
Haugen, Cathrine (Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven har tema: Hvordan balanserer mellomlederen forholdet mellom tillit og kontroll fra hjemmekontoret, og er en studie av hjemmekontorets påvirkning på mellomlederens rolleutøvelse. Inspirasjon, og interesse for ... -
Inescapably Les Misérables? Understanding the sensemaking of the artistic precariat
Jansson, Dag; Elstad, Beate; Døving, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Performing artists seem to remain in the culture sector despite the challenges with sustaining an artistic practice. Our research question is why the occupational commitment of the artistic precariat survives an external ... -
Korlederens kompetanse, utdanning og praksis – konturene av en meta-teori
Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education;Vol 4, No 1 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-07)Korsang har en fremtredende posisjon i Skandinavia. Alle de ulike korene som finnes – fra barnekor til seniorkor, fra hygge-kor til profesjonelle kor – trenger korledere. Korlederen må mestre et omfattende kompetansesett ... -
Omdømme til begjær? Hvordan offentlig sektor prøver å gripe det uhåndgripelige
Reithaug, Audun (Master thesis, 2021)Tema for avhandlingen er omdømme i offentlig sektor. Forskningsspørsmålet: «Hvordan forstå omdømme i offentlig sektor?» blir belyst med utgangspunkt i direktorater. Det teoretiske fundamentet er to motstridende perspektiver ... -
Precariousness during an ongoing crisis. Cultural workers and the corona pandemic.
Elstad, Beate; Døving, Erik; Jansson, Dag (Industrial relations journal;Volume 53, Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study examines precariousness among cultural workers during an ongoing crisis. A survey of Norway's largest trade union for performing artists 1 year into the pandemic shows that precariousness before the pandemic was ... -
Re-contextualising real-life learning to a university setting
Jansson, Dag (Teaching in Higher Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-19)The topic of this paper is the relocation of a proven learning mechanism in a real-life working situation to a university setting. The aim is to discuss to what degree the types of learning generated in the original setting ... -
Taming The 'Alpha-Male' In The Space Between Art And Business
Jansson, Dag (Organizational Aesthetics;Volume 9, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Arts-based interventions may expand how team members and leaders understand their roles and impact. For an intervention to be useful, there needs to be a way for the aesthetic experience to translate back into the regular ... -
Turning points in shaping choral conducting practice: six tales of Norwegian conductors’ professional development
Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (Music Education Research;Volume 24, 2022 - Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-22)Based on narratives on six choral conductors’ unfolding careers, the article investigates significant moments in professional trajectories – turning points – and how these shaped ongoing practices. The empirical material ... -
Unfreezing identities: Exploring choral singing in the workplace
Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (International Journal of Community Music;8(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The topic of this article is the emerging trend of singing at work. The discussion is based on case studies of singing interventions carried out at two different work places. Our phenomenological and hermeneutic approach ... -
Universality and situatedness in educating choral conductors
Jansson, Dag; Elstad, Beate; Døving, Erik (Music Education Research;Volume 21, 2019 - Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-14)The purpose of this study was to investigate a broad range of choral conductors’ views on competences needed in their own practice, and how education and experience have contributed to their current level of mastery. Choral ...