Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Madessa, Habtamu Bayera"
Now showing items 21-38 of 38
Optimalisering av klimaskjerm og ventilasjonsparametere i et eksisterende kontorbygg
Mohseni, Omid (Master thesis, 2019)Denne forskningsoppgaven har tatt for seg optimalisering av et eksisterende kontorbygg. Målet av optimaliseringen har vært å vurdere om det er mulig å oppgradere dette bygge, ved å endre på kritiske parametere i klimaskjermen ... -
Optimalisering og kontroll av bergvarmepumpe med modellbasert prediktiv regulering (MPC)
Grøholt, Anders Engelbregt (Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven er det utviklet et program for en modellbasert prediktv kontroller som skal opprettholde romtemperaturen og vanntemperaturen i varmtvannstangen til en tenkt enebolig ved å styre et bergvarmepumpesystem. ... -
Overdimensjonering av kjøleanlegg i næringsbygg
Olsen, Johanna (MAEN;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Til tross for Norges tempererte klima har kjølebelastninger i norske bygninger, spesielt næringsbygg, en svært signifikant effekt på energibruken. Rask utvikling i kjølebehovet i Norge har resultert i feildimensjonering ... -
Parametric analysis of ground source heat pump system for heating of office buildings in Nordic climate
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Torgersen, Jørgen; Nord, Natasa (BuildSIM-Nordic 2020: Selected papers;, Conference object, 2020)This paper presents a sensitivity analysis followed by an optimization to improve the performance of a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system for an office building located in Norway, for Oslo, Stavanger, and Tromsø climatic ... -
Parametric Study of a Vertically Configured Ground Source Heat Pump System
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Berre, Torgeir; Bye, Pål Fredrik Skotheim; Abrahamsen, Erlend (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Ground source heat pumps are being common in western countries in order to reduce the primary energy consumption and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions associated with heating and cooling of buildings. In this ... -
Performance analysis of a solar thermal system coupled with a ground source heat pump in Nordic conditions
Wilberg, Sandra Fransson (MAEN;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Increased insight into global warming together with the Paris Agreement and the UN climate report has sparked an interest in renewable energy associated with buildings. Utilizing renewable energy sources will help reduce ... -
Performance analysis of a solar thermal system coupled with a ground source heat pump in Nordic conditions
Wilberg, Sandra Fransson; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Chaudhuri, Arnab (E3S Web of Conferences;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The main objective of this work is to investigate the energy and exergy performance of a solar assisted ground source heat pump for a school building designed according to Norwegian passive house standard. The system is ... -
Performance analysis of an active diffuser in mixing ventilation for cell office by using numerical approach
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa; Schild, Peter (E3S Web of Conferences;Volume 111 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Energy efficiency in buildings is nowadays considered as an essential step to reduce CO2 emissions and energy utilization. At the same time, new technologies such as building space heating using active air heating has ... -
Performance analysis of roof-mounted photovoltaic systems The case of a Norwegian residential building
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera (Energy Procedia;83, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-12)Currently, the application of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems on energy efficient buildings such as passive house, zero energy building (ZEB) and net-positive energy building (NPEB) is becoming increasingly attractive, ... -
Performance assessment of all-air heating in an office cubicle equipped with an active supply diffuser in a cold climate
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa; Schild, Peter; Mysen, Mads (Building and Environment;Volume 156, June 2019, Pages 123-136, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-12)Low-temperature space heating systems play a prominent role in improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort of energy efficient buildings in cold-climate countries such as Norway. All-air heating (AAH) systems ... -
Recent progress in the application of energy technologies in Large-Scale building Blocks: A State-of-the-Art review
Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Shakerin, Mohammad; Helberg Reinskau, Espen; Rabani, Mehrdad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The transition to clean and sustainable energy systems in the building sector is vital to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, shifting the focus from single buildings to clusters of buildings, such as ... -
Selection and Performance Prediction of a Pump as a Turbine for Power Generation Applications
Abdulbasit, Nasir; Dribssa, Edessa; Misrak, Girma; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The high price of purpose-made turbines always represents an active challenge when utilizing pico- and micro-hydropower resources. Pumps as turbines (PATs) are a promising option to solve the problem. However, the selection ... -
Solenergi for bygg i nordisk klima: Hvordan luftemperatur og klima påvirker den årlige energiutnyttelse til solfangere og solcellepanel i bygg.
Berre, Torgeir (MAEN;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Ved bruk av klimadata og velkjente matematiske funksjoner for varmetapstall og solposisjon, er det utviklet script i Matlab for energiberegninger av solceller og solfanger i løpet av et år. Dette ble gjort for å se hvordan ... -
A state-of-art review of retrofit interventions in buildings towards nearly zero energy level
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Unmistakably, buildings retrofitting brings the possibilities to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. However, selecting specific retrofit strategies is complex and requires careful planning. There are already ... -
Termodynamisk analyse av en bergvarmepumpe i kombinasjon med fotovoltaisk termisk (PVT) panel
Rosvoll, Hans-Olav (Master thesis, 2021)I denne masteroppgaven benyttes programvaren Engineering Equation Solver (EES) til å gjennomføre en termodynamisk analyse av en energisentral bestående av en bergvarmepumpe i kombinasjon med fotovoltaisk termisk (PVT) ... -
Termodynamisk analyse av en bergvarmepumpe i kombinasjon med solfangere
Barkholm, Jostein (Master thesis, 2021)I denne masteroppgaven er det gjennomført en termodynamisk analyse på en solassistert bergvarmepumpe. Ved hjelp av dataprogrammet Engineering Equation Solver er det bygget opp en matematisk modell for en bergvarmepumpe i ... -
Thermal Performance of an Office Cubicle Integrated with a Bio-based PCM: Experimental Analyses
Vik, Tor Arvid; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Aslaksrud, Petter; Folkedal, Eirik; Øvrevik, Ottar S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Phase change materials (PCM) have the potential to enhance the energy performance and thermal comfort of buildings. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the thermal performance and indoor climate benefits of ... -
Trykksetting av trapperom i norske høyhus
Lundblad, Jonathan (MAEN;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Det er flere spesielle problemstillinger i høyhus, større høyder kan ha betydning for energibruk, inneklima, og konstruksjon. Men en annen viktig faktor er rømningssikkerhet. Trykksetting av trapperom er en metode anvendt ...