Browsing TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk - Masteroppgaver by Title
Now showing items 26-45 of 50
Lateral Load Distribution in Precast Buildings: A Parametric Study in FEM-Design
(Master thesis, 2024)Finite element modeling is crucial in analyzing complex structures, yet accuracy relies on realistic input data. This thesis investigates the influence of modeling assumptions on structural behavior and load distribution ... -
Livssyklusanalyse ved oppgradering av eldre kontorbygg
(Master thesis, 2024)Gjennom en systematisk studie, har det blitt utført en livssyklusanalyse for utslipp knyttet til produksjon, drift og riving, for et kontorbygg fra 1980-tallet i Oslo. Bygget ble oppgradert for å oppfylle kravene til TEK17 ... -
Measurement of Urban Qualities - A Multi-Criteria Approach to Optimize the Improvement of Public Spaces
(Master thesis, 2024)A central challenge in today’s urban development is to accommodate the goal of densification without compromising the quality of urban areas. The work of creating good public spaces for the city’s residents is a part of a ... -
Mechanical Reinforcement of Building Materials with Microfibers Produced by Electrospinning
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigated the reinforcement of cementitious materials with electrospun polymer microfibers, in particular fibers of cellulose acetate (CA). A systematic study was conducted to characterize the influence of ... -
Mechanical Reinforcement of Cementitious materials with Cellulose Acetate Produced by Electrospinning
(Master thesis, 2024)This master thesis explores the use of cellulose acetate (CA) microfibers as reinforcement for cementitious composites to improve their mechanical properties. The study focused on the production of nanofiber using the ... -
Minimering av treavfall på byggeplass: Organisatoriske og praktiske tiltak fra planlegging- til gjennomføringsfasen
(Master thesis, 2024)This master’s thesis delves into organizational and practical on-site measures aimed at minimizing wood waste on construction sites. It also seeks to advance and provide knowledge regarding on-site wood waste management. ... -
Multikriterie beslutningsanalyse i broprosjektering med forskjellige fremgangsmåter
(Master thesis, 2024)In this thesis, the topic of multi-criteria decision-analysis in bridge design processes was explored. It had been discovered that this could be done using two different approaches to modelling a decision problem. Using ... -
Non-Destructive Testing and Machine Learning in Inspection of Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges
(Master thesis, 2024)Bridges are critical infrastructures essential for transportation and economic activities yet face accelerated deterioration from environmental factors and increased usage. Post- tensioned concrete bridges offer potential ... -
Nye metoder for dimensjonering av vannforsyningsrør i bygg
(Master thesis, 2024)Dimensjonering av større installasjoner enn nødvendig er utbredt i Norge. Innen vannforsyningssystemer skyldes det delvis eldre beregningsmetoder som bruker større vannmengder enn behov og tar ikke hensyn til vannbesparende ... -
On Urban Microclimate of Oslo Neighbourhood
(Master thesis, 2024)Over the last decade, urbanization and rapid industrialization have made the urban environment more vulnerable to degradation. The World Bank and the United Nations (UN) have predicted that the global population will ... -
Oppbygging av arketypemodell for kontorbygg: sammenligning av simulert og målt energi- og effektbruk i kontorbygg
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven har som mål å bygge en arketypemodell for gamle kontorbygg i Norge. Hensikten er å sammenligne energi- og effektbruken med målte data. I tillegg skal det utføres en sensitivitetsanalyse for å avdekke ... -
Oppdatering av grenseverdien for å måle bæreevne for asfalt med Raptor
(Master thesis, 2024)This study comprehensively investigated the relationships between various pavement parameters and Temperature-Modified Bearing Capacity (TMBC) using a correlation matrix and multiple regression models. Important parameters, ... -
Optimalisering av hybridventilasjon for Klimahuset med hensyn til energibruk og termisk komfort, samt utforsking av dens ytelse mot fremtidige klimaendringer
(Master thesis, 2024)De fleste bygg benytter balansert ventilasjon for å sørge tilfredsstillende luftkvalitet. Problematikken oppstår ved at de fleste systemer er dårlig optimalisert som fører til unødvendig energibruk. I USA og Europa går ... -
Optimalisering og kontroll av bergvarmepumpe med modellbasert prediktiv regulering (MPC)
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven er det utviklet et program for en modellbasert prediktv kontroller som skal opprettholde romtemperaturen og vanntemperaturen i varmtvannstangen til en tenkt enebolig ved å styre et bergvarmepumpesystem. ... -
Optimizing air distribution system in swimming halls
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines different ventilation strategies for swimming pools using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, with a particular focus on Åfjord swimming pool. The purpose of the study was to optimize the ... -
POTENTIAL OF STREETS A Comparative Study in the Context of Oslo City
(Master thesis, 2024)In the last decades, Oslo’s municipality has put greater effort into transforming its center into a more functional and sustainable area by establishing some programs and measures that enable pedestrian-movement growth and ... -
Predicting concrete compressive strength using Machine Learning Algorithms
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis explores the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for predicting the compressive strength of concrete, a critical parameter in construction engineering. Given the complexity of concrete's composition ... -
Resistance to progressive collapse
(Master thesis, 2024)Structural collapses of large structures have increased the interest of studying progressive collapse of structures in recent years. Advances has been made but there are still no universally applied methods to design against ... -
Snø- og fuktinntrengning i ventilasjonssystemer: Evaluering av Tiltak og dens Ytelsespåvirkning
(Master thesis, 2024)Dette masteroppgaveprosjektet tar sikte på å utforske ulike strategier for å beskytte luftinntak for ventilasjonsanlegg mot snø- og fuktinntrengning. I det senere tid, har dette blitt et stadig mer utfordrende problem i ... -
Structural optimisation of concrete isolated foundations using Generative Design
(Master thesis, 2024)Foundations represent crucial parts for almost all our worlds’ infrastructures and structures. However, optimisation of these foundations seems to be deprioritised, likely due to the highly consumed time and resources for ...