• The acquisition of prosodic marking of narrow focus in Central Swedish 

      Romøren, Anna Sara Hexeberg; Chen, Aoju (Journal of Child Language;Volume 49 , Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We investigated how Central Swedish-speaking four-to-eleven year-old children acquire the prosodic marking of narrow focus, compared to adult controls. Three measurements were analysed: placement of the prominence-marking ...
    • Bilingual children reach early language milestones at the same age as monolingual peers 

      Muszynska, Karolina; Krajewski, Grzegorz; Dynak, Agnieszka; Garmann, Nina Gram; Romøren, Anna Sara H.; Simonsen, Hanne Gram; Hansen, Pernille Bonnevie; Krysztofiak, Magdalena; Sobota, Krzysztof; Haman, Ewa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)
      In this longitudinal study, we compare the age of reaching early developmental milestones in bilingual and monolingual children and between the bilinguals’ two languages. We present data from 302 Polish bilinguals (living ...
    • Cross-linguistic variation in word-initial cluster production in adult and child language: evidence from English and Norwegian 

      Garmann, Nina Gram; Simonsen, Hanne Gram; Hansen, Pernille; Holm, Elisabeth; Post, Brechtje; Payne, Elinor (Journal of Child Language;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-28)
      Young children simplify word initial consonant clusters by omitting or substituting one (or both) of the elements. Vocalic insertion, coalescence and metathesis are said to be used more seldom (McLeod, van Doorn & Reed, ...