Browsing Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (AFI) by Title
Now showing items 53-72 of 456
Bærekraftige familier - likestilte livsløp
(AFI FoU-resultat, Research report, 2010) -
Capacity Building for Employers’ Organization on Productivity and Competitiveness
(AFI andre FoU-artikler 2007, Report, 2007)The Project ”Capacity Building of Employers organizations on Productivity and Competitiveness” financed by the Norwegian Government under the Social Dialogue Component for the ILO-Norway Framework Agreement, was launched ... -
Care and choice architecture: Relatives’ support for adults with intellectual disabilities in supported decision-making processes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) describes supported decision making as a fundamental human right. This study explores relatives’ experiences, dilemmas, as well as key factors in supported ... -
Career choices after completion of vocational training: the case of licensed practical nurses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The initial career choice that young people make can become subject to change as individuals gain professional and personal experience. We study career choices made after vocational training and investigate the propensity ... -
Changing Intention to Participate in Adult Education and Training in Norway: Compositional and Motivational Factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Western governments propose adult education and training (AET) as a prerequisite for all employees to solve current challenges related to globalization, climate change, automation and the ageing workforce. This study ... -
Civil Aviation in an Age of De-Regulation – Social Risks and Benefits.
(AFI Rapport 2016:09, Report, 2016)The objective of this report is to assess important developments in the global aviation industry and how this affects civil aviation in Norway and Europe. The report is based on an academic literature review and other ... -
Collaborative mental health treatment: current practices among mental health providers in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The objective of this study is to examine the frequency of collaboration among mental health providers´ and assess perceptions of whether collaborative practices have an impact on the help that patients receive during ... -
Comparing digital to traditional follow-up in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration: A youth perspective on trust and satisfaction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Public employment services are increasingly becoming digital. Previous literature has highlighted potential and intersectional risks associated with digitalizing these services. To address this, the current study explores ... -
Conflict prevention and Management
(AFI FoU-resultat 2012, Report, 2012) -
Covid, work reorganisation and trust: the importance of employment relations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The world met the COVID-19 pandemic with various national stra- tegies to handle the crisis. In Norway, upon the advice of health authorities, the government imposed a societal lockdown on 12 March 2020. This had major ... -
Deltid, kompetanse og inkludering – tilstand og muligheter
(AFI Notat 2010:16, Report, 2010)Dette notatet av AFI-forskerne Halrynjo, Sigtona og Arild H. Steen, viser at tre av ti ansatte i såkalte velferdsyrker er usikre på om de kommer til å fortsette i jobben. På oppdrag fra Delta har Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet ... -
Desentralisert arbeid i staten
(AFI-rapport;2024:15, Report, 2024-12-05)I 2023 ble samtlige statlige virksomheter bedt om å vurdere ‘desentralisert arbeid’ som et mulig virkemiddel for å styrke norske regioner gjennom flere statlige kompetansearbeidsplasser. Desentralisert arbeid er her forstått ... -
- Det kan slå begge veier. Bedriftsdemokrati i NAFs område
(AFI Rapport;2023:14, Research report, 2023-05)Samarbeid mellom ledere og tillitsvalgte på virksomhetsnivå er en sentral del av den norske modellen. Tema i denne rapporten er hvordan det står til med dette samarbeidet i de bransjer som inngår i området til Norsk ... -
(AFI Rapport 1993:01, Report, 1991)Det redegjøres for historisk bakgrunn og teoretiske forutsetninger for denne type konferanser. Systemorienterte orinteringer avvises med den begrunnelse at de representerer en objektiviserende tilnærming til et felt som ... -
Diskriminering av foreldre i arbeidslivet - Forekomst av og erfaringer med negativ forskjellsbehandling
(AFI-rapport;2021:03, Report, 2021-06-04)Rapporten undersøker forskjellsbehandling av arbeidstakere i forbindelse med graviditet og uttak av foreldrepermisjon, med utgangspunkt i diskrimineringsvernet og arbeidsgivers aktivitetsplikt. Datamaterialet er en ... -
Disparities in the offer of COVID-19 vaccination to migrants and non-migrants in Norway: a cross sectional survey study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Does trust-based management reform enhance employee-driven innovation? Evidence from a Scandinavian capital
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Over the last two decades, public sector trust-based management reform (TBMR) has been on the agenda in Scandinavia. This article analyzes the relationship between such reform and employee-driven innovation (EDI) in schools ... -
Drivkrefter bak avgang og arbeidsfastholdelse
(AFI Rapport 2015:4, Research report, 2015)I denne rapporten ser vi nærmere på hvilke individkarakteristikker, jobbkarakteristikker og organisasjonskarakteristikker som kan forklare selvoppgitt sannsynlighet for yrkesavgang. Rapporten analyserer et stort ... -
Effects of an early warning system on student absence and completion in Norwegian upper secondary schools: a cluster-randomised study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Effekt- og følgeevaluering av Lindesneslosen
(AFI FoU-resultat 2015, Report, 2015)Prosjektet har som sin viktigste målgruppe ungdom som står i fare for å falle ut av utdanning eller jobb, eller som kanskje allerede har gjort det. Prosjektet og dets samarbeidspartnere skal sørge for at ungdommen får ...