Now showing items 38-57 of 460


      Rydningen, Ulf; Le, Phuoc Tan (WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings;Conference Proceedings for Education and Humanities-Niagara Falls 2018, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11)
      Implementation of universal design (UD) e.g. within the design of high-rise dwellings, school buildings, public offices available to the public, and public transportation, is currently required by law in Norway. In the ...
    • A battery electric bus energy consumption model for strategic purposes: Validation of a proposed model structure with data from bus fleets in China and Norway 

      Hjelkrem, Odd Andre; Lervåg, Karl Yngve; Babri, Sahar; Lu, Chaoru; Södersten, Carl-Johan Hugo (Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment;volume 94, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-17)
      In this paper, an energy model for battery electric buses (Ebus) is proposed. The model is developed based on established models for longitudinal dynamics, using event-based low-frequency data. Since the energy model is ...
    • Behavior of concrete modular multi-purpose floating structures 

      Jiang, Dongqi; Tan, Kiang Hwee; Dai, Jian; Ang, Kok Keng; Nguyen, Huu Phu (Ocean Engineering;Volume 229, 1 June 2021, 108971, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-21)
      Large floating structures such as platforms, breakwaters and piers, have been constructed in many countries in coastal areas in a bid to increase land space. Due to construction ease and operational flexibility, these ...
    • BIM som kalkulasjonsgrunnlag i utførelsesentrepriser 

      Sandvik, Tollef Hallgren; Skarseth, Andreas Sandnes; Sherifi, Andreas Sæbø; Holte, Oskar Frantzen (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Med voksende digitalisering av bygge-, anleggs- og eiendomsbransjen er det viktig at hvert aspekt av BIM utvikles og anvendes for å effektivisere de forskjellige fasene i et prosjekt. Det finnes metoder hvor en BIM-modell ...
    • BIM technology acceptance among reinforcement workers - the case of Oslo airport's terminal 2 

      Merschbrock, Christoph; Rolfsen, Christian Nordahl (Journal of Information Technology in Construction;21(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-01)
      Today’s design teams deliver engineering models sophisticated enough to serve as blueprints for production and construction work. However, issues of adoption persist for the on-site use of building information modelling ...
    • BIM understanding and activities 

      Hjelseth, Eilif (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The AECOO (architects, engineers, contractors, operators, owners) industry is moving toward increased digitalization. This unstoppable process requires a clear understanding of the important elements required to reach the ...
    • Bond strength of RC elements with consideration of corrosion: An experimental survey 

      Benenato, Armando; Ferracuti, Barbara; Imperatore, Stefania; Kioumarsi, Mahdi (AIP Conference Proceedings;Volume 2293, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-25)
      The researches on the bond behavior of corroded reinforcements are finalized to the assessment of the structural serviceability loss, providing appropriate tools for the evaluation of the structural integrity, i.e. relation ...
    • Book of Abstracts – BuildSim Nordic 2020 – International Conference Organized by IBPSANordic, 13th-14th October 2020, Oslo 

      Schild, Peter G. (Conference object, 2020-10)
      The Book of Abstracts is from the BuildSim Nordic 2020 – International Conference Organized by IBPSA Nordic the 13th-14th October 2020 in Oslo. The conference was organized in cooperation between the Nordic chapter of ...
    • Bridge management through digital twin-based anomaly detection systems: A systematic review 

      Jiménez Rios, Alejandro; Plevris, Vagelis; Nogal, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Bridge infrastructure has great economic, social, and cultural value. Nevertheless, many of the infrastructural assets are in poor conservation condition as has been recently evidenced by the collapse of several bridges ...
    • Building Retrofitting through Coupling of Building Energy Simulation-Optimization Tool with CFD and Daylight Programs 

      Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa (Energies;Volume 14, Issue 8, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-14)
      Simultaneous satisfaction of both thermal and visual comfort in buildings may be a challenging task. Therefore, this paper suggests a comprehensive framework for the building energy optimization process integrating ...
    • Building sustainability through a novel exploration of dynamic LCA uncertainty: Overview and state of the art 

