Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Eri, Tine Schauer"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
ABC - et flaggskip
Blix, Ellen; Lukasse, Mirjam; Eri, Tine Schauer; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Dalbye, Rebecka; Bernitz, Stine; Vedeler, Carina; Kaasen, Anne (Others, 2019)ABC er et flaggskip i norsk fødselsomsorg. OUS burde vært stolt av det i stedet for å fjerne svangerskapsomsorgen fra ABC og derved gjøre tilbudet dårligere. -
A balancing act in an unknown territory: A metasynthesis of first-time mothers' experiences in early labour
Eri, Tine Schauer; Bondas, Terese; Gross, Mechthild M.; Janssen, Patricia; Green, Josephine M. (Midwifery;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-18)Objective to integrate findings of individual studies in order to broaden the understanding of first-time mothers׳ experiences of early labour. Design the methodology was metasynthesis which is based on the interpretive ... -
Birth partners experiences on midwifery care during childbirth
Sanchez, Princess Leichim Ocampo (Master thesis, 2023)Aim: This study aims to explore birth partners' experiences of being cared for by midwives during childbirth, specifically examining partner involvement, information and guidance provided by midwives, and factors contributing ... -
Births in freestanding midwifery-led units in Norway: What women view as important aspects of care
Nørstebø, Heidi Strand; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Blix, Ellen; Bakken, Kjersti Sletten; Eri, Tine Schauer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objective: To describe what women view as important aspects of care when giving birth in freestanding midwifery-led units in Norway. Methods: Data from four open-ended questions in the Babies Born Better survey, Version ... -
Clinical challenges of prolonged labour in Tanzania. A qualitative study
Huurnink, Johanne Mamohau Egenberg; Høifødt, Aase Irene (MAJO;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Hensikt: Å oppnå en økt forståelse for kliniske utfordringer jordmødre og leger i Tanzania står overfor i forbindelse med langsom fremgang i fødsel. Problemstilling: Hvordan beskrives kliniske utfordringer knyttet til ... -
The “Doing” of Compassionate Care in the Context of Childbirth From a Women’s Perspective
Vedeler, Carina Sofie Skullerud; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Downe, Soo; Eri, Tine Schauer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Women who are giving birth need to be met with compassion and understanding from healthcare professionals. However, there are growing concerns about the perceived lack of compassion in the delivery of healthcare services ... -
Exploring women’s self-reported health problems in pregnancy in the UK and Norway
Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Eri, Tine Schauer; Downe, Soo; Fredriksen, Eva Haukeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-04)Women usually conceptualize pregnancy as a normal physiological state. In contrast, formal maternity care provision tends to be focused on pathology and risk. The authors aim to explore the extent to which childbearing ... -
Fathers' experiences of being in change during pregnancy and early parenthood in a context of intimate partner violence
Engnes, Kristin; Lundgren, Ingela; Lidén, Eva; Eri, Tine Schauer (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-16)Objective : Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a large public health problem with far-reaching consequences for those involved. The aim of this study was to explore fathers’ experiences of change during ... -
Frittstående fødestuer: En kartleggingsstudie av de seks frittstående fødestuene i Norge og organiseringen av deres virksomhet
Österberg, Thea Regine Ausland (MAJO;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Hensikten med oppgaven er å kartlegge de seks frittstående fødestuene i Norge og deres virksomhet, herunder organisering, statistikk og faglige prosedyrer. Problemstilling: «Hvordan organiseres fødestuenes virksomhet, ... -
Giving birth and becoming a parent during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of 806 women's responses to three open-ended questions in an online survey.
Eri, Tine Schauer; Blix, Ellen; Downe, Soo; Vedeler, Carina; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika (Midwifery;Volume 109, June 2022, 103321, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-26)Background: When Europe was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, changes were made in maternity care to reduce infections. In Norway, hospital maternity wards, postnatal wards, and neonatal units’ companions and visitors were ... -
Kvinners behov for økt kompetanse om egen helse: En kvalitativ studie om kvinners opplevelse av å få styrket sin kompetanse om egen helse før hjemreise fra barselavdelingen
Larsen, Kine Marie; Jensen, Ida Trolldalen (MAJO;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Hensikt: Hensikten med studien er å undersøke hvordan kvinner som har født på sykehus får styrket sin kompetanse om egen helse før hjemreise Problemstilling: Hvordan opplever kvinner som har født på sykehus at kompetansen ... -
Models for midwifery care: A mapping review
Eri, Tine Schauer; Berg, Marie; Dahl, Bente; Gottfreðsdóttir, Helga; Sommerseth, Eva; Prinds, Christina (European Journal of Midwifery;4:30, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-30)INTRODUCTION According to WHO, midwives are found competent to provide evidence-based and normalcy-facilitating maternity care. Models for midwifery care exist, but seem to be lacking explicit epistemological status, mainly ... -
Protocol for the development of a salutogenic intrapartum core outcome set (SIPCOS)
Smith, Valerie; Daly, Deirdre; Lundgren, Ingela; Eri, Tine Schauer; Begley, Cecily; Gross, Mechthild M.; Downe, Soo; Alfirevic, Zarko; Devane, Declan (BMC Medical Research Methodology;Volume 17:61, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-19)Background: Maternity intrapartum care research and clinical care more often focus on outcomes that minimise or prevent adverse health rather than on what constitutes positive health and wellbeing (salutogenesis). This was ... -
Traumatisk fødselsopplevelse - et innblikk i kvinners indre journal
Aas, Mari Jaya; Kirkedelen, Aina (MAJO;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Hensikt: Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å få en større forståelse av hva kvinner beskriver som en traumatisk fødselsopplevelse, der hvor fødselen tilsynelatende har foregått uten komplikasjoner for mor og barn Problemstilling: ... -
What women emphasise as important aspects of care in childbirth – an online survey
Vedeler, Carina; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Blix, Ellen; Downe, Soo; Eri, Tine Schauer (BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-17)Objective: To explore and describe what women who have given birth in Norway emphasise as important aspects of care during childbirth. Design: The study is based on data from the Babies Born Better online survey, version ...