• An economic model of vehicle-to grid: Impacts on the electricity market and consumer cost of electric vehicles 

      Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine; Proost, Stef (Resource and Energy Economics;Volume 69, August 2022, 101310, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Higher battery storage capacity in electric vehicles (EV) can potentially serve two purposes: First, the larger the capacity, the less need for inconvenient recharging during long trips. Second, the larger the capacity, ...
    • Elbiler og toveislading - Fordeler for både bileiere og strømkunder 

      Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine (Samfunnsøkonomen;Nr. 3 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Elektriske biler er på rask framgang i Norge. Det innebærer mindre forbruk av bensin og diesel, noe som er nødvendig for at Norge skal nå sine klimamålsettinger. Men hva betyr elbilene for kraftmarkedet? Det er opplagt at ...
    • Offsetting schemes and ecological taxes for wind power production 

      Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine; Skulstad, Andreas (Ecological Economics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      On the one hand, wind power production on land seems necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector. On the other hand, we risk replacing one environmental problem with other environmental problems. The present paper ...
    • Offsetting schemes and ecological taxes for wind power production 

      Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine; Skulstad, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      On the one hand, wind power production on land seems necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector. On the other hand, we risk replacing one environmental problem with other environmental problems. The present paper ...
    • Paris-avtalen og oljeeksporten 

      Fæhn, Taran; Asheim, Geir Bjarne; Greaker, Mads; Hagem, Cathrine; Harstad, Bård Gjul; Hoel, Michael; Lund, Diderik; Nyborg, Karine; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid (Samfunnsøkonomen;Nr 3 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Bør Norge begrense sin oljeutvinning for å motvirke global oppvarming? Hvilke politiske virkemidler bør i så fall brukes? Vi oppsummerer sentrale fagøkonomiske argumenter i denne debatten i lys av de seneste årenes endringer ...