Browsing TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk by Title
Now showing items 182-201 of 460
Facilitating building projects’ short-term and long-term value creation
(Buildings;Volume 11 / Issue 8, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-30)Real estate and buildings are some of facility managers’ most costly resources. Thus, knowledge about how to get the most out of building or renovation projects both in the short term and in the long term are of great ... -
The fallacy of the closest antenna: Towards an adequate view of device location in the mobile network
(Computers, Environment and Urban Systems;Volume 95, July 2022, 101826, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The partition of the Mobile Phone Network (MPN) service area into the cell towers’ Voronoi polygons (VP) may serve as a coordinate system for representing the location of the mobile phone devices, as demonstrated by numerous ... -
Fault detection of a wind turbine generator bearing using interpretable machine learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)During its operational lifetime, a wind turbine is subjected to a number of degradation mechanisms. If left unattended, the degradation of components will result in its suboptimal performance and eventual failure. Hence, ... -
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) som slakkarmering i momentpåkjente betongkonstruksjoner.
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Denne bacheloroppgaven omhandler bruken av ikke-metallisk slakkarmering i momentpåkjente konstruksjonselementer av betong. Formålet var å danne et bilde av armeringens virkning i betongkonstruksjoner. Oppgaven omhandler ... -
Flomveger og flomplanlegging i Hamar
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)SAMMENDRAG I dag opplever vi at flom og overvann er et økende problem i samfunnet, som en konsekvens av urbanisering og klimaendringer. Det blir derfor viktigere å tilrettelegge og planlegge for disse utfordringene i ... -
Formability analyses of AA6016-T4 aluminum alloy sheets subjected to roping
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)Due to its good formability characteristics, AA6xxx aluminum alloys have become popular as a light-weight alternative to steel for car bodywork components produced by stamping. In the design of forming operations, numerical ... -
A Framework for Long-Term Vibration-Based Monitoring of Bridges
(Sensors;Volume 21 / Issue 14, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-11)A new framework for long-term monitoring of bridges is proposed in order to negate (i) the impact of measurement uncertainties on damage detection in vibration-based structural health monitoring and (ii) the low sensitivity ... -
Fully integrated numerical design tool to assess thethermal performance of phase change materials (PCM) inthe built environment
(IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;Volume 410, Conference object, 2020)Thermal energy storage with phase change materials (PCM) is a promising candidate to promote resource sustainability in buildings. The intelligent selection and usage of a PCM within the structure of a building poses a ... -
Geolocation estimation of target vehicles using image processing and geometric computation
(Neurocomputing;Volume 499, 14 August 2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-16)Estimating vehicles’ locations is one of the key components in intelligent traffic management systems (ITMSs) for increasing traffic scene awareness. Traditionally, stationary sensors have been employed in this regard. The ... -
Geotechnical laboratory testing of lunar simulants and the importance of standardization
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)A comprehensive program of geotechnical index tests performed on two regolith simulants, namely LHS-1 and LMS-1, are presented and discussed in this study. The index tests included a 2D analysis of particles shapes ... -
Gjenbrukspotensialet til betongslam i betongproduksjon – påvirkning på konsistens og trykkfasthet
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Prosjektet omhandlet gjenbrukspotensialet til betongslam, og dens påvirkning på betongens trykkfasthet og konsistens. Oppgavens bakgrunn stammer fra betongbransjens ønske om å drifte mer sirkulært. Prosjektet ble gjennomført ... -
Happiness in the urban built environment, people, and places
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The built and urban environment have an impact on citizens' health and well-being. This impact could lead to long-term results on individuals' happiness and quality of life. The environment we interact with, including ... -
Heat and Moisture Induced Stress and Strain in Wooden Artefacts and Elements in Heritage Buildings: A Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the world of cultural heritage, a wide range of artefacts and buildings are made of wood and, therefore, are subjected to moisture-induced stress and strain cycles, owing to environmental fluctuations. Simultaneous ... -
Heating performance enhancement of a new design trombe wall using rectangular thermal fin arrays: An experimental approach
(Journal of Energy Storage;Volume 24, August 2019, 100796, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-31)It has been nowadays recognized that addressing energy use in buildings can reduce the fossil fuels usage and CO2 emission. Trombe wall is a widely applicable passive solar design option that can significantly reduce the ... -
Hoffsparsellen - En alternativ trasé for Fornebubanen gjennom Skøyen
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)SAMMENDRAG Ruter har i samarbeid med Norconsult som konsulent utarbeidet et planforslag for Fornebubanen, en metrostrekning mellom Fornebu i Bærum og Majorstuen i Oslo. Bærum kommune og Oslo kommune har store ambisjoner ... -
Hourly Heat Load Prediction for Residential Buildings Based on Multiple Combination Models: A Comparative Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The accurate prediction of residential heat load is crucial for effective heating system design, energy management, and cost optimization. In order to further improve the prediction accuracy of the model, this study ... -
Hourly Heat Load Prediction for Residential Buildings Based on Multiple Combination Models: A Comparative Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The accurate prediction of residential heat load is crucial for effective heating system de- sign, energy management and cost optimization. In order to further improve the prediction accu- racy of the model, this study ... -
How Does Low Relative Humidity Affect Perceived Air Quality, Thermal Comfort and Symptoms in Modern Office Buildings in Cold Climates?
(Springer Proceedings in Energy;Cold Climate HVAC 2018 - Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates, Conference object, 2018-12-12)To assess how people are influenced by relative humidity (RH) in cold climates, a study was conducted in an open office landscape in Oslo, Norway. The study took place during three cold days in February 2017. Fourteen ... -
How Prior Experience With Automated Technology Impacts Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles Among Midwestern U.S. Farmers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are widely considered to be the future of surface transportation in the United States, but little is understood about how people will interact with these vehicles, what they will use them for, and ...