      Hosamo, Haidar; Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez; Buvik, Elsa; Drissi, Sarra; Kraniotis, Dimitrios (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Life Cycle Assessment is necessary for evaluating the environmental impacts of buildings throughout their life cycle, considering factors such as energy consumption, emissions, and resource utilization. However, Dynamic ...
    • Bygningsfysikk, klimagassregnskap og byggeprosess ved bruk av massivtre i to skolebygninger 

      Skeide, Mathilde; Thøgersen, Sophie Ness; Sveindal, Jonas Bertelsen (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Sammendrag Interessen for bruk av massivtre er økende, men flere er skeptiske til massivtre som byggemateriale i store bygninger. I denne rapporten var fokuset på hvordan massivtre ble brukt i byggingen av to skoler og ...
    • Bærekraft i profesjonsutdanninger. Gap mellom strategi og programplaner? 

      Berg, Arild; Carella, Alfredo Raúl; Lysebo, Marius; Nielsen, Liv Merete (FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk;Vol 14 Nr. 3 (2021): Utdanning for ny praksis II – teknologi, design og bærekraft på tvers. Temanummer, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-28)
      Utdanning er en nøkkel til varige endringer i samfunnet. I denne studien bruker vi teori fra bærekraft og didaktikk for å sette søkelys på utdanning av produktdesignere, lærere og ingeniører ved Fakultet for Teknologi, ...
    • Bærekraftig bygging - En sammenligning av klimagassutslipp fra bæresystem i betong og massivtre 

      Hånde, Eldbjørg Aaraas; Persen, Maria (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Byggebransjen står i dag for en tredjedel av klimagassutslippet. Innen 2030 skal klimagassene reduseres med 40%. Byggebransjen er i stadig endring og utvikling. For å konkurrere om oppdragene er det nødvendig å holde seg ...
    • Capacity of Concrete Structures with Corroded Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons 

      Sigvaldsen, Marie; Ersdal, Gerhard; Markeset, Gro; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Langeteig, Magne (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;Volume 1201, Third Conference of Computational Methods & Ocean Technology (COTech 2021), Stavanger, Norway and Second Conference of Oil & Gas Technologies in Cold Climate (OGTech 2021) 25th-26th November 2021, Moscow, Russia, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The main degradation mechanism for concrete structures is corrosion of the reinforcement and prestressing tendons. Management of structures with such degradation requires detailed understanding of their remaining strength ...
    • Centrifuge modelling of sand and sawdust embankments on peat for sustainable infrastructure development 

      Long, M.; Tann, Loretta von der; Ritter, Stefan; Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla; Dahl, M.; Konstantinou, M.; Cengiz, C. (Chapter, 2024)
      Previously accepted methods to develop infrastructure across peatlands such as roads or railways typically excavatedout the peat and substituted it with granular material. Such solutions, especially the alteration to ...
    • CFD analysis of displacement ventilation 

      Lambarki, Faical; Taftø, Jan Andreas Cacal; Dahir, Mahamud Hussein (Bachelor thesis, 2018-05-23)
      Displacement ventilation is an air supply method that uses supplied air near the floor at low velocity and fewer degrees below the air in the room. Well-designed displacement ventilation gives sufficient air quality, thermal ...
    • CFD modeling of the transport of human respiratory droplets in an indoor environment 

      Norbeck, Ole Martinius Harket; Sundsdal, Oda Martine; Nambully, Suresh Kumar; Chaudhuri, Arnab (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings;, Conference object, 2022)
      For the last couple of years, the world has faced the global pandemic COVID-19. The viral transmission could occur via different modes like large respiratory droplets, direct contact with contaminated surfaces and airborne ...
    • CFD study on the effect of Archimedes number and heating rate on the thermal stratification of aventilated office 

      Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper dealt with simulating a typical occupied office equipped with displacement ventilation using CFD method. The STAR-CCM+ commercial software was employed for performing the simulations in order to analyze the trend ...
    • Challenges related to structural modelling and assessment of concrete structures affected by alkali-silica reactions 

      Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Kioumarsi, Mahdi; Markeset, Gro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in concrete is a chemical process between dissolved alkali and hydroxyl ions from pore solutions in the cement paste, and reactive (amorphous) silica within the aggregates. The product of the ...