Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Audunson, Ragnar Andreas"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
ALM in the public sphere: How do archivists, librarians and museum professionals conceive the respective roles of their institutions in the public sphere?
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Hobohm, Hans-Christoph; Tóth, Máté (Information Research;vol. 24 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background. There is an increased focus on libraries, archives and museums as meeting places and public sphere institutions as well as on digitization of the institutions’ services We term these trends the social and ... -
Bibliotek- og informasjonsfaglig utdanning: Fra etatsskole til iSchool
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Gjestrum, Liv (Samle, formidle, dele: 75 år med bibliotekarutdanning;, Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015-12) -
Bibliotekarene - en profesjon under press? Institusjonalisering, deinstitusjonalisering og reinstitusjonalisering av et profesjonelt felt
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015-12)Bibliotekarene utgjør en veletablert profesjon med relativt lange tradisjoner. Men er det en profesjon under press? Mye kan tyde på det. I 2012 skrev professor i informatikk Kai Arne Olsen i Aftenposten at den informasjonen ... -
Biblioteket og de nasjonale minoritetene rom og romanifolket
Nes, Benedikte (Master thesis, 2009)I 1999 ble rom (sigøynere) og romanifolket (tatere) anerkjent som nasjonale minoriteter, sammen med kvener, skogfinner og jøder. Status som nasjonal minoritet gir spesielle rettigheter knyttet til det å bevare og utvikle ... -
Biblioteket som motor i å skape lokalsamfunn med sammenhengskraft i en flerkulturell storbykontekst
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Aabø, Svanhild (Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og kulturformidling;2 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-11)Er bibliotekfeltets nye ideer om bibliotekene som møteplasser i lokalsamfunnet og motorer for integrasjon og bygging av lokalsamfunn med sammenhengskraft i samsvar eller i konflikt med holdninger i omgivelsene? Med ... -
Digital Library Education in Europe: A Survey
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Shuva, Nafiz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Research in digital libraries (DLs) has gained much interest across the globe. Most funding related to DL are available for building DLs, rather than producing digital librarians by developing the DL curricula and offering ... -
Do We Need a New Approach to Library and Information Science?
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas (BIBLIOTHEK Forschung und Praxis;Volume 42, issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-01)This article analyses the pressure against librarianship and library and information science stemming from digitization and the increased importance attached to libraries’ role as meeting places and arenas for the public ... -
Folkebiblioteket som uavhengig møtestad og arena for offentleg samtale og debatt i ei digital tid
Golten, Elin (OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 26, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)I avhandlinga blir det utforska korleis sentrale aktørar i to lokalsamfunn: bibliotekarar, bibliotekbrukarar, lokale politikarar og samarbeidspartar med biblioteket, definerer biblioteket som ein møtestad og ein institusjon ... -
Fra boktralle til veiledning : bibliotektjenester til studenter i norske fengsler
Riste, Marianne; Strøm, Thomas Christian (Master thesis, 2011)Temaet for oppgaven er hvordan norsk bibliotekvesen (folkebibliotek og fag- og forskningsbibliotek) kan gi studenter i fengsel et bedre tjenestetilbud enn de får i dag. Det teoretiske grunnlaget er hentet fra sentrale ... -
From collections to connections: building a revised platform for library and information science
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Aabø, Svanhild (Information research;18(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Introduction. The paper discusses the often-repeated assertion that digitization makes libraries and librarians redundant by giving everyone access to the information they need without having to rely upon librarians as ... -
How do public libraries function as meeting places?
Aabø, Svanhild; Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Vårheim, Andreas (Library & Information Science Research;32, (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-01)How are libraries used as meeting places, and by whom? Through survey data, six categories of places are identified: the library as a "square," as a place for meeting diverse people, as a public sphere, as a place for joint ... -
Investigation of the digital non-text-based use and requirements of a group of academic staff in a South African open distance learning institution
Le Roux, Hester Annette (Master thesis, 2009)The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether academic staff members in an ODL institution use digital non-text-based resources (e.g, graphs, photographs and video clips) in research and teaching practice and ... -
Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Public Spaces in a Digital Age
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Andresen, Herbjørn; Fagerlid, Cicilie; Henningsen, Erik; Hobohm, Hans-Christoph; Jochumsen, Henrik; Larsen, Håkon; Vold, Tonje (Current Topics in Library and Information Practice;Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age, Book; Peer reviewed, 2020)The research that will be presented in this book documents a seeming paradox: in spite of massive digitalization of our everyday lives, libraries, archives, and museums are heavily used as physical spaces and meeting ... -
Location, Location, Location. The media debates on the New Central Libraries in Oslo and Helsinki
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Eskola, Eeva-Liisa; Evjen, Sunniva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper examines how two library building projects, running almost parallel in Oslo and Helsinki, have played out in the public debate. How are these cultural policy investments received and discussed, and how do they ... -
Nordens viktigste bibliotekforsker siden 1990-tallet? Et forskningsbasert grunnlag for refleksjon om bibliotekets legitimitet
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Perceived outcomes of public libraries in Finland, Norway and the Netherlands
Vakkari, Pertti; Aabø, Svanhild; Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Huysmans, Frank; Oomes, Marjolein (Journal of Documentation;70(5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to compare the perceived benefits of public libraries and their structure in the major areas of life between Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. Design/methodology/approach – ... -
Public libraries : a meeting place for immigrant women?
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Essmat, Sophie; Aabø, Svanhild (Library & Information Science Research;33 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-05-06)The potential role of the public library in the lives of immigrant women is elicited by in-depth interviews with nine female immigrants to Norway from Iran, Afghanistan, and Kurdistan. The research utilizes social ... -
Public libraries as an infrastructure for a sustainable public sphere: A comprehensive review of research
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Aabø, Svanhild; Blomgren, Roger; Evjen, Sunniva; Jochumsen, Henrik; Larsen, Håkon; Rasmussen, Casper Havnegaard; Vårheim, Andreas; Johnston, Jamie; Koizumi, Masanori (Journal of Documentation;Volume 75, Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-08)Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine the shaping of public libraries as an infrastructure for a sustainable public sphere through a comprehensive literature review. Design/methodology/approach: In order to ... -
Public libraries as public sphere institutions: A comparative study of perceptions of the public library’s role in six European countries
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Aabø, Svanhild; Blomgren, Roger; Hobohm, Hans Christoph; Jochumsen, Henrik; Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood; Mumenthaler, Rudolf; Schuldt, Karsten; Rasmussen, Casper Hvenegaard; Rydbeck, Kerstin; Toth, Mate; Vårheim, Andreas (Journal of Documentation;Publication date 26 September, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of public libraries as institutions underpinning a democratic public sphere as reasons legitimizing libraries compared to reasons that are more traditional and the ... -
Qualification requirements in Norwegian public libraries - an analysis of job advertisements
Bjørklund, Beate; Audunson, Ragnar Andreas (Information research;Vol. 26, No. 1, March, 2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Introduction: For some years practitioners have observed a tendency that local government authorities advertising vacant professional positions in public libraries do not specify an educational background from library and ...