Browsing SAM - Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag - Masteroppgaver by Title
Now showing items 15-18 of 18
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(Master thesis, 2024)Bare språket kan overvinne døden. Ordene tilhører idéhistorikeren Espen Schaaning og er å lese i forordet til den berømte forelesningen til filosofen Michael Foucault, Diskursens orden, fra 1970. Der døden er et evig ... -
Reasons for and Responses to Radio Journalists’ Compensation Challenges: A Comparative Study of Radio Management Practices Across Varied Ownership Structures and Geographic Regions in Uganda
(Master thesis, 2024)Ugandan journalists face numerous challenges: political, including intimidation and harassment by security agencies, and economic challenges, including inadequate pay that has bred corruption in newsrooms, compromising the ... -
Sports journalists’ safety in the face of online harassment A mixed method study on Tanzanian sports journalists’ experiences
(Master thesis, 2024)This Master of Arts thesis examines the experiences and safety actions taken by Tanzanian sports journalists to fight against online gender violence. It employs two theories including the Radical Feminist theory and Gender ... -
YouTube Explainers, Explained. A Practical / Theoretical Analysis of YouTube Explainers and the Vox Style.
(Master thesis, 2024)In a world full of perplexing questions and pressing concerns, curiosity propels people to seek understanding. As the world grows more complex, the need for accessible explanations becomes increasingly important. In the ...