Browsing HV - Institutt for naturvitenskapelige helsefag by Title
Now showing items 418-429 of 429
Utility of Tear Osmolarity Measurement in Diagnosis of Dry Eye Disease
(Scientific Reports;10, Article number: 5542 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-26)The prevalence of dry eye disease is high worldwide and poses a great burden on patients’ daily lives. Accurate diagnosis of the disease is important, and it requires application of various methods. Hyperosmolarity is ... -
Utilization of lactic acid in human myotubes and interplay with glucose and fatty acid metabolism
(Scientific Reports;8, Article number: 9814 (2018), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-29)Once assumed only to be a waste product of anaerobe glycolytic activity, lactate is now recognized as an energy source in skeletal muscles. While lactate metabolism has been extensively studied in vivo, underlying cellular ... -
Utviklingen av tannteknisk produksjon i Norge
(Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende;130(8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Tannteknikerutdanningen ved OsloMet gjennomførte våren 2018 en markedsundersøkelse blant alle tanntekniske virksomheter registrert i Norge. Formålet med den nettbaserte spørreundersøkelsen var å kartlegge bedriftsstruktur, ... -
Validation of miRNA genes suitable as Reference genes in qPCR analyses of miRNA gene expression in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(BMC research notes;7(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-23)Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of endogenous small RNA molecules that downregulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. They play important roles by regulating genes that control ... -
Valproat fortsatt viktig for kvinner med generalisert epilepsi
(Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening;Nr 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-08) -
Virtual reality as a method of cognitive training of processing speed, working memory, and sustained attention in persons with acquired brain injury: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Acquired brain injury (ABI) often leads to persisting somatic, cognitive, and social impairments. Cognitive impairments of processing speed, sustained attention, and working memory are frequently reported and ... -
VISEM: A Multimodal Video Dataset of Human Spermatozoa
(ACM MMSys conference series;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)Real multimedia datasets that contain more than just images or text are rare. Even more so are open multimedia datasets in medicine. Often, clinically related datasets only consist of image or videos. In this paper, we ... -
What information did pregnant women want related to risks and benefits attending X-ray examinations?
(Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences;volume 52, issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-15)Background In connection with X-ray examinations of pregnant patients, good communication of benefit and risk is important to provide adequate patient care. Pregnant women often become concerned about the foetus and are ... -
Whole genome sequencing and antibiotic diffusionassays, provide new insight on drug resistance in thegenus Pedobacter
(FEMS Microbiology Ecology;Volume 96, Issue 6, June 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-09)A total of four strains of the ‘environmental superbug’ Pedobacter isolated from sludge produced at Norwegian drinking water treatment plants, were characterized by whole genome sequencing and antibiotic susceptibility ... -
Whole genome sequencing and characterization of Corynebacterium isolated from the healthy and dry eye ocular surface
(BMC Microbiology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: The purpose of this study was to characterize Corynebacterium isolated from the ocular surface of dry eye disease patients and healthy controls. We aimed to investigate the pathogenic potential of these isolates ... -
Women’s conceptual knowledge about breast cancer screening and overdiagnosis in Norway: a cross-sectional study
(BMJ Open;Volume 11, Issue 12, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-14)Objective: To investigate conceptual knowledge about mammographic screening among Norwegian women. Design: We administered a cross-sectional, web-based survey. We used multiple-choice questions and a grading rubric ... -
Wood smoke particles from different combustion phases induce similar pro-inflammatory effects in a co-culture of monocyte and pneumocyte cell lines
(Particle and Fibre Toxicology;9:45, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-11-23)Background Exposure to particulate matter (PM) has been linked to several adverse cardiopulmonary effects, probably via biological mechanisms involving inflammation. The pro-inflammatory potential of PM depends on the ...