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dc.contributor.advisorEldevik, Sigmund
dc.contributor.authorLebedeva, Oksana
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractEIBI - Early Intensive Behavior Intervention is an evidence-based and to date most effective intervention for pre-school age children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The intervention is developed on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). In Norway it is carried out by a regional specialist health service or the local pedagogical-psychological service (PPT) in pre-schools where the staff responsible for implementing of EIBI receive relevant guidance. Active parental involvement in carrying out EIBI is one of the key factors of successful outcome of the intervention. Since only a few Norwegian municipalities provide EIBI, and not all families have access to or information about EIBI, an additional source of knowledge of EIBI may be useful. E-learning can be a functional time and resource saving solution convenient to undertake at a suitable time and place. The present master’s thesis is an empirical study aimed at measuring the effect of an e-learning course developed by OsloMet on basic knowledge of EIBI in parents of children with ASD. Effects were evaluated in a non-concurrent multiple baseline design and included three participants whose children began to receive EIBI in their pre-schools. The participants completed a number of pre-tests in the baseline prior to the e-course and did post-tests after each of the ten course modules to check comprehension of the learned material. Reaching a mastery criterion in each test was required to proceed to the next module. The modules covered the topics ASD, ABA and EIBI in videos and written content. Eight weeks after completing the e-course the participants did a follow-up test. We saw a significant increase in the scores for all the participants. It is suggested that future researchers increase the number of participants and measure the effect of the e-learning course on the ability of parents to implement EIBI principles and strategies with their children. Keywords: EIBI, E-learning, Behavior Analysis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, parents training.
dc.publisherOslo Metropolitan University
dc.titleEffect of an E-learning Course on Knowledge of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
dc.typeMaster thesis

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