Browsing SAM - Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag by Title
Now showing items 281-300 of 358
Revolusjonsfrykt og klassekamp: 1917-revolusjonen og norsk presse
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)En grunnleggende tese som skal begrunnes i denne artikkelen, er at 1917-revolusjonen i Russland indirekte hadde stor innvirkning på norsk politikk og arbeidsliv. Det ble skrevet mye i avisene om revolusjonen, og dette ... -
The Role of Conflict in Producing Alternative Social Imaginations of the Future
(M/C Journal;16(5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Greater resilience is associated with the ability to self-organise, and with social learning as part of a process of adaptation and transformation (Goldstein 341). This article deals with responses to a crisis in a ... -
The role of the Sámi media in democratic processes: The Arctic Railway in Yle Sápmi and NRK Sápmi
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This media research was prompted by the Arctic Railway construction project that is planned to run from the city of Roavvenjárga/Rovaniemi in Finland to the city of Kirkonjárga/Kirkenes by the Arctic Ocean in Northern ... -
Sannhet er krigens første offer - En analyse av tre riksavisers dekning av det kjemiske angrepet i Khan Sheikhoun, april 2017
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I august 2013 ble byen Ghouta, utenfor Syrias hovedstad Damaskus, offer for et kjemisk angrep. I april 2017 ble Khan Sheikhoun, en annen syrisk landsby, angrepet med kjemiske våpen. Felles for begge tragediene er at det ... -
A Sámi media system?
(Nordicom Review;Volume 42 (2021): Issue s2 (March 2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-26)In this article, we propose a history of Sámi journalism and news media as a step in the direction of analysing the existing media system in Sápmi. Numerous Sámi activists and organisations have contributed to the establishment ... -
Sårbarhet og avmakt? Arbeidsvilkår for norskemediefrilansere i en endringsutsatt bransje
(Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 37, nr. 3-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-25)Som en følge av strukturelle og økonomiske endringer i den norske mediebransjen, ser andelen frilansere og midlertidige ansatte ut til å øke. Denne artikkelen undersøker gjennom kvantitative data og ulike maktperspektiver ... -
Seeking, sharing and co-creating: a systematic review of the relation between social support theory, social media use and chronic diseases
(Social Theory & Health;2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The use of social media is increasing in the treatment and management of health. Patients with chronic diseases are especially interested in using these technologies to look for support, but organizations are lagging behind. ... -
"Sentrale elementer i fotojournalistisk historiefortelling på nett - En utforskning, konkretisering og analyse av sentrale elementer i fotojournalistisk nettfortelling. "
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven vil jeg lage en oversikt over de mest sentrale elementene som brukes i fotojournalistisk historiefortelling på nett og se på hvordan de kan tas i bruk. Jeg vil kategorisere og forenkle mulighetene ... -
Serving the Media Ministers: A Mixed Methods Study on the Personalization of Ministerial Communication
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The personalization of politics has received much attention in both the political science and political communication literature, but the focus has almost entirely been on party leaders and prime ministers. This study ... -
Sexual Violence against Journalists in Conflict Zones - Gendered Practices and Cultures in the Newsroom
(Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)While sexual violence is a threat to both men and women in war and conflict, cases con- cerning male victims are largely absent from public discussion and women’s vulnerability regularly assumed. This paper suggests ... -
The Shaping of an Online Feature Journalist
(Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism;10 (5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-11)This paper explores the professional role and normative demands of online feature journalists. Through a longitudinal ethnographic case study of the work practice of feature journalists in the Norwegian online newspaper ... -
Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies: The Norhed Programme 2013-2020
(Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies: The Norhed Programme 2013-2020;, Book; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-19)In June 2016, the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (Norhed) hosted a conference on the theme of ‘knowledge for development’ in an attempt to shift the focus of ... -
Should I Stay or Should I Code? Of Collaboration and Do-It-Yourself Programming in Investigative Journalism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)For journalists, numerous digital tools such as spreadsheets or web application are readily available for easy implementation. however, using programming to build or modify scripts has been an unex- plored option for ... -
The Significance of Nordicom and the NordMedia Conference to Nordic Media and Communication Research
(Nordicom Review;35, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Size, ownership and innovation in newspapers
(Chapter, 2013)This chapter analyses the relationship between the size and ownership of newspapers and their approaches to the challenges from the tablet market, e.g. the iPad. Which newspapers were inclined to innovate by launching iPad ... -
Snapping the news: Dynamic gatekeeping in a public service media newsroom reaching young people with news on Snapchat
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The relationship between news media and social media platforms is complex, involving dependencies and conflicts. Being present on these platforms offers benefits, such as increased visibility and engagement, particularly ... -
Social Media and Situation Awareness during Terrorist Attacks: Recommendations for Crisis Communication
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This chapter summarises the findings of a case study on social media activity during the 22 July 2011 terrorist attacks in Norway. Based on these findings and on theories and previous research on the role of social media ... -
Social media as a political backchannel: Twitter use during televised election debates in Norway
(ASLIB Proceedings;66(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04)Purpose - This study aims to explore how Twitter is used as a political backchannel and potential agenda setter during two televised political debates during the Norwegian election in 2011. The article engages with current ... -
Social Media Communication During Disease Outbreaks: Findings and Recommendations
(Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication: Emergencies, Concerns and Awareness;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-13)The chapter provides recommendations for key communicators’ social media use during pandemic threats. Recommendations are based on findings from two sets of case studies during the 2014–2015 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa: ... -
Social Media in Management of the Terror Crisis in Norway: Experiences and Lessons Learned
(Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication: Emergencies, Concerns and Awareness;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-13)The chapter addresses the question of how crisis and emergency communicators in the justice (police) and health sector in Norway reflect on their use – or lack of use – of social media during the terror crisis on 22 July ...