Browsing NOVA andre dokumenter by Title
Now showing items 91-110 of 113
Social class, disability, and institutional interactions: the case of families with disabled children in the welfare state
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research on families with disabled children has highlighted how such families experience frustration in their encounters with health and welfare services. However, less attention has been given to how these encounters ... -
Social inequality in navigating the healthcare maze: Care trajectories from hospital to home via intermediate care for older people in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Although health inequality is a growing concern, striking differences in health and life expectancy still exist across and within OECD countries. In Oslo, the largest city in Norway, life expectancy differs by up to 7 ... -
Speaking Swedish While Black in Norway
(Journal of Critical Mixed Race Studies;Volume 1, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Swedes are almost unambiguously considered White in Norway and, therefore, labeled as non-strangers and non-marked. One of the most striking aspects of studying young Swedish labor migrants to the Norwegian capital is their ... -
Spousal bereavement and its effects on later life physical and cognitive capability: the Tromsø study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Spousal bereavement is associated with health declines and increased mortality risk, but its specific impact on physical and cognitive capabili- ties is less studied. A historical cohort study design was applied including ... -
State crisis response versus transnational family living: An online ethnography among transnational families during the pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Transnational family living refers to the situation of maintaining relationships across national borders. It is dependent on a certain degree of flexibility from the state. As part of the crisis response to the COVID-19 ... -
SVA-virksomhetsrapport 2022
(Working paper, 2023) -
Tailored implementation of national recommendations on fall prevention among older adults in municipalities in Norway (FALLPREVENT trial): a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Despite substantial research evidence indicating the effectiveness of a range of interventions to prevent falls, uptake into routine clinical practice has been limited by several implementation hallenges. The ... -
Tenure Security and Positive Freedom in Social Housing. Tenants’ Subjective Experiences in the Ambiguous Case of Oslo
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this article, I discuss social housing tenants’ subjective experiences of tenure security and freedom in a housing regime characterized by strong market-orientation and means-testing. Based on thematic analysis of ... -
They must live somewhere! The geographical dimension of residualized social rented housing in urban Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The residualization of public rented housing is a prevalent phenomenon throughout Eu- rope, and strongly present in the small and strongly means-tested social housing sector in Norway. In this article, we discuss the ... -
Turnusordninger i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester – kraftig vekst i omfang av langvakter, årsturnus og fleksibel turnus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Et økende antall eldre med behov for tjenester vil sette et stadig større press på effektiv utnyttelse av ressurser i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Nye måter å organisere turnus på har blitt løftet frem som et tiltak som kan ... -
Understanding volunteering intensity in older volunteers
(Ageing & Society;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-12)Although volunteering is considered a good strategy for successful ageing, not many older adults are engaged in voluntary work and those who are do so mainly sporadically. This study focuses on time invested in volunteering ... -
Ungdom i kommunale boliger
(BOVEL-notat;4, Working paper, 2023)Ungdom i kommunale boliger er et forskningsprosjekt utført av forskere ved Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (AFI) og Senter for bolig- og velferdsforskning (BOVEL) ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet. Prosjektet er gjennomført ... -
Ungdommers levde medborgerskap: Betydningen av klassede foreldrepraksiser under pandemien
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen undersøker vi hva familiens sosioøkonomiske ressurser betyr for levd medborgerskap hos ungdom, gjennom å se på klassede praksiser i familiene deres under den nasjonale nedstengningen i covid-19- pandemiens ... -
Unges utsatthet for digitale seksuelle krenkelser
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen undersøker forekomsten av digitale seksuelle krenkelser blant elever i ungdomsskolen og videregående skole, basert på data fra spørreundersøkelsen Ung i Oslo 2021 (n = 18 752; 50,5 % jenter). Digitale seksuelle ... -
The unique and synergistic effects of social isolation and loneliness on 20-years mortality risks in older men and women
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: This study investigates the individual and combined impacts of loneliness and social isolation on 20-year mortality risks among older men and women. Methods: Utilizing data from the Norwegian Life Course, ... -
Unravelling the dichotomisation of care and reablement: an ethnographic exploration of contradictions between policy rhetoric and practice in Danish and Norwegian eldercare
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Reablement has been positioned as a superior care ideal distinct from home care. Drawing on cross-national ethnographic data, this article instead demonstrates how the continuity and interdependency between reablement ... -
Utforming av boutgiftstakene i bostøtteordningen - en prinsipiell tilnærming
(BOVEL-notat;3/2024, Working paper, 2024)Notatet tar for seg tre spørsmål knyttet til dimensjoneringen av boutgiftstakene i bostøtteordningen: hvordan takene bør differensieres etter husholdsstørrelse, mellom geografiske enheter, og hva det generelle nivået på ... -
Vold eller foreldrekonflikt? Voldsutsatte mødres erfaringer med barneverntjenesten etter samlivsbrudd
(Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern;Nr 2–3 – 2022 | Vol. 99, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-17)«Vold i hjemmet / Barnet vitne til vold i nære relasjoner» er den vanligste voldskategorien i barneverntjenestens meldingsstatistikk, men det er forsket lite på hvordan slike saker håndteres. I artikkelen undersøker vi ... -
What Happened to Me? Ambiguity and Surety in Narratives of Intoxicated Sexual Assault
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Intoxicated sexual assault is the most common type of sexual assault but is rarely unpacked as a social phenomenon. Our analysis represents a novel approach to opening the broad category of intoxicated sexual assaults for ... -
What’s the ‘Problem’ with Workplace Accommodation? A Disability Policy Journey Over Time
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)To level the playing field in employment, the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities require state parties to ensure the provision of reasonable accommodation in the workplace. The international literature shows ...