Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Holm, Lene Berge"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Academic Detailing is a Preferred Knowledge Update Tool Among Norwegian Pharmacists to Improve Antibiotic Counseling: Results From a Quantitative Study Employing the Provider Satisfaction With Academic Detailing (PSAD) and the Detailer Assessment of Visit Effectiveness (DAVE) Tools
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm; Langaas, Harald Chr.; Krogstad, Tonje; Holm, Lene Berge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Excessive and incorrect use of antibiotics contributes to the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Given that pharmacists act as final checkpoint before antibiotics is handled over to patients, they play a crucial role ... -
The community pharmacist’s position and qualitative means to influence use of antibiotics – An exploration of patient needs for informed counselling and involved dialogue on antibiotics
Rochette, Yngvild Kristine Bergsholm (OsloMet Avhandling;2024 no 30, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The overarching goal of this project was to leave no stone unturned in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The main drivers of AMR are misuse and overuse of antibiotics and new approaches to combat AMR ... -
Development and validation of a new non-disease-specific survey tool to assess self-reported adherence to medication
Larsen, Rønnaug; Pripp, Are Hugo; Krogstad, Tonje; Landmark, Cecilie Johannessen; Holm, Lene Berge (Frontiers in Pharmacology;Volume 13 - 2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Patients’ non-adherence to medication affects both patients themselves and healthcare systems. Consequences include higher mortality, worsening of disease, patient injuries, and increased healthcare costs. Many ... -
Exploring patients' adherence to antibiotics by understanding their health knowledge and relational communication in encounters with pharmacists and physicians
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm; Feiring, Marte; Charnock, Colin; Holm, Lene Berge; Krogstad, Tonje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Antibiotics are drugs essential for the treatment of bacterial infections. Widespread and often improper use of antibiotics are driving the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) globally. A better ... -
The FLIPPED STEP study: A randomized controlled trial of flipped vs. traditional classroom teaching in a university-level statistics and epidemiology course
Holm, Lene Berge; Rognes, Andre; Dahl, Fredrik Andreas (International Journal of Educational Research Open;Volume 3, 2022, 100197, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-22)A flipped classroom, also known as flipped learning, is a teaching method in which students watch online lectures at home, followed by group work in the classroom. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a flipped ... -
Middle management in academia: Social skills and academic professional awareness wanted
Paaske, Nanna; Øhrn, Solfrid Tandberg; Holm, Lene Berge; Walter, Anne Berit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)What kind of leader does an academic really want? Is it a colleague-based leader from the same profession, with comparable scientific skills, or a leader with typical management skills? If a university seeks middle managers ... -
Positioning of community pharmacists in interactions with general practitioners and patients regarding prescribing and using antibiotics
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm; Feiring, Marte; Charnock, Colin; Krogstad, Tonje; Holm, Lene Berge (Journal of Interprofessional Care;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Interprofessional collaboration between general practitioners (GPs) and community pharmacists (CPs) is important for ensuring antibiotics are used correctly and combating antibiotic resistance. The study’s main objective ... -
Revidering og validering av spørreskjema for måling av selvrapportert etterlevelse av legemiddelbehandling
Lawrence, Hutsuda (Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Riktig bruk av foreskrevne legemidler er avgjørende for å oppnå optimal legemiddelbehandling. Likevel viser studier at pasientenes gjennomsnittlige grad av etterlevelse er omtrent 50 %, med en generell ... -
Sammenheng mellom pasientsikkerhetskultur i norske primærapotek og etterlevelse av legemiddelbehandling hos reseptkunder: En kvantitativ studie
Farah, Munira (Master thesis, 2024)SAMMENDRAG Bakgrunn: Pasientsikkerhet har i de senere årene fått en økt oppmerksomhet globalt. Dette kommer av at det er blitt observert store forskjeller i kvaliteten og sikkerheten til ulike helsetjenester. I Norge ...