Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Bragstad, Line Kildal"
Assessing acute functional decline in older patients in home nursing care settings using the Modified Early Warning Score: A qualitative study of nurses’ and general practitioners’ experiences
Jeppestøl, Kristin; Kirkevold, Marit; Bragstad, Line Kildal (International Journal of Older People Nursing;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-24)Aims and objectives: The study describes experiences of registered nurses and general practitioners when using the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) to assess acute functional decline in older home nursing care patients. ... -
Children’s, parents’, and teachers’ experiences of the feasibility of a telerehabilitation intervention for children with acquired brain injury in the chronic phase – a qualitative study of acceptability and participation in the Child In Context Intervention (CICI)
Svendsen, Edel Jannecke; Killi, Eli Marie; Rohrer-Baumgartner, Nina Marit; Holthe, Ingvil Laberg; Sandhaug, Maria; Borgen, Ida Maria Henriksen; Wade, Shari L.; Hauger, Solveig Lægreid; Løvstad, Marianne; Bragstad, Line Kildal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background This is a qualitative feasibility study of the Child in Context Intervention (CICI). The CICI is an individual‐ ized, goal‐oriented and home‐based tele‐rehabilitation intervention which targets everyday functioning ... -
Effect of a dialogue-based intervention on psychosocial well-being 6 months after stroke in Norway: A randomized controlled trial
Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Kirkevold, Marit; Zucknick, Manuela; Bronken, Berit Arnesveen; Martinsen, Randi; Kvigne, Kari Johanne; Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Mangset, Margrete; Thommessen, Bente; Sveen, Unni (Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine;Vol 51, Issue 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-08)Objective: To evaluate the effect of a dialogue-based intervention on psychosocial well-being 6 months after stroke. Design: Multicentre, prospective, randomized controlled trial. Subjects: Adults (aged ≥ 18 years) who ... -
The effects of a dialogue-based intervention to promote psychosocial well-being after stroke: a randomized controlled trial
Bragstad, Line Kildal; Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Zucknick, Manuela; Sveen, Unni; Thommessen, Bente; Bronken, Berit Arnesveen; Martinsen, Randi; Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Mangset, Margrete; Kvigne, Kari Johanne; Hilari, Katerina; Lightbody, C. Elizabeth; Kirkevold, Marit (Clinical Rehabilitation;Vol 34, Issue 8, 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-10)Objective: To evaluate the effect of a dialogue-based intervention targeting psychosocial well-being at 12 months post-stroke. Design: Multicenter, prospective, randomized, assessor-blinded, controlled trial with two ... -
Ergoterapeuter vil bidra med mer enn formidling av hjelpemidler i arbeidet med personer i livets sluttfase
Johnsrud, Kristine; Bragstad, Line Kildal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Occupational therapists’ competencies within activity and participation in palliative care are sought to promote quality of life of patients and caregivers. Provision of technical aids is, however, reported ... -
Filling the gap in service provision. Partners as family carers to people with Parkinson's disease: A Scandinavian perspective
Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Smidt, Helle Rønn; Haahr, Anita; Haavaag, Silje Bjørnsen; Sørensen, Dorthe; Navarta-Sánchez, Maria Victoria; Portillo-Vega, Mari Carmen; Bragstad, Line Kildal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the expectations of and experiences with the public healthcare system of domestic partners of people with Parkinson`s disease (PD) in Denmark and Norway. Methods: A ... -
Finding the way forward : the lived experience of people with stroke after participation in a complex psychosocial intervention
Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Mangset, Margrete; Evju, Anne Svelstad; Angel, Sanne; Aadal, Lena; Martinsen, Randi; Bronken, Berit Arnesveen; Kvigne, Kari Johanne; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Sveen, Unni; Kirkevold, Marit (Qualitative Health Research;Volume 29, issue 12, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Stroke patients’ well-being is threatened after stroke. A psychosocial intervention was developed for Norwegian stroke patients living in the community. Eight individual sessions between people with stroke and a trained ... -
The General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) as an outcome measurement in a randomized controlled trial in a Norwegian stroke population
Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Zucknick, Manuela; Kirkevold, Marit; Thommessen, Bente; Sveen, Unni (BMC Psychology;7, Article number: 18 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-22)Background: Several studies have documented the variety of post-stroke psychosocial challenges, which are complex, multifaceted, and affect a patient’s rehabilitation and recovery. Due to the consequences of these challenges, ... -
The General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) as an outcome measurement in a randomized controlled trial in a Norwegian stroke population
Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Zucknick, Manuela; Kirkevold, Marit; Thommessen, Bente; Sveen, Unni (BMC Psychology;7, Article number: 18 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-27)Background. Several studies have documented the variety of post-stroke psychosocial challenges, which are complex, multifaceted, and affect a patient’s rehabilitation and recovery. Due to the consequences of these challenges, ... -
