TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk - Masteroppgaver
Recent Submissions
Datadrevet kalibrering av modeller for energisimulering av bygninger - Et norsk perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2024)Energisimuleringsprogrammer er viktige verkøtøy for å kunne bergne energibruken i bygg. Det hender altfor ofte at modellene som er laget i datamodelleringsprogrammene ikke stemmer overens med byggen de er modelert etter i ... -
Optimalisering og kontroll av bergvarmepumpe med modellbasert prediktiv regulering (MPC)
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven er det utviklet et program for en modellbasert prediktv kontroller som skal opprettholde romtemperaturen og vanntemperaturen i varmtvannstangen til en tenkt enebolig ved å styre et bergvarmepumpesystem. ... -
Blast Analysis – How Can We Model Concrete Subjected to a Contact Charge?
(Master thesis, 2024)In a world with increasing numbers of conflicts, wars and overall increased tension, the need for safety design of buildings and structures increases as a result. Accurate numerical model is an efficient way of predicting ... -
Structural Performance Characteristics of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Shear Walls
(Master thesis, 2024)Shear walls are defined as a category of structural walls designed to resist lateral loads such as wind and seismic forces. Traditionally, reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls are built using conventional concrete and ... -
A comparative analysis of computer vision techniques used for the Classification and Detection of Pavement Surface Distresses in Pavement Management Systems
(Master thesis, 2024)This dissertation presents a comparative analysis of computer vision techniques for the classification and detection of pavement surface distresses, focusing on their application within pavement management systems (PMS). ... -
The effect of chloride induced corrosion in post-tensioned concrete bridges - A case study of the Gjøsund bridge in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)In this thesis, a case study of the post-tensioned concrete Gjøsund bridge (Gjøsundbrua) in Norway is conducted. A load analysis of the load actions and capacity calculation of the bridge has been performed using hand ... -
Resistance to progressive collapse
(Master thesis, 2024)Structural collapses of large structures have increased the interest of studying progressive collapse of structures in recent years. Advances has been made but there are still no universally applied methods to design against ... -
Mechanical Reinforcement of Building Materials with Microfibers Produced by Electrospinning
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigated the reinforcement of cementitious materials with electrospun polymer microfibers, in particular fibers of cellulose acetate (CA). A systematic study was conducted to characterize the influence of ... -
Hygrothermal numerical simulations of hybrid timber-based façade in Bergen, under current and future climate
(Master thesis, 2024)A new hybrid timber façade has been developed by Staticus, Oslomet, Kaunas University and SINTEF with the goal of reducing the CO2 footprint with 70-75% and reduce the non-renewable primarily energy source with 53-56% by ... -
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Construction Project Scheduling
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of construction project scheduling, which has traditionally relied on human and semi-automated approaches. The construction industry, which ... -
Multikriterie beslutningsanalyse i broprosjektering med forskjellige fremgangsmåter
(Master thesis, 2024)In this thesis, the topic of multi-criteria decision-analysis in bridge design processes was explored. It had been discovered that this could be done using two different approaches to modelling a decision problem. Using ... -
Minimering av treavfall på byggeplass: Organisatoriske og praktiske tiltak fra planlegging- til gjennomføringsfasen
(Master thesis, 2024)This master’s thesis delves into organizational and practical on-site measures aimed at minimizing wood waste on construction sites. It also seeks to advance and provide knowledge regarding on-site wood waste management. ... -
Integrasjon av bærekraft i byggeprosjekter: Et rammeverk for LCA implementering i tidlige prosjekteringsfaser
(Master thesis, 2024)In recent years, sustainability has become a paramount focus in the construction industry, particularly in the realm of building design and construction. This thesis addresses the challenge of aligning sustainability ... -
Predicting concrete compressive strength using Machine Learning Algorithms
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis explores the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for predicting the compressive strength of concrete, a critical parameter in construction engineering. Given the complexity of concrete's composition ... -
Advancing Marine Riser Simulations: A Python-based Approach using Cosserat Rod Theory
(Master thesis, 2024)Marine risers, critical components in offshore drilling operations, are subject to complex forces that can lead to material fatigue and reduced service life of subsea wellheads. This master’s thesis presents the development ... -
Structural optimisation of concrete isolated foundations using Generative Design
(Master thesis, 2024)Foundations represent crucial parts for almost all our worlds’ infrastructures and structures. However, optimisation of these foundations seems to be deprioritised, likely due to the highly consumed time and resources for ... -
2D Analysis of Beam Bridges Using Python
(Master thesis, 2024)This master’s thesis addresses the necessity for an efficient analysis tool to evaluate the structural integrity of bridges subjected to special vehicle transport conditions. Currently, reliance on old software like Koboss ... -
Klima-indusert hygrotermisk ytelse av en stål-tre forbindelse i Tretten bru og dens innvirkning på den konstruksjonstekniske oppførselen.
(Master thesis, 2024)The primary objective of this master’s thesis is to conduct an analysis of the climate-induced hygrothermal stresses in dowel-type joints within glulam truss bridges. Both wood and steel, the primary materials used in these ... -
Kalibreringsmetode for avvik mellom målt og beregnet energibehov
(Master thesis, 2024)Reelle energiberegninger ble utført ved å tilpasse en simuleringsmodell for en casebygning som har installert energimålere, som gjorde det mulig å hente ut målt energiforbruk for 2023. Simuleringsmodellen var en alle- rede ... -
On Urban Microclimate of Oslo Neighbourhood
(Master thesis, 2024)Over the last decade, urbanization and rapid industrialization have made the urban environment more vulnerable to degradation. The World Bank and the United Nations (UN) have predicted that the global population will ...