• Oslo 2013 – Design Learning for Tomorrow Reflections on the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers 

      Nielsen, Liv Merete (Proceedings of the DRS LEARN X DESIGN 2021, 6th International Conference for Design Education Researchers;Volume 1, Conference object, 2021-12-27)
      The 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers was arranged 14-17th of May 2013 at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (now Oslo Metropolitan University). The thematic focus was ...
    • Participation to the People! Locating the Popular in Rimini Protokoll’s Home Visit Europe 

      Berg, Ine Therese (Nordic Theatre Journal;Vol 29 No 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-05)
      Home Visit Europe by Rimini Protokoll is a performance without performers, only an audience taking part in a game in a private home. As such, it is one example of the participatory strategies that currently have a strong ...
    • Penance Practices used as an Artistic Research Method 

      Vatn, Gunhild (Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R);Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Artistic and Art-Based Research Methods, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-03)
      This articlepresents ‘Penance Practices’, an art project started in 2017 and consisting of a large number of porcelain sculptures. Most of the works pictured in this articleoriginate in this art project and have featured ...
    • Performative kunstdidaktiske erfaringer som praksisrefleksjon 

      Ellinggard, Stine; Bjerkestrand, Karin Brunvathne (Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education;Vol. 5 | No. 3 | 2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-17)
      Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke hva performative kunstdidaktiske erfaringer kan tilføre praksisrefleksjonen til PPU (praktisk pedagogisk utdanning) studenter i drama og teater. Forfatterne har gjennomført tre ...
    • Perlekjedet, Om smykker som stedsspesifikk kunst 

      Skorve, Rikke Lind (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
    • Persuasion and Play: Crafting a Sustainable Culture 

      Tronstad, Ragnhild (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Designing for a sustainable future is not only a matter of craftsmanship in terms of delivering sustainable products and solutions. It also has a rhetorical side, implying that the consumer must be persuaded to ...
    • Poruka [ljudima] / Et budskap [til folket] 

      Vaizovic, Inda (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Poruka [ljudima] / Et budskap [til folket] er en bacheloroppgave bestående av et antagonistisk installasjonsverk, en formidlingstekst og en akademisk tekst. Det antagonistiske installasjonsverket er et stemmeavlukke, ...
    • Private kunstdonasjoner og lokal politikk: Kontroversene rundt etablering av skulpturpark på Ekeberg i Oslo 

      Larsen, Håkon; Stokstad, Sigrid; Christensen-Scheel, Boel; Berg, Ida Uppstrøm (Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift;Årgang 24, nr. 2-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-14)
      Private donasjoner har blitt utpekt som en av de underliggende mekanismene som former den politiske dynamikken i kultursektoren, og det er i Norge en lang historie for at privatpersoner donerer eller finansierer kunst som ...
    • Profesjonskunnskap: fag, forskning og praksiserfaring- perspektiv på lærerutdanning i design, kunst og håndverk 

      Fauske, Laila Belinda (FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk;Vol 13, Nr 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-24)
      Rammeplan for 5-årig lærerutdanning i praktiske og estetiske fag ble vedtatt juni 2020. For design, kunst og håndverk innebærer dette at 3-årig faglærerutdanning med master opphører. Lærerutdanningen skal være både ...
    • Programmering i Kunst og håndverk 2018-2022 : Utviklingen av pseudokodemodellen. 

      Haakonsen, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Helt siden det tidlig i 2018 ble kjent at programmering skulle bli en del av Kunst og håndverk i kommende læreplaner, startet jeg å holde korte kurs i programmering for faglærerstudenter i design, kunst og hånd- verk. ...
    • Programming as a New Creative Material in Art and Design Education 

      Hoebeke, Stephanie; Strand, Ingri; Haakonsen, Peter (Techne Series;Vol 28 Nr 2 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-26)
      The purpose of this study was to look at whether programming should be introduced as a new material in Art and crafts education in Norway. Programming has here been linked to creative coding, where it is classified as a ...
    • Recalling memories through reminiscence theatre 

      Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;2(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The purpose of this article is to study how a reminiscence theatre production develops dramaturgically, and to discuss what impact it has on the participants who take part in the project “The aged as a resource”. The theatre ...
    • Redesign of Garments in General Education: A Path to Reduced Consumption 

      Orheim, Monica Schlanbusch; Nielsen, Liv Merete (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Mass consumption in Western societies poses a great threat to the global climate. How do we change attitudes towards mass consumption so that the next generation does not inherit an unfortunate ...
    • The Reflective Citizen : General Design Education for a Sustainable Future 

      Digranes, Ingvild; Fauske, Laila Belinda (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      With the Norwegian 2006 curriculum, the thoughts of a global responsibility in terms of a wide understanding of sustainability was introduced in general education in Art and Design education from 1st grade through lower ...
    • Reforhandling av kunnskapsgrunnlag. Forskning og fagutvikling med utspring i designdidaktikk 

      Fauske, Laila Belinda (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Journal article, 2016)
      I 1960 erstattet Forming de tre fagene Tegning, Håndarbeid og Sløyd i norsk grunnskole. På dette tidspunktet hadde ikke miljøet rundt skolefagene mulighet for egen forskning. Forskning var forbeholdt universitetsmiljøene, ...
    • Regimes of competence in the subject Art and crafts 

      Lutnæs, Eva (Techne series : Research in sloyd education and crafts science. A;20(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article explores the assessment repertoire of art and crafts teachers at two different lower secondary schools in the context of an on-going reform of assessment practice in Norwegian general education. New regulations ...
    • Reimagining Urban Living Labs: enter the Urban Drama Lab 

      Sachs Olsen, Cecilie; van Hulst, Merlijn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this paper we introduce the Urban Drama Lab as a new manifestation of Urban Living Labs. We expand current debates concerning Urban Living Labs by contrasting and comparing them with knowledge and practices developed ...
    • Relationell pedagogik – redaktorernas inledning 

      Aspelin, Jonas; Johansson, Lotta (Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige;Årg 22, nr 3-4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-14)
      Detta temanummer handlar om ett nytt och oetablerat forskningsfält. Någon självklar konsensus om vad relationell pedagogik är finns inte och är knappast heller önskvärd. Syftet med tidskriftens ”call for papers” som gick ...
    • Research Ethics of Becoming: Approaches Beyond Moral Laws 

      Johansson, Lotta; Hall, Jeffrey Brooks (International review of Qualitative Research;Vol. 12 No. 4, Winter 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-13)
      This paper explores the post-qualitative notion of “ethics of becoming” through a critique of common understandings of ethical approaches to research. By applying Deleuze’s reading of Spinoza, the ethics of becoming are ...
    • Researching research affects: in-between different research positions 

      Johansson, Lotta; Moe, Merete; Kjersti, Nissen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A significant amount of research has highlighted the different ontological and epistemological dimensions of insider and outsider research positions. In the field of education, this topic could benefit from more research. ...