NEGOTIATE WP no 3.2 The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis: Identifying risk factors
Original version
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of young people’s careers in
Europe and the identification of the risk factors influencing them. The study of transitions
between labour market states and the measurement of the school-to-work transition
probabilities has become of utmost importance, since young people’s pathways from school to
sustained work have become rough and unpredictable. The probability of someone who has
concluded full-time education to move successfully into full-time occupation seems to
decrease, while, on the other hand, the probability of engaging into a part-time or temporary
job increases. Emphasis should therefore be given to the estimation of different indicators that
can be used in order to capture the extent and forms of job insecurity. Several methodological
approaches are proposed in the present study, taking advantage of existing data sources, crosssectional
and longitudinal, so as to provide a full picture of early job insecurity in all European countries and its relation to a number of socio-demographic variables that might be influencing its magnitude. The results uncover that there are important differences between
countries, when all estimated early job insecurity indicators are taken into account.