TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk - Masteroppgaver: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 21-40 av 47
Customizing a Parametric LCA Analysis Tool for Norway: A Case Study in Ground Conditions and Foundation Choice
(Master thesis, 2024)Abstract This thesis aims to customize an existing Parametric Life Cycle Assessment (PLCA) tool developed by Bollinger + Grohmann to align it with Norwegian construction standards. The tool was initially developed for the ... -
Vurdering av endringsdyktighet for klimatiseringsløsninger i kontorer
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker endringsdyktighet for ulike klimatiseringstypologier, samt vurderer disse ved å utføre klimagassutslippsberegninger. Forskningsspørsmålene besvart i oppgaven er følgende: 1. Hvilken ... -
Design and numerical analysis of floating photovoltaic array for fjord conditions
(Master thesis, 2024)To reduce anthropogenic climate change and its negative consequences, renewable energy is key. Solar energy is one of the cheapest forms of renewable energy. However, it demands large land areas, which may cause conflicts. ... -
Dynamic Interaction of Submerged Floating Tube Bridge and Train
(Master thesis, 2024)Submerged Floating Tube Bridge (SFTB) offers a unique innovative solution for traversing deep/wide fjords and lakes. Constructing traditional bridges in such conditions due to depth of ocean, probable ununiform bottom ... -
Analytisk modellering av borehull for glatte U-rør kollektorer.
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på å utvikle og sammenligne en analytisk modell for U-rør kollektorer for bergvarmepumpesystemer. Dette inkluderer væske, grunn og borehull egenskaper som termisk konduktivitet for grunnen ... -
Testing av ulike optimaliseringsstrategier for bergvarmepumper
(Master thesis, 2024)Masteroppgaven omhandler ulike måter å optimalisere et bergvarmepumpeanlegg, bestående av vertikale varmevekslere koblet i parallell. Problemstillingen ble oppdelt slik at flere ulike strategier for optimalisering kunne ... -
Nye metoder for dimensjonering av vannforsyningsrør i bygg
(Master thesis, 2024)Dimensjonering av større installasjoner enn nødvendig er utbredt i Norge. Innen vannforsyningssystemer skyldes det delvis eldre beregningsmetoder som bruker større vannmengder enn behov og tar ikke hensyn til vannbesparende ... -
Measurement of Urban Qualities - A Multi-Criteria Approach to Optimize the Improvement of Public Spaces
(Master thesis, 2024)A central challenge in today’s urban development is to accommodate the goal of densification without compromising the quality of urban areas. The work of creating good public spaces for the city’s residents is a part of a ... -
Non-Destructive Testing and Machine Learning in Inspection of Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges
(Master thesis, 2024)Bridges are critical infrastructures essential for transportation and economic activities yet face accelerated deterioration from environmental factors and increased usage. Post- tensioned concrete bridges offer potential ... -
Heat-resilient design: the mapping and management of urban green roofs for cooler cities.
(Master thesis, 2024)Urbanization in cities has led to environmental challenges such as the UHI effect, air and noise pollution, and biodiversity loss. Green roofs have emerged as a promising multifunctional solution. This thesis aims to map ... -
Optimizing air distribution system in swimming halls
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines different ventilation strategies for swimming pools using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, with a particular focus on Åfjord swimming pool. The purpose of the study was to optimize the ... -
Oppbygging av arketypemodell for kontorbygg: sammenligning av simulert og målt energi- og effektbruk i kontorbygg
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven har som mål å bygge en arketypemodell for gamle kontorbygg i Norge. Hensikten er å sammenligne energi- og effektbruken med målte data. I tillegg skal det utføres en sensitivitetsanalyse for å avdekke ... -
Calibrating an archetype model for predicting space heating energy consumption in older residential buildings: a case study of a building in Oslo and Trondheim
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis is part of the COFACTOR project led by the SINTEF Community. The project aims to identify when and why peak loads occur through the collection of energy measurements of buildings. The thesis is related to a ... -
Snø- og fuktinntrengning i ventilasjonssystemer: Evaluering av Tiltak og dens Ytelsespåvirkning
(Master thesis, 2024)Dette masteroppgaveprosjektet tar sikte på å utforske ulike strategier for å beskytte luftinntak for ventilasjonsanlegg mot snø- og fuktinntrengning. I det senere tid, har dette blitt et stadig mer utfordrende problem i ... -
Oppdatering av grenseverdien for å måle bæreevne for asfalt med Raptor
(Master thesis, 2024)This study comprehensively investigated the relationships between various pavement parameters and Temperature-Modified Bearing Capacity (TMBC) using a correlation matrix and multiple regression models. Important parameters, ... -
Bicycle Mobility in Drammen Municipality, Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Cities globally are implementing national and local strategies and measures to limit motorized vehicles within the city center and increase active transportation. Cycling contributes societal and individual benefits to the ... -
Lateral Load Distribution in Precast Buildings: A Parametric Study in FEM-Design
(Master thesis, 2024)Finite element modeling is crucial in analyzing complex structures, yet accuracy relies on realistic input data. This thesis investigates the influence of modeling assumptions on structural behavior and load distribution ... -
POTENTIAL OF STREETS A Comparative Study in the Context of Oslo City
(Master thesis, 2024)In the last decades, Oslo’s municipality has put greater effort into transforming its center into a more functional and sustainable area by establishing some programs and measures that enable pedestrian-movement growth and ... -
Grønn Infrastruktur: Evaluering av Blå, Blå-grønne og grønne Taks Ytelse ved Stormvannshåndtering og Vannsensitiv Byutvikling
(Master thesis, 2024)Hovedmålet med denne studien er å undersøke effekten av grønne og blå-grønne tak på overvanns- håndtering i urbane miljøer, med hovedfokus på Oslo klima. Studien vurderer hvordan ulike hydro- logiske modeller kan anvendes ... -
Analysis of machine learning models to predict heating demand and electricity consumption in buildings.
(Master thesis, 2024)Reduction of energy consumption in buildings is a desired goal for many people. This goal may be achieved if sufficient planing of building construction in early design phase is done. In this project is the accuracy of 8 ...