A Decolonial Approach to the Transnational Pedagogy of Solidarity: A Case Study of Primary School Teachers in Ibiza
Ibiza (Spain) is an island with a rich environment of diversity, a mixture of tradition,opportunities, and luxury. This thesis explores the transnational pedagogy of solidarity (TPOS)fostered in Ibiza public primary schools, focusing specifically on Global North (GN) – GlobalSouth (GS) relationships. The transnational pedagogy of solidarity is the set of methodologies,predispositions and practices encompassing solidarity relations between nation-states. Thecentre of the investigation is the (GN) teachers’ perspective on their role as agents of socialchange in the decoloniality of solidarity in mass education systems. Through qualitativeresearch, five teachers will be interviewed with semi-structured questions in search of currenttendencies on their role in social justice education. The questions will reveal whether educationis naturally political, the influence of the official and hidden curriculum in their solidaritypractices in school, and the teachers’ responses to Freire’s (2016) real solidarity and itsdecoloniality.Transnational pedagogy of solidarity is an important bridge between local and globalsocialisation of children in their educative process. The aim is to find indicators of decolonialteaching predispositions in reimagining and renovating TPOS in Ibizan schools. Results showthat three teachers believe in a pedagogy of acknowledging privileges, developing empathy,and learning from perspectives other than Eurocentric ones. On the other hand, two teachersalso believe there is a need for further transformation of TPOS. For this reason, this paper divesinto theories of an early introduction of the struggle of one’s oppressive role in society topromote responsibility, hope and reimagination of social change.