Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Document Types "Book"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Approaches to inclusive education A review of the literature on inclusive education for children and youth with disabilities in low-income countries in Africa and Asia
(NIBR Rapport;, Book; Research report, 2024)This report responds to an assignment commissioned by Norad to review peer reviewed literature on inclusive education in ten selected countries in Africa and Asia: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, ... -
Arbeidsinkludering, læring og innovasjon i NAV
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2021)I dette kapittelet beskriver vi erfaringene til ledere ved to NAV-kontor som har gjennomgått et lederutviklingsprogram basert på reflekterende prosesser. Vi har gjennomgått e-poster og referater fra planlegging og ... -
Critical Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education
(Book, 2024) -
Effective Use of Collective Peer Teaching in Teacher Education Maximizing Student Learning
(Routledge Research in Teacher Education;, Book, 2023) -
Erfaringer blant pasienter og helsepersonell med legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR): En systematisk oversikt over kvalitative studier
(Book; Peer reviewed; Research report, 2020-05-11)I Norge tilbys legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR) for personer med opioidavhengighet. Pasienters og helsepersonells erfaringer med LAR kan gi verdifull kunnskap til å forbedre tiltakets kvalitet og akseptabilitet, ... -
Generational Tensions and Solidarity Within Advanced Welfare States
(Book, 2021-09-13)This book explores generation as both a reference to family or kinship structures and a reference to cohorts or age sets. The principal objective is branching out this two-part concept through studies of tensions and ... -
Hygrothermal performance of nature-based insulation materials integrated in timber-based wall-systems
(Book; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2023)This study is part of the European research and innovation project Build in Wood and has investigated the hygrothermal performance of nature-based insulation materials in two timber-based wall systems: i) stud wall and ii) ... -
Kritisk danning i lærerutdanningen
(Book, 2024)Denne tekstsamlingen undersøker hva det innebærer å danne lærere på 2020-tallet. Den er tenkt som et bidrag til en revitalisering, reformulering og operasjonalisering av danningstenkningen i lærerutdanningen. Hvordan ... -
Perspectives on the Public Sector and Social Policy for the 21st Century
(HiO-rapport;, Peer reviewed; Book, 2005)This book provides fourteen articles by Norwegian and Latvian social scientists and social workers. Six of the articles discuss matters within public policy and public administration. Themes in these articles include: ... -
Promoting pro-environmental behaviours among urban dwellers - A study of the interdisciplinary Greencoin project
(Book, 2024)The presented monograph outlines the course of the Greencoin project activities and their outcomes. Due to the distinct nature of each task and the fact that they were coordinated by the various partners, who bring their ... -
Prosigna Gene Signature to Assess Expected Benefit from Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. Assessment of manufacturer’s submission
(Book; Peer reviewed; Research report, 2019-08-16)Breast cancer can be treated with chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation, or a combination of these to prevent the spread of cancer cells, after surgical removal of the tumor. When assessing whether a patient should ... -
Samvær etter omsorgsovertakelse - en undersøkelse av praksis fra fylkesnemnder og lagmannsretter
(OsloMet Skriftserie;Nr. 4, Book; Peer reviewed; Research report; Report, 2021)I løpet av de siste årene er Norge gjentatte ganger blitt dømt av Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen (EMD) for brudd på retten til familieliv i Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen (EMK) artikkel 8. Per 14. oktober ... -
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of a Historic Brick Masonry Building by Fragility Functions
(12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2021);, Book; Conference object, 2021)This paper aims at contributing to the seismic vulnerability assessment of a historic brick masonry building constructed in Istanbul by comparison of the derived analytical and empirical fragility functions. For this ... -
Showing Social Solidarity with Future Generations
(Book, 2024)Today’s generations can affect the future ecosystem more than any previous generations and aggravate the welfare of future people. People who have not yet been born are excluded from political decisions important to their ...