Now showing items 426-445 of 460

    • T-banestasjon i Homansbyen 

      Guttormsen, Eline; Johnsen, Ida-Helene; Nøsted, Anette (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Estimater for befolkningsvekst i Oslo Kommune, fra Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB), tilsier at en forbedring av kollektivtilbudet er helt nødvendig for å dekke fremtidige behov. Denne oppgaven tar for seg mulige alternativer ...
    • Temperature-dependent ventilation rates might improve perceived air quality in a demand-controlled ventilation strategy 

      Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Opsahl Resvoll, Marie; Mysen, Mads; Fjellheim, Øystein (Building and Environment;Volume 205, November 2021, 108180, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-24)
      The aim of the Best Vent project was to find the optimal control strategy for demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) without compromising on indoor air quality. In this paper, we discuss control strategies that would ensure ...
    • The bacterial composition of ventilation filter dust in Norwegian pre-school nurseries 

      Nygaard, Anders Benteson; Charnock, Colin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The microbial content of dust collected from intake and exhaust air filters in six Norwegian nurseries was determined using 16S rRNA pyrosequencing and plate count analyses. The concentration of endotoxins was also ...
    • Thermal analysis of flat roof systems with regards to their thermal insulation and exterior surface emissivity coefficient 

      Choidis, Petros; Kontoleon, Karolos; Evgenidis-Karadimitriou, Panagiotis; Mazzeo, Domenico (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;Volume 410, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In this study, a numerical analysis of the thermal performance of a flat roof system is presented. The dynamic thermal behaviour of this system is assessed with regards to the effects produced by an insulation layer and ...
    • Thermal Performance of an Office Cubicle Integrated with a Bio-based PCM: Experimental Analyses 

      Vik, Tor Arvid; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Aslaksrud, Petter; Folkedal, Eirik; Øvrevik, Ottar S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Phase change materials (PCM) have the potential to enhance the energy performance and thermal comfort of buildings. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the thermal performance and indoor climate benefits of ...
    • Tilfredsstille krav til brann og bæring av byggverk i trekonstruksjoner 

      Güven, Hasan; Hussain, Ali; Aurahman, Brwa (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Bacheloroppgaven er utformet i samarbeid med Hersleth Entreprenør. Tema og problemstilling for oppgaven er å tilfredsstille krav fra forskriftene som omfatter brann og bæring av boligbygg med trekonstruksjoner som bæresystem. ...
    • Time dependent chloride diffusion coefficient : field studies of concrete exposed to marine environment in Norway 

      Markeset, Gro; Skjølsvold, Ola (International Symposium on Service Life Design for Infrastructure;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient derived by evaluating chloride profiles using Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion is found to be time dependent and may decrease considerably with increasing age of the concrete. In ...
    • Topologioptimalisering i byggebransjen 

      Mahmood, Qassed; Ismail, Suzana; Alsosi, Hani; Al-Mogahed, Maad (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne rapporten, "Hvordan kan topologioptimalisering anvendes i byggebransjen?", har som mål å forklare prinsippene bak topologioptimalisering og hvordan denne teknikken kan implementeres i byggebransjen. Topologioptimalisering ...
    • Toward identifying the ASR-induced stresses from displacement measurements and crack observations—Demonstration on a beam bridge in Norway 

      Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Markeset, Gro; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max (Engineering structures;Volume 263, 15 July 2022, 114337, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-24)
      Alkali–silica reaction (ASR) in concrete causes expansion and degradation of the material, which might give adverse structural consequences. From the structural engineer point view, the greatest concern is if ASR leads to ...
    • Transformation of reclaimed materials from barn buildings - Design of a new timber building frame 

      Planke, Terje; Nore, Kristine; Rygh Nordhagen, Victoria; Bockelie, André; Kraniotis, Dimitrios (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2023)
      Norsk Folkemuseum, the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History, plans to build a centre for traditional wood crafts and building customs, TradLab TRE. TradLab will be built as a modern and traditional building with the reuse ...
    • Transformer for multiple object tracking: Exploring locality to vision 

