Browsing TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk - Masteroppgaver by Title
Now showing items 43-50 of 50
Resistance to progressive collapse
(Master thesis, 2024)Structural collapses of large structures have increased the interest of studying progressive collapse of structures in recent years. Advances has been made but there are still no universally applied methods to design against ... -
Snø- og fuktinntrengning i ventilasjonssystemer: Evaluering av Tiltak og dens Ytelsespåvirkning
(Master thesis, 2024)Dette masteroppgaveprosjektet tar sikte på å utforske ulike strategier for å beskytte luftinntak for ventilasjonsanlegg mot snø- og fuktinntrengning. I det senere tid, har dette blitt et stadig mer utfordrende problem i ... -
Structural optimisation of concrete isolated foundations using Generative Design
(Master thesis, 2024)Foundations represent crucial parts for almost all our worlds’ infrastructures and structures. However, optimisation of these foundations seems to be deprioritised, likely due to the highly consumed time and resources for ... -
Structural Performance Characteristics of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Shear Walls
(Master thesis, 2024)Shear walls are defined as a category of structural walls designed to resist lateral loads such as wind and seismic forces. Traditionally, reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls are built using conventional concrete and ... -
Testing av ulike optimaliseringsstrategier for bergvarmepumper
(Master thesis, 2024)Masteroppgaven omhandler ulike måter å optimalisere et bergvarmepumpeanlegg, bestående av vertikale varmevekslere koblet i parallell. Problemstillingen ble oppdelt slik at flere ulike strategier for optimalisering kunne ... -
The effect of chloride induced corrosion in post-tensioned concrete bridges - A case study of the Gjøsund bridge in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)In this thesis, a case study of the post-tensioned concrete Gjøsund bridge (Gjøsundbrua) in Norway is conducted. A load analysis of the load actions and capacity calculation of the bridge has been performed using hand ... -
The Søsterhagen Project: An Explanation of Urban Planning and Space Syntax Analysis
(Master thesis, 2024)This research explores the relationship between urban design and pedestrian dynamics in Skarnes, Norway, using space syntax approach. The study integrates quantitative spatial analysis with qualitative data through community ... -
Vurdering av endringsdyktighet for klimatiseringsløsninger i kontorer
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker endringsdyktighet for ulike klimatiseringstypologier, samt vurderer disse ved å utføre klimagassutslippsberegninger. Forskningsspørsmålene besvart i oppgaven er følgende: 1. Hvilken ...