Loneliness among international students in Norway How do cultural differences and language barriers influence the formation of friendships among African and South Asian students?
Migration is widely recognized as a challenging and often stressful experience, especially forstudents pursuing education abroad. The increasing global movement of students acrossborders for academic opportunities has made international student mobility a definingfeature of modern higher education. This thesis examines the impact of cultural differencesand language barriers on the social integration of international students in Norway, focusingspecifically on how these factors contribute to feelings of social isolation and loneliness.A qualitative research approach was employed, using semi-structured interviews with nineinternational students from three African countries and one South Asian country studying inOslo. The findings reveal the contrast between the more extroverted and communal socialnorms of the students’ home cultures and the reserved, individualistic nature of Norwegiansociety. African and South Asian students struggle to form meaningful relationships withNorwegians due to these cultural differences, leading to difficulties in building strong socialties that are crucial for cross-cultural integration.Additionally, the language barriers significantly impede the formation of friendships, socialintegration, professional and job opportunities for African and South Asian students whichcontributes to their sense of isolation and loneliness. These students often find themselvesisolated within their own ethnic groups, which provides some comfort but hampers broadersocial integration. These difficulties underscore the need for targeted policies to support internationalstudents’ social integration, aiming to improve their well-being and sense of belonging. Thisstudy suggests that a more inclusive approach in Norwegian higher education institutionscould enhance the social welfare of international students, making Norway a morewelcoming environment for academic and personal growth.