Blar i TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk på tittel
Viser treff 439-458 av 460
Ultimate Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Elements Damaged by Corrosion
(Buildings;Volume 9, Issue 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-29)Worldwide, steel corrosion is one of the greatest deterioration problems for reinforced concrete structures. Comparing some experimental results from literature with a complex FEM model, the present paper points out the ... -
Uncertainties in the synthetic data generation for the creation of bridge digital twins
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2023)Digital twins (DTs) are virtual replicas of physical assets that can be used to monitor and manage their performance. To date, the DT concept has been effectively implemented in various industries, including aeronautics, ... -
Understanding Biofilm Issues in Wastewater Pipes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)It is well known how wastewater creates biofilm in pipes. Wastewater contains many microorganisms and other materials that make the pipes particularly susceptible to biofilm formation. Biofilm is an aggregate of microorganisms, ... -
Understanding the Energy Consumption of Battery Electric Buses in Urban Public Transport Systems
(Sustainability;volume 12, issue 23, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-30)The ever-increasing concerns over urban air quality, noise pollution, and considerable savings in total cost of ownership encouraged more and more cities to introduce battery electric buses (e-bus). Based on the sensor ... -
Understanding Travel Behavior of Electric Car-Sharing Users under Impact of COVID-19
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about the use of public transport, with a surge in people considering personal car usage. However, owning private cars is costly and wasteful of resources. Electric ... -
Usability of the EPC tools for the profitability calculation of a retrofitting in a residential building
(Sustainability;10(9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-04)After the oil crisis in the 70s energy regulation codes were implemented, but a great portion of existing dwellings have not been retrofitted to current requirements. To face this issue several actions were taken in the ... -
Use of cross laminated timber (CLT) in industrial buildings in Nordic climate – A case study
(IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;Volume 410, Conference object, 2020)In recent years there has been a greater interest in developing new more sustainable solutions in the construction of buildings and in particular of large commercial and industrial buildings. Thisstudy analyses the ... -
The use of HBIM and scanning in cultural heritage projects
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2023)The adaptation of HBIM, (Historic Building Information Modelling), in cultural heritage has been a challenge since such buildings are unique. Historic buildings are known to be some of the more chal-lenging structures to ... -
Using artificial intelligence techniques for the accurate estimation of the ultimate pure bending of steel circular tubes
(Conference object, 2022-11-24)In this paper, the potential of building more accurate and robust models for the prediction of the ultimate pure bending capacity of steel circular tubes using artificial intelligence techniques is investigated. Therefore, ... -
Using Individualised HDI Measures for Predicting Educational Performance of Young Students—A Swedish Case Study
(Sustainability;Volume 13 / Issue 11, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-28)HDI is a frequently used quantitative index of human potential and welfare, developed as a comprehensive measure for the cross-sectional and temporal comparison of socioeconomic performance. The HDI is a standardised ... -
Using intelligent system approach for shear strength forecasting of steel fiber-reinforced concrete beams
(SynerCrete'18: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete: Synergizing Expertise and Bridging Scales of Space and Time.;Vol. 1&2, Chapter; Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-22)Previous studies have shown that brittle failure in reinforced concrete buildings caused huge losses, both in human and economic terms. The appropriate use of steel fibers to a reinforced concrete beam can change the ... -
Utbedring av flomveier og LOD-tiltak i avrenningsfeltet til Grønland
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)I fremtidige Norge kan det ventes økte nedbørsmengder grunnet klimaendringer. Dette i sammenheng med flere impermeable flater og mindre grøntområder, fører til økt utfordring for overvannsproblematikken i bymiljø. Denne ... -
Utbredelse og adopsjon av Blågrønn faktor
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)I denne oppgaven ønsket forfatterne å beskrive hvordan utbredelsen av Blågrønn faktor (BGF) i Norge ser ut i dag og undersøke hvilke fordeler og ulemper kommunene opplever ved bruk av BGF. Data for å beskrive utbredelsen ... -
Utilisation of geological surplus masses in landfill cover: percolation results from pilot test
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2024)To minimize the generation of leachates and thus the contamination of the environment, landfills are usually closed using a cover system which includes a low-permeable hydraulic barrier. For landfills for ordinary and ... -
Veien til bedre avfallsreduksjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Byggebransjen er en av de viktigste årsakene til klimautslipp og energiforbruk i verden. Reduksjon av klimautslipp og energi har de siste årene vært i høyt fokus, men nå flyttes oppmerksomheten til reduksjon av avfallsmengdene. ... -
Verification of simple illuminance based measures for indication of discomfort glare from windows
(Building and Environment;92, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-02)Modern office buildings are often designed with highly glazed facades, with an intention of being sufficiently day lit. However, extensive daylight supply has its backside, as glare might be a considerable concern. From a ... -
VOC contributions from building materials, furniture, and user equipment in low emitting and modular classrooms
(SINTEF Proceedings;9, Conference object, 2021)This study aimed to assess whether building materials, furniture, and user equipment are sources of pollution that would influence the need for ventilation. Between 2017-2020, measurements were taken in four regular ... -
VOC emission rates in newly built and renovated buildings, and the influence of ventilation – a review and meta-analysis
(The International Journal of Ventilation;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-20)Few field studies have evaluated ventilation strategies, such as temporarily increasing the ventilation rate, to counter the high pollutant-load from off-gassing of volatile compounds from new materials in these buildings. ... -
Vulnerability assessment of cultural heritage structures
(ECCOMAS Congress;8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Conference object, 2022)Cultural heritage (CH) assets are the legacy of a society that are inherited from the past generations and can give us lessons for contemporary construction. Not only the formally recognized CH assets but also the non-CH ... -
What should the Minimum Ventilation Rate Be in a Demand-Controlled Ventilation Strategy?
(Springer Proceedings in Energy;CCC 2018: Cold Climate HVAC 2018, Conference object, 2019)Demand-Controlled Ventilation is emerging as a dominant ventilation strategy in non-residential buildings in Norway. The ventilation airflow rate is controlled between pre-set minimum (Vmin) and maximum (Vmax) values, based ...