Browsing LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning by Title
Now showing items 336-355 of 555
Modularity, Phase-Phase Faithfulness and prosodification of function words in English
(Nordlyd;40 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper investigates the interface of syntax and phonology in a fully modular view of language, deriving the effects of (morpho)syntactic structure on prosodification without referring to that structure in the phonological ... -
Motivational factors are varying across age groups and gender
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH);Volume 19 / Issue 9, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-25)The aim of the current study was to explore differences in passion for achievement, grit, and mindset across age and gender, by using a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 1548 participants including 931 females ... -
Moving beyond the study of gender differences: An analysis of measurement invariance and differential item functioning of an ICT literacy scale
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Crafting a validity argument is crucial for the development of any assessment of ICT literacy. In about the context of studying gender differences in ICT literacy, it has therefore become essential to ensure that gender ... -
Multidisciplinary Student Groups Support Digital Education as a Public Health Precautional Action to Prevent Spread of COVID-19 Infection: A Mixed Methods Study
(Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare;Volume 2022: 15, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Health personnel had greater odds of contracting COVID-19 during its first wave in Norway, compared with all working-age individuals. Students in health care, but also in social care and teacher education ... -
The multiplicity of preservice music teachers' positioning in a participatory action research
(Research Studies in Music Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-04)This article reports the results of a participatory action research study into Norwegian generalist music teacher education, that intended to develop spaces for preservice music teachers to foster agency and prepare for ... -
Museum som læringsarena
(Bachelor thesis, 2018-04-30)Min bacheloroppgave er basert på en kvalitativ studie, hvor jeg har valgt å undersøke hvordan læring skjer utenfor klasserommet. Jeg har tatt utgangspunkt i Zoologisk museum i Oslo som en læringsarena, og bruker observasjon ... -
The musical present: A polyphonic philosophical investigation
(Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning;Årbok 17, Chapter; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)How can music education be enriched by the concept of time? This article is based on the assumption that the present moment, the musical ‘now’, is of the utmost importance not only to the musical performer or listener ... -
Musikkfaget i norsk grunnskole: Læreres kompetanse og valg av undervisningsinnhold i musikk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Denne artikkelen presenterer resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse om grunnskole læreres kompetanse i musikk og deres valg av undervisningsinnhold i musikkfaget i grunnskolen. Dermed bidrar ... -
Musikkpedagogisk teori og praksis : en introduksjon
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Muslim girls' experiences in physical education in Norway: What role does religiosity play?
(Sport, Education and Society;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-02-25)Recent years have seen an increase in scholarly attention to minority pupils and their experience of physical education (PE). UK research identifies specific challenges related to Muslim pupils' participation in PE. In ... -
Nasjonal traumebearbeiding i sanglyrikk for barn og unge etter 22/7
(Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift;4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)22. juli 2011 ble Norge utsatt for to terrorangrep som drepte 77 og skadet flere hundre mennesker, de fleste av dem barn og unge. Dette er det verste angrepet som har rammet Norge siden andre verdenskrig, og det fikk en ... -
National strategy for supporting school principal’s instructional leadership: A Scandinavian approach
(Journal of Educational Administration;Vol. 57 No. 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose: A number of empirical studies and evaluations in Norway and Sweden shows variabilities in the degree to which the municipalities succeed in their endeavors to support school principals’ instructional leadership ... -
Natureculture in a Stallo tale: Harmonious dwelling or troubling postequilibrium? The picturebook Sølvmånen by Sissel Horndal (2015)
(Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift;årgang 11, hefte 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-13)This article examines a retelling of a traditional Sami tale in the picturebook Sølvmånen [Silver Moon] by Sissel Horndal (2015). The book tells the story of a girl who is abducted by the Stallo, an Ogre well known in Sami ... -
Når det regnar i Afrika–ei bok for kritisk tenking og aktørskap?
(Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Når det regnar i Afrika. Ei bok om vêr og klimaendringar er ei sakprosa-bildebok for barn skriven av Erna Osland, illustrert av Per Ragnar Møkleby. Boka er innlemma i FNs berekraftsbibliotek for aldersgruppa 6–12 år. På ... -
Near future practices of interaction analysis: technology-mediated trends in educational research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Methodological advancements for the study of learning processes are both shaped by and drivers of technology developments. Interaction Analysis (IA), as a core methodological approach over the past three decades is ... -
Negativ tetthetsavhengighet mellom de skalløse snegleslektene Limax og Arion
(Fauna;Vol. 63 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Aggressiviteten og jaktadferden til stor kjølsnegl (Limax maximus; også kalt boakjølsnegl, leopardsnegl, boasnegl, kjellersnegl) og dens effekt på den invaderende arten brunskogsnegl Arion sp., (statusen til dette taksonet ... -
Newly qualified teachers' professional digital competence: implications for teacher education
(European Journal of Teacher Education;Volume 41 - Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-20)The professional digital competence (PDC) of teachers is of growing importance in classrooms, now that digital resources and digital media are becoming important parts of teachers’ everyday practice. This study explores ... -
Newly qualified teachers’ understandings of research-based teacher education practices in Finland and Norway
(Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-12)This study examines newly qualified teachers’ (NQTs) understandings of research-based teacher education practices by looking at two cases in Finland and Norway. The NQTs were interviewed after they had finished their ... -
«Noen er humoristiske og rørende, mens andre er irrelevante og kleine». Ungdom sine vurderingar av fire diktsamlingar skrivne for ungdom
(Norsklæreren;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-04)Det finst i dag ei rekke prisar som synleggjer litteratur skriven for ungdom. Kåringar som Brageprisen, Kritikerprisen og prisane hjå Nordisk råd og Kulturdepartementet er med på å auke status og bidrar til å anerkjenne ... -
Non-defectivity of Grassmann bundles over a curve
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-08)Let Gr(2, E) be the Grassmann bundle of two-planes associated to a general bundle E over a curve X. We prove that an embedding of Gr(2, E) by a certain twist of the relative Plücker map is not secant defective. This yields ...