      Wu, Shan; Hadachi, Amnir; Lu, Chaoru; Vivet, Damien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Multi-object tracking (MOT) is a critical task in various domains, such as traffic analysis, surveillance, and autonomous vehicles. The joint-detection-and-tracking paradigm has been extensively researched, which is faster ...
    • Turbulent structures of shock-wave diffraction over 90° convex corner 

      Soni, Vineet; Chaudhuri, Arnab; Brahmi, Nassim; Hadjadj, Abdellah (Physics of Fluids;Volume 31, Issue 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-12)
      The turbulent structures and long-time flow dynamics of shock diffraction over 90° convex corner associated with an incident shock Mach number Ms = 1.5 are investigated by large eddy simulation (LES). The average evolution ...
    • Turbulent structures of shock-wave diffraction over 90° convex corner 

      Soni, Vineet; Chaudhuri, Arnab; Brahmi, Nassim; Hadjadj, Abdellah (Physics of Fluids;Volume 31, Issue 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07)
      The turbulent structures and long-time flow dynamics of shock diffraction over 90° convex corner associated with an incident shock Mach number Ms = 1.5 are investigated by large eddy simulation (LES). The average evolution ...
    • Ultimate Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Elements Damaged by Corrosion 

      Bossio, Antonio; Imperatore, Stefania; Kioumarsi, Mahdi (Buildings;Volume 9, Issue 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-29)
      Worldwide, steel corrosion is one of the greatest deterioration problems for reinforced concrete structures. Comparing some experimental results from literature with a complex FEM model, the present paper points out the ...
    • Uncertainties in the synthetic data generation for the creation of bridge digital twins 

      Jiménez Rios, Alejandro; Plevris, Vagelis; Nogal, Maria (Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2023)
      Digital twins (DTs) are virtual replicas of physical assets that can be used to monitor and manage their performance. To date, the DT concept has been effectively implemented in various industries, including aeronautics, ...
    • Understanding Biofilm Issues in Wastewater Pipes 

      Fossberg, Helge; Rydningen, Ulf; Merschbrock, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      It is well known how wastewater creates biofilm in pipes. Wastewater contains many microorganisms and other materials that make the pipes particularly susceptible to biofilm formation. Biofilm is an aggregate of microorganisms, ...
    • Understanding the Energy Consumption of Battery Electric Buses in Urban Public Transport Systems 

      Shefang, Wang; Lu, Chaoru; Chenhui, Liu; Yue, Zhou; Jun, Bi; Xiaomei, Zhao (Sustainability;volume 12, issue 23, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-30)
      The ever-increasing concerns over urban air quality, noise pollution, and considerable savings in total cost of ownership encouraged more and more cities to introduce battery electric buses (e-bus). Based on the sensor ...
    • Understanding Travel Behavior of Electric Car-Sharing Users under Impact of COVID-19 

      Sai, Qiuyue; Bi, Jun; Zhao, Xiaomei; Guan, Wei; Lu, Chaoru (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about the use of public transport, with a surge in people considering personal car usage. However, owning private cars is costly and wasteful of resources. Electric ...
    • Usability of the EPC tools for the profitability calculation of a retrofitting in a residential building 

      Gonzalez Caceres, Alex; Diaz, Muriel (Sustainability;10(9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-04)
      After the oil crisis in the 70s energy regulation codes were implemented, but a great portion of existing dwellings have not been retrofitted to current requirements. To face this issue several actions were taken in the ...
    • Use of cross laminated timber (CLT) in industrial buildings in Nordic climate – A case study 

      Svortevik, Vilde Jakobsen; Engevik, Mathias Berntzen; Kraniotis, Dimitrios (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;Volume 410, Conference object, 2020)
      In recent years there has been a greater interest in developing new more sustainable solutions in the construction of buildings and in particular of large commercial and industrial buildings. Thisstudy analyses the ...