Browsing NOVA andre dokumenter by Title
Now showing items 54-73 of 128
Implementation of the four habits model in intermediate care services in Norway: a process evaluation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Intermediate care (IC) services bridge the transition for older patients from the hospital to the home. Despite the goal of involving individuals in their recovery process, these services often become standardised, ... -
Inntektssikring: Har venstre/høyredimensjonen betydning for velgerholdninger og politikkutforming?
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 25, nr. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Artikkelen belyser norske velgeres syn på tre veivalg for utviklingen av det offentlige inntektssikringssystemet – behovsprøving, aktivering og innføring av grunninntekt. Analysene er basert på European Social Survey fra ... -
Institutional Barriers to Medical Examinations in Barnahus
(Chapter, 2024)Although ensuring that victimised children receive timely medical health assessments is among the key aims of Barnahus, this goal has proven difficult to achieve in Norway, the empirical case examined in this chapter. Few ... -
Interpersonal Victimization During Childhood and Adolescence and Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood: A Latent Class Analysis Approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Previous research relates violent victimization early in life to a wide range of unfavorable outcomes in adulthood, among them a lack of educational attainment. A tendency to conduct separate investigations into ... -
Interpreting the state-citizen nexus in contemporary Nordic legal and social citizenship: the case of divergence in restriction on freedom of movement as a mitigation policy in the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aim of this article was to use an interpretivist approach to analyse the state–citizen nexus in general and the conflict between civil and social rights imposing restrictions on people’s freedom of movement during the ... -
Is There an Association Between Childhood Conditions and Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life?
(Journal article, 2023)This study aims to explore the effects of childhood circumstances and conditions on the risk of exclusion from social relations in old age, using a life-course perspective and examining gender influence. Secondary analysis ... -
Jobb og omsorg for gamle foreldre. Hvordan legge til rette for å få til begge deler?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Med en aldrende befolkning vil det bli et økende press på de eldste arbeidstakerne om å yte omsorg til foreldre og samtidig jobbe mer. Ved hjelp av kvalitative intervjuer, spørreskjemadata og registerdata belyser vi denne ... -
Kommunale utleieboliger til vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet i Norge 2023. En rapport fra en spørreundersøkelse om boligtildeling, husleiekontrakter og husleiefastsettelse i norske kommuner
(Andre dokumenter;2023: 2, Working paper, 2023)Notatet presenterer hovedfunn fra den nettbaserte spørreundersøkelsen «Kommunale boliger til vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet i Norge 2023», som er besvart av 170 kommuner og syv av femten bydeler i Oslo. Notatet belyser ... -
Licence to Care – Licensing Terms for For-Profit Residential Care for Children in Four Nordic Countries
(Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research;Årgang 7, nr. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-16)Licensing is a public instrument used to control welfare services. One such service is residential care for children, which is targeted at children who experience maltreatment in their home environment and/or have behavioural ... -
Life-course transitions and exclusion from social relations in the lives of older men and women
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)There is increasing interest across European contexts in promoting active social lives in older age, and counteracting pathways and outcomes related to social isolation and loneliness for men and women in later life. ... -
Livsløpsoverganger i eldre år. Betydningen av kjønn og sosioøkonomisk status
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Overganger i eldre år innebærer ofte tap av roller. De kan både være uønskete og vanskelig å planlegge og forberede seg på – og av og til uventete. Dette kan bidra til økt sårbarhet, som igjen kan begrense mulighetene for ... -
Logistics of care: Trust-reform and self-managing teams in municipal home care services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The central idea in trust-reform is to improve service delivery by granting professional autonomy and acknowledging the experiential knowledge of professionals. In this article, we study trust-reform bottom-up from the ... -
Logistics of care: Trust-reform and self-managing teams in municipal home care services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The central idea in trust-reform is to improve service delivery by granting professional autonomy and acknowledging the experiential knowledge of professionals. In this article, we study trust-reform bottom-up from the ... -
Loneliness prevalence of community-dwelling older adults and the impact of the mode of measurement, data collection, and country: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objectives: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the prevalence of loneliness in many countries worldwide which have different ways of assessing it. Design: Systematic review and meta-analys ... -
Lønner det seg å jobbe? Inntektsutvikling blant stønadsmottakere som øker sin arbeidsdeltakelse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Spørsmålet om hvor mye trygde- og stønadsmottakere vil «tjene på» inntektsgivende arbeid er ofte diskutert. I denne artikkelen analyserer vi registerdata for 89 000 familier som i 2017 fikk nesten alle sine inntekter ... -
Making assessment protocols workable: Navigating transparency and person-centredness in Norwegian reablement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Western welfare states are facing great challenges as they strive to optimise their health and social systems in response to the realities of an ageing population. Many countries put a stake on reablement services— short-term ... -
Managers’ perspectives on their role in implementing fall prevention interventions: a qualitative interview study in Norwegian homecare services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: The implementation of fall prevention interventions in homecare services is crucial for reducing falls among older adults and effective leadership could determine success. Norwegian homecare services ... -
Menn på familievernkontoret. Alliansearbeid mellom terapeuter og klienter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Det kan spores tendenser til polarisering i feltet for vold i nære relasjoner og foreldreskap. I forskningen på menn og vold skilles det mellom menn som har utøvd vold, og menn som utsatte for vold, og i det offentlige ... -
The monster and the self: Taking on the monstrosity of sexual violations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The contemporary normative climate regarding sexual violence affects how perpetrators of such violence relate to their harmful acts. In this article, we analyze how men convicted of sex offences are affected by how ... -
Moving away from, moving towards and moving against others: An adaptive multi-strategy approach to defend and build resources in self-protection mode
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the face of extreme and enduring stressors, a self-protection coping mode can be entered to conserve resources (Conservation of Resources (COR) theory principle 4). Self-protection coping is underexplored in COR theory ...