Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Author "Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet"
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Adolescents’ psychosocial well-being one year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
von Soest, Tilmann; Kozák, Michal; Rodriguez Cano, Ruben; Fluit, Anne-Marie; Cortes Garcia, Laura; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Ebad Fardzadeh, Haghish; Bakken, Anders (Nature Human Behaviour;Volume 6, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-20)The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically restricted adolescents’ lives. We used nationwide Norwegian survey data from 2014–2021 (N = 227,258; ages 13–18) to examine psychosocial outcomes in adolescents before and during the ... -
The association between depression symptoms and reduced executive functioning is primarily linked by fatigue
Kraft, Brage; Bø, Ragnhild; Jonassen, Rune; Heeren, Alexandre; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Stiles, Tore Charles; Landrø, Nils Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Depression is associated with reduced executive functioning. Still, we lack a more detailed understanding of the factors explaining this association. Addressing several limitations in the previous literature, we examine ... -
Ungdoms opplevelser av konsekvenser av pandemien etter ett år med covid-19-restriksjoner
Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Bakken, Anders; Soest, Tilmann Von (Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening;Utgave 13, 28. september 2021, Academic article, 2021-09-27)Bakgrunn: Vi har fått kunnskap om hvordan covid-19-pandemien påvirket ungdoms liv rett etter at pandemien kom til Norge. Vi vet derimot lite om ungdoms opplevelser etter at pandemien har vedvart lenger, og hvorvidt ...