Blar i LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning på tittel
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Theta divisors of stable vector bundles may be nonreduced
(Geometriae Dedicata;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-05-28)A generic strictly semistable bundle of degree zero over a curve X has a reducible theta divisor, given by the sum of the theta divisors of the stable summands of the associated graded bundle. The converse is not true: ... -
“They’re coming into school hungry, they’re not ready to learn”. Scottish teachers’ perceptions of marginalization in school mathematics
(EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education;Volume 18 Issue 6, Article No: em2116, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-07)In recent years, many studies have highlighted significant differences between the mathematical performances of white middle-class boys and several other groups of children with other demographic characteristics. The ways ... -
This is what I learned about the body on social media: PETE students’ experiences with body pressure and body positivity
(Sport, Education and Society;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-12)In physical education (PE), learning about and with the body is central. During their physical education teacher education (PETE) program, students are presented with different understandings and practices regarding the ... -
Tilpasset opplæring for et inkluderende klasserom
(Bachelor thesis, 2018-04)Tilpasset opplæring er et grunnleggende prinsipp for all undervisning i skolen, det inkluderer også undervisning i mat og helsefaget. Tilpasset opplæring er en rett alle elever har krav på i samsvar med sine evner og ... -
Tilpasset opplæring i ulik skolearkitektur
(FORMakademisk;6(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)I denne artikkelen har jeg undersøkt ulike læreres opplevelser av, forestillinger om og preferanser til to ulike former for skolearkitektur. Artikkelen er basert på observasjon av, og intervjuer med, syv lærere. Tre av ... -
Tilrettelegging for fysisk aktivitet i skolefritidsordningen i Oslo
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Artikkelen, som bygger på et kvalitativt forskningsprosjekt, belyser hvordan det var lagt til rette for fysisk aktivitet ved to skolefritidsordninger (SFO) i Oslo i 2003 og 2013. I 2003 var det opp til barna å ... -
Tospråklige lærerstudenters erfaringer med gruppearbeid. Skremmende og konfliktfylt eller demokratisk og lærerikt?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Tospråklige lærerstudenter som har sin oppvekst og utdanningsbakgrunn fra andre land og skolesystemer enn det norske, ser ut til å møte en rekke språklige og kulturelle utfordringer i møtet med det norske utdanningssystemet ... -
Toward a Method of Visual Artifact Analysis: Understanding Learners’ Design Activity in a Makerspace
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings;Vol-3136, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-17)In our research, we study end-user development and computer-supported collaborative learning in educational settings. The main research method we use is interaction analysis (IA)—the analysis of group interaction (verbal ... -
TPACK Analysis of Communities of Practice: The Context of the Norwegian Knowledge Promotion Curriculum Reform
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)This article presents three cases from the Norwegian national project "Learning Networks" to illustrate the challenges met by teachers trying to implement educational technology in their teaching. The Knowledge Promotion ... -
TPACK as shared, distributed knowledge
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)This article is summing up experiences from five years of Learning Networks established to facilitate the implementation of basic skills in all subjects and on all levels of primary and secondary education in Norway. ... -
Tradeoffs in combining domain-specific and generic skills' practice in minecraft in social studies in teacher education
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings;Vol-2101; Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-23)In this paper, we describe our efforts to combine generic (domain general) and domain-specific skills’ practice in the same digital learning environment. We have implemented part of the social studies subject curriculum ... -
Transforming Gender Identity Through Breaking
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-30)This chapter explores the negotiation of gender within the physical culture of breaking (which is better known as “breakdancing”). Specifically, using Barker-Ruchti et al.’s (2016) conceptualization of crossing, shifting ... -
Translanguaging Strategies in Superdiverse Mainstream Norwegian ECEC: Opportunities for Home Language Support
(Journal of Home Language Research;4:1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-21)In Norway, 92% of all children between 1 and 5 attend early childhood education and care (ECEC), and 18% of these children are minority language speakers. The Framework Plan for Content and Tasks of Kindergartens (Ministry ... -
Transspråklige praksiser i nordiske barnehager: en kunnskapsoversikt
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)De siste årene har begrepet transspråking vært i forskningens søkelys, og forskere har både utviklet dette begrepet teoretisk og undersøkt det empirisk i ulike utdanningskontekster. Likevel er det behov for mer kunnskap ... -
Travelling girlhood: Feminist discourses as narrative resources for the American adaptation of the Norwegian high-school drama SKAM
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In the American adaptation of the Norwegian youth drama SKAM (2015-2017), the translation of feminist discourse informing the plot shifts the conflict from a social, political, and democratic level to a question of liberation ... -
A Tripartite Cooperation? The Challenges of School-University Collaboration in Mathematics Teacher Education in Norway
(Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education;(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-07-07)One goal of Norway’s new primary teacher education programme of 2010 was improved school placement: the relationship between the teacher education institution, practice schools and pre-service teachers was to be formalized ... -
Trying to understand the extreme: school children's narratives of the mass killings in Norway July 22, 2011
(Psychology research and behavior management;8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-02-04)School-aged children have limited resources for coping with exposure to highintensity media coverage of terrorist events. This study explores pupils’ meaning-making process of their indirect, media-communicated encounters ... -
Under What Conditions Do Rural Schools Learn From their Partners? Exploring the Dynamics of Educational Infrastructure and Absorptive Capacity in Inter-Organisational Learning Leadership
(Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education;Vol 3 No 4 (2019): General issue: Nordic Comparative and International Education Moving Forward, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-11)This case study was designed to explore the strategies and actions that high performing schools with sus-tainable results employ at the district level in arural part of Norway. The district subjected to the study is ... -
Understanding social and cultural aspects of teachers’ digital competencies
(Comunicar;n. 61, v. XXVII, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-10)Many European governments, including Norway, have ambitious educational policies regarding digitalisation. Many businesses and policymakers pay great attention to the use of digital technologies in education in order to ... -
Unexpected gender differences in teacher ratings of academic skills and school track recommendations
(Studies in Educational Evaluation;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Previous research suggests that girls get better school marks and are more often recommended for academic school tracks after primary school. Using data from a representative sample of 4529 students who were followed ...