Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Huang, Yo-Ping"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
An adaptive knowledge evolution strategy for finding near-optimal solutions of specific problems
Huang, Yo-Ping; Chang, Yueh-Tsun; Hsieh, Shang-Lin; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Expert Systems with Applications;38 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-04)Most real-world problems cannot be mathematically defined and/or structured modularly for peer researchers in the same community to facilitate their work. This is partially because there are no concrete defined methods ... -
Associating Absent Frequent Itemsets with Infrequent Items to Identify Abnormal Transactions
Kao, Li-Jen; Huang, Yo-Ping; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Applied intelligence;42(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-07)Data stored in transactional databases are vulnerable to noise and outliers and are often discarded at the early stage of data mining. Abnormal transactions in the marketing transactional database are those transactions ... -
A computer supported memory aid for copying prescription parameters into medical equipment based on linguistic phrases
Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping (Proceedings of System, Man and Cybernetics Conference SMC;2013, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)Manually operated medical equipment, including drug infusion pumps, are often subject to input errors. Human operators copy data from a prescription into the relevant form field on the equipment panels. This process is ... -
Cultural factors influencing Taiwanese and Norwegian engineering students’ choice of university
Jian, Hua-Li; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping; Huang, Yueh-Min (European Journal of Engineering Education;35 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-05)Insight into factors that affect students’ choice of university is useful when designing study programmes, especially in global competition for students. This study focuses on Taiwanese and Norwegian students’ preferences ... -
Discovering Fuzzy Association Rules from Patient's Daily Text Messages to Diagnose Melancholia
Huang, Yo-Ping; Chiu, Hong-Wen; Chuan, Wei-Po; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)With the constant stress from work load and daily life people may show symptoms of melancholia. However, most people are reluctant to describe it or may not know that they already have it. In this paper a novel system ... -
Experiences with RFID-Based Interactive Learning in Museums
Huang, Yo-Ping; Chang, Yueh-Tsun; Sandnes, Frode Eika (International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Tourism plays an important role in the economies of many countries. Tourism can secure employment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and regional development. To attract more tourists and local visitors, many stakeholders ... -
A Fuzzy ART2 Model for Finding Association Rules in Medical Data
Huang, Yo-Ping; Vu, Thi Thanh Hoa; Jau, Jung-Shian; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010-09)This paper describes a model that discovers association rules from a medical database to help doctors treat and diagnose a group of patients who show similar prehistoric medical symptoms. The proposed data mining ... -
Fuzzy Environment Mapping for Robot Navigation Based on Grid Computing
Kao, Li-Jen; Huang, Yo-Ping; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Hsiao, Mann-Jung (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)In order to navigate autonomously, a mobile robot needs to build an environment map where the robot is navigating. Currently, the sensors are mounted on the robot to detect if the obstacles exist and then the map immediate ... -
An Interface for reducing errors in intravenous drug administration
Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering;260, 3-12, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08)Input errors occur with drug infusion pumps when nurses or technicians incorrectly input the prescribed therapy through the control panel. Such number copying tasks are cognitively and visually demanding, errors are easily ... -
Measuring digit ratio with smart phone to unveil health conditions and behavior
Huang, Yo-Ping; Basanta, Haobijam; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015)Finger lengths have fascinated scientific researchers for a long time and people hardly notice different underpinnings of the relation between the shape and size of our body to the scientific meanings. The idea behind the ... -
Mining time-dependent influential users in Facebook fans group
Kao, Li-Jen; Huang, Yo-Ping; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)Klout, a famous App, could measure people's social network influence power. Klout score is measured according to the data from past 90 days and an individual who has high Klout score is thought as having high social influence ... -
Near Eyes-Free Chauffeur Computer Interaction with Chording and Visual Text Mnemonics
Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping; Huang, Yueh-Min (Journal of Universal Computer Science;16 (10), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Modern cars are equipped with advanced technology requiring cognitively complex operation that is reliant on the user’s visual attention. It is therefore hazardous for drivers to operate such devices while driving. In ... -
A PM 2.5 Forecasting Model Based on Air Pollution and Meteorological Conditions in Neighboring Areas
Adrezo, Muhammad; Huang, Yo-Ping; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Communications in Computer and Information Science;Volume 1382, Conference object, 2021-03-15)Air pollution has received much attention in recent years, especially in the most densely populated areas. Sources of air pollution include factory emissions, vehicle emissions, building sites, wildfires, wood-burning ... -
A repeating pattern based Query-by-Humming fuzzy system for polyphonic melody retrieval
Huang, Yo-Ping; Shin-Liang, Lai; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Applied Soft Computing;33, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-25)Query-by-Humming involves retrieving music with a melody that matches the hummed query. An improved Query-by-Humming system for extracting pitch contour information based on a fuzzy inference model is introduced. In addition, ... -
Simple and practical skin detection with static RGB-color lookup tables: A visualization-based study
Sandnes, Frode Eika; Neyse, Levent; Huang, Yo-Ping (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)Many skin detection approaches have been proposed in the image analysis literature. Some are simple and static; the others are dynamic and rely on complex machine learning algorithms and training data. Generally the simple ... -
Studies or Leisure? : a Cross-cultural Comparison of Taiwanese and Norwegian Engineering Students' Preferences for University Life
Jian, Hua-Li; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping; Huang, Yueh-Min; Hagen, Simen (International journal of engineering education;26 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)An insight into students' preferences and expectations of life at university is useful when trying to understand drop-out percentages and design study programs, especially in the global competition for students. This ... -
A Study of Problem Solving Using Blocks Vehicle in a STEAM Course for Lower Elementary Levels
Lu, Yi-Chen; Liu, Wei-Shan; Wu, Ting-Ting; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence;vol 11937, Journal article; Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)STEAM education is currently one of the most important parts of the elementary school curriculum. If STEAM learning can cultivate good problem-solving ability, it will also help improve judgment and thinking abilities. ... -
Towards harmonious East-West educational partnerships: a study of cultural differences between Taiwanese and Norwegian engineering students
Jian, Hua-Li; Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping; Huang, Yueh-Min; Hagen, Simen (Asia Pacific Education Review;11 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-07)The collaboration activities between educational institutions in the East and the West are on the increase as an increasingly globalized economy requires graduates to have the skills to work across cultural divides. Such ... -
Translating the viewing position in single equirectangular panoramic images
Sandnes, Frode Eika; Huang, Yo-Ping (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)Equirectangular panoramas are popular tools for achieving 360 degree immersed viewing experiences. A panorama captures a scene from one point and panoramic viewers allow the user to control the viewing direction, but the ... -
User Interface Design for Public Kiosks : an Evaluation of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Ticket Vending Machine
Sandnes, Frode Eika; Jian, Hua-Li; Huang, Yo-Ping; Huang, Yueh-Min (Journal of information science and engineering;26 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Low hardware costs and high staffing costs have resulted in an increase in public information and transaction kiosks. Ticket vending machines are one important subset of such kiosks. These machines must offer efficient ...