Browsing TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 460
Time dependent chloride diffusion coefficient : field studies of concrete exposed to marine environment in Norway
(International Symposium on Service Life Design for Infrastructure;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)The apparent chloride diffusion coefficient derived by evaluating chloride profiles using Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion is found to be time dependent and may decrease considerably with increasing age of the concrete. In ... -
Molecular hyperfine parameters in the 1 3Su+ and 1 3Sg+ states of Li2, Na2, K2 and Rb2
(European Physical Journal D : Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics;67(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-07)Magnetic hyperfine parameters have been computed for the 1 3 Σ u + and 1 3 Σ g + states of Li2 ,Na2 ,K2 and Rb2. The parameters were computed with MCSCF wavefunctions and the calculations were repeated for a series of ... -
Integrating BIM and gaming to support building operation: the case of a new hospital
(NOKOBIT - Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi;22(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Moving into a new hospital requires healthcare professionals to adapt to a new work environment. Workflows, processes, and competencies become obsolete and need to be tailored for the new hospital. This paper explores a ... -
Areal til skapende lek, læring og utforskning i barnehagen
(Tidsskrift for Nordisk Barnehageforskning;7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-13)Artikkelen handler om vilkårene for og reguleringer knyttet til utforskning, lek og læring inne og ute i barnehagen med særlig vekt på personalets rolle. Dette ses i lys av forskning om barns trivsel eller stressfaktorer ... -
A Review of the Performance of Buildings Integrated with Phase Change Material: Opportunities for Application in Cold Climate
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-12-26)Buildings generally need serious attention in order to reduce global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) that change phase just above normal room temperature are a promising means ... -
Quantum optimal control theory applied to transitions in diatomic molecules
(Physical Review A;90(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-29)Quantum optimal control theory is applied to control electric dipole transitions in a real multilevel system. The specific system studied in the present work is comprised of a multitude of hyperfine levels in the electronic ... -
Investigating ‘Green BIM’ in a Norwegian construction project: an institutional theory perspective
(Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations;Vol 149, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)Building Information Modelling (BIM) is catching on as the preferred tool in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. However, the models are seldom used for simulations such as energy calculations ... -
Circumventing obstacles in digital construction design - a workaround theory perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Building Information Modeling (BIM) has proven its value for design in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry . However, currently only a few leading firms succeed in reaping the full potential of BIM. ... -
Solution selection in digital construction design a lazy user theory perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The construction industry is in the midst of a transition with traditional design systems being gradually replaced by novel vir tual modeling technologies. This transition takes place gradually rather than radically and ... -
Occupant satisfaction with two blind control strategies: Slats closed and slats in cut-off position
(Solar Energy;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-12)Modern highly glazed buildings require solar shading in order to obtain visual and thermal comfort for the occupants in addition to obtain a low energy use of the building. For the system to respond to the external conditions ... -
Verification of simple illuminance based measures for indication of discomfort glare from windows
(Building and Environment;92, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-02)Modern office buildings are often designed with highly glazed facades, with an intention of being sufficiently day lit. However, extensive daylight supply has its backside, as glare might be a considerable concern. From a ... -
Performance analysis of roof-mounted photovoltaic systems The case of a Norwegian residential building
(Energy Procedia;83, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-12)Currently, the application of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems on energy efficient buildings such as passive house, zero energy building (ZEB) and net-positive energy building (NPEB) is becoming increasingly attractive, ... -
Simple Tool to Evaluate Airtightness in Chilean Homes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Given the high impact that air leaks have on buildings' energy expenses, most developed countries have set out norms which regulate their presence in homes. Chile will soon begin this process; however, the airtightness ... -
Classification of BIM-based model checking concepts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This paper proposes a framework for classification of Building Information Model (BIM) checking concepts . Alt hough BIM - based model checking (BMC) and similar ter m s are widely use d , there is ... -
Resource Discovery and Universal Access: Understanding Enablers and Barriers from the User Perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Resource discovery tools are keys to explore, find , and retrieve resources from multitudes of collections hosted by library and information systems. Modern resource discovery tools provide facet - rich ... -
Expectations to implementation of big data – Use of IDDS to explore multiple views of implementation
(;2016, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Implementation of Big Data in organisations is often connected to high expectations and investment in advanced technology and methods for analysis. This case study explores expectations for and perspectives on the ... -
Making education on sustainable community planning tangible
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Sustainable development is a global issue, but for many people it is most meaningful to discuss sustainability at the local level, where people live their daily lives. Civil and environmental engineers (CEE) most often are ... -
Analytical study of building height effects over Steel Plate Shear Wall
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)In the latest three decades, the steel plate shear walls (SPSW) system has emer ged as a promising lateral load resisting system for both construction new buildings and retrofit of existing buildings. This system has ... -
Need for further development in service life modelling of concrete structures in chloride environment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Designing concrete structures for a very long service life may have considerable economic and societ al benefits including minimized material co nsumption over the long term , thus contribute ... -
Investigation of the performance of various modal correlation criteria in structural damage identification
(Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering;2016, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)Structural damage identification is a scientific field that has attracted a lot of interest in the scientific community during the recent years. There have been many studies intending to find a reliable method to identify ...