Implementation fidelity in a complex intervention promoting psychosocial well-being following stroke: an explanatory sequential mixed methods study
Bragstad, Line Kildal; Bronken, Berit Arnesveen; Sveen, Unni; Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Martinsen, Randi; Kvigne, Kari Johanne; Mangset, Margrete; Kirkevold, Marit (BMC Medical Research Methodology;19, Article number: 59 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-15)Background: Evaluation of complex interventions should include a process evaluation to give evaluators, researchers, and policy makers greater confidence in the outcomes reported from RCTs. Implementation fidelity can be ... -
Patient characteristics and healthcare use for high-cost patients with musculoskeletal disorders in Norway: a cohort study
Amundsen, Olav; Moger, Tron Anders; Holte, Jon Helgheim; Haavaag, Silje Bjørnsen; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Hellesø, Ragnhild; Tjerbo, Trond; Vøllestad, Nina Køpke (BMC Health Services Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: A high proportion of healthcare costs can be attributed to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). A small proportion of patients account for most of the costs, and there is increasing focus on addressing service ... -
Perceived study-induced influence on the control group in a randomized controlled trial evaluating a complex intervention to promote psychosocial well-being after stroke: a process evaluation
Mangset, Margrete; Kitzmüller, Gabriele; Evju, Anne Svelstad; Angel, Sanne; Aadal, Lena; Martinsen, Randi Elisabeth; Bronken, Berit Arnesveen; kvigne, Kari; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Sveen, Unni; Kirkevold, Marit (Trials;22, Article number: 850 (2021), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-27)Background: A commonly applied control condition in trials evaluating complex interventions in rehabilitation research is “usual care.” The main challenge is to ensure that the control group receives genuine usual care as ... -
Proposed categories for reporting of service organization in rehabilitation in clinical trials: a discussion paper
Røe, Cecilie; Gutenbrunner, Christoph; Bökel, Andrea; Kirkevold, Marit; Nugraha, Boya; Andelic, Nada; lu, juan; Bautz-Holter, Erik; Perrin, Paul B.; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Jahnsen, Reidun; Månum, Grethe; Howe, Emilie Isager; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Søberg, Helene Lundgaard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)BACKGROUND: The lack of standardized reporting for crucial organizational factors in rehabilitation poses a significant barrier to understanding their impact on patient outcomes in clinical trials and meta-analyses. AIM: ... -
Psychometric properties of a short version of Lee Fatigue Scale used as a generic PROM in persons with stroke or osteoarthritis: assessment using a Rasch analysis approach
Bragstad, Line Kildal; Lerdal, Anners Vetle; Gay, Caryl L.; Kirkevold, Marit; Lee, Kathryn A.; Lindberg, Maren Falch; Skogestad, Ingrid Johansen; Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Sveen, Unni; Kottorp, Anders (Health and Quality of Life Outcomes;18, Article number: 168 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-05)Background: Fatigue is a common symptom associated with a wide range of diseases and needs to be more thoroughly studied. To minimise patient burden and to enhance response rates in research studies, patientreported outcome ... -
Rehabilitation for children with chronic acquired brain injury in the Child in Context Intervention (CICI) study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Rohrer-Baumgartner, Nina; Holthe, Ingvil Laberg; Svendsen, Edel Jannecke; Røe, Cecilie; Egeland, Jens; Borgen, Ida Maria Henriksen; Hauger, Solveig Lægreid; Forslund, Marit Vindal; Brunborg, Cathrine; Øra, Hege Prag; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Killi, Eli Marie; Sandhaug, Maria; Kleffelgård, Ingerid; Strand-Saugnes, Anine; Dahl-Hilstad, Ingeborg; Ponsford, Jennie; Winter, Laraine; Wade, Shari L.; Løvstad, Marianne; Hilde Margrete, Dahl (Trials;23, Article number: 169 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-22)Background: Pediatric acquired brain injury (pABI) is associated with long-term cognitive, behavioral, social, and emotional problems, which may affect the quality of life, school, and family functioning. Yet, there is a ... -
Tidlig intervensjon for å fremme håndfunksjon hos norske barn med cerebral parese - en registerstudie
Brännare, Mareena (Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Tidlig intervensjon (<2 år) for barn med Cerebral parese (CP) anbefales for å utnytte hjernens plastisitet og fremme utvikling. Mål: Kartlegge andel barn med CP (født 2014-2022) registrert i Norsk ... -
Understanding support systems for Parkinson's disease management in community settings: A cross‐national qualitative study
Soilemezi, Dia; Palmar-Santos, Ana; Navarta-Sánchez, Maria Victoria; Roberts, Helen; Pedraz-Marcos, Azucena; Haahr, Anita; Sørensen, Dorthe; Bragstad, Line Kildal; Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen; Haavaag, Silje Bjørnsen; Portillo-Vega, Mari Carmen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Health and social care systems face difficulties in managing multimorbidity, disease burden and complex needs in long-term conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Objective This study aimed to develop a ...