Browsing SAM - Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag by Title
Now showing items 97-116 of 338
Facebook News Use During the 2017 Norwegian Elections—Assessing the Influence of Hyperpartisan News
(Journalism Practice;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-21)The paper at hand presents a comparative study on news use in relation to media content as posted to Facebook by a series of established and hyperpartisan media outlets during the 2017 Norwegian national election campaign. ... -
Fake news on social media: Understanding teens’ (Dis)engagement with news
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article takes a qualitative approach to examine the role of fake news in shaping adolescent’s participation in news. Instead of experimental approaches that are common with similar research, the current study expands ... -
Faktuell: Youths as journalists in online newspapers and magazines in Norway
(Youth and news in a digital media environment – Nordic-Baltic perspectives;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-04) -
Fantasies and Experiences The Norwegian Press Coverage of Africa 1900- 2002
(Kult;(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Farlige ord: De hemmelige tjenestenes forståelse av desinformasjon som en samfunnstrussel
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores the premise for the Norwegian security authorities' understanding of disinformation as a soci- etal threat and how they work against the spread of disinformation. The study is based on qualitative ... -
Farlige ord: De hemmelige tjenestenes forståelse av desinformasjon som en samfunnstrussel
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I denne artikkelen ser jeg nærmere på hva som ligger til grunn for sikkerhetsmyndighetenes forståelse av desinfor- masjon som en samfunnstrussel, og hvordan de jobber mot spredning i Norge. Artikkelen er basert på ... -
Fascinasjonskraft i Henry Dargers verden
(Ekfrase;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Før den amerikanske sykehusvaktmesteren Henry Darger måtte flytte fra sin lille leilighet i Chicago i 1972 var det ingen som visste at han også var forfatter og bildekunstner. I årene 1911-72 skapte Darger det som sannsynligvis ... -
Feature Journalism
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)Feature journalism has developed from being a marginal and subordinate supplement to (hard) news in newspapers to becoming a significant part of journalism on all platforms. It emerged as a key force driving the popularization ... -
The Featurization of Journalism
(Nordicom Review;32 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Feature journalism has developed from being an insignificant supplement to news journalism to a family of genres that today dominates newspapers. The present article explores the growing importance of feature journalism ... -
Female Investigative Journalists: Overcoming Threats, Intimidation, and Violence with Gendered Strategies
(Journalism Practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-19)During the past two decades, numerous investigative journalist networks have emerged globally, through which participants collaborate and share data. This relatively new practice thrives on the opportunities offered by ... -
Fighting strategic homophobia in football
(Soccer & Society;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-27)Homophobia among certain men could be understood as a reactionary form of social resilience, insofar as such resilience can work against adaptation and social transformation. Resilience is again closely related to the ... -
Fire diskurser om korona: Autoritet, ansvar og virkelighetsbilder i helsejournalistikk om covid‑19 i VG og Dagbladet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Covid-19-pandemien fikk massiv mediedekning da den kom til Norge våren 2020. Samspillet mellom helseautoriteter, politikere og medier er i slike tilfeller avgjørende for hvilken forståelse av pandemien som blir etablert i ... -
Forsiktige forskere, engasjerte journalister
(Mediehistorisk tidsskrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Enkeltforskere har snakket om sammenhengen mellom CO₂-utslipp og klimaoppvarming i 150 år. Fra 1950-tallet økte interessen for fenomenet. I hvilken grad var denne innsikten en del av offentlig norsk debatt, og hvordan ble ... -
Forty years of Nordic Media Research: Introduction.
(Nordicom Review;Special issue 2014, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Four conceptual lenses for journalism amidst big data: Towards an emphasis on epistemological challenges
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)Th e social world is increasingly quantifi ed, rendered as digital trace information – geolocation, web metrics, self-tracking, social graphs, likes and shares, and much more. Such data may be collected and analysed at ... -
Fra fast lokaljournalist til midlertidig digitalt hode. Utviklingen i stillingsmarkedet for journalister 1987–2017
(Norsk Medietidsskrift;Årgang 107, nr. 1-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-03)Denne artikkelen presenterer en analyse av stillingsannonser i fagbladet Journalisten fra 1987 til 2017. 1628 stillings- annonser i årene 1987, 1997, 2007 og 2017 er analysert for å undersøke hvordan arbeidsmarkedet for ... -
Frilyndte bondeanarkistar og puritansk reaksjon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-15)I denne artikkelen set eg søkjelys på ein litt annleis religiøs minoritet: Ei gruppe fritenkjarar, bondeanarkistar, for ein stor del ateistar, i bygda Volda på 1880-talet. Desse kvinnene og mennene var inspirerte av nye ... -
From Convergence to Connectivism: Teaching Journalism 2.0
(Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies;2 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-10)Media Convergence leads to fundamental changes in the journalistic field. This is a challenge not only for the news industry but also for teaching journalism at universities. Improved skills and competences are needed in ... -
From indios to indígenas: guerrilla perspectives on indigenous peoples and repression in Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua
(Interface;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-05)Subcomandante Marcos and other Zapatistas have on numerous occasions discussed the clash between “Northern” perspectives on revolution and the world, and indigenous reality. Understanding the meaning, for the insurgency, ... -
From Public Reason to Public Health: Professional Implications of the “Debunking Turn” in the Global Fact-Checking Field
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The global field of fact-checking organizations has experienced a dramatic shift in focus since 2016, from checking claims by poli- ticians and other public figures to policing viral misinformation on social networks. ...