Blar i HV - Institutt for sykepleie og helsefremmende arbeid på utgivelsesdato
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Fagutviklingssykepleieren som brobygger mellom forskning og klinisk praksis
(Sykepleien Forskning;4 (2), Academic article, 2009)Bakgrunn: Forskning og teknologi er i økende grad blitt en del av vår hverdag, som medfører at kunnskap får en mer abstrakt og symbolsk form. Det stilles derved særegne krav til faglig oppdatering blant sykepleiere. Hensikt: ... -
Kreftsykepleie og kompetanseutvikling fra utdanning til klinikk : en evaluering av videreutdanning i kreftsykepleie
(Vård i Norden;29 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Background: In order to improve the quality of care for cancer patients, The Norwegian Radium Hospital established in 1982 an advanced programme in cancer nursing. During the period 1982 – 2000, 366 cancer nurses were ... -
What is the food and drink industry doing in nutrition conferences?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009) -
Progress in reducing hunger after the World Food Summit
(Journal article, 2009)The World Food Summit (WFS) was held in November 1996. The WFS, as spelled out in its final document, clearly indicated what was needed and expected to be done. The WFS overall objective was "... to eradicate hunger in ... -
Interference of Postoperative Pain on Women's daily Life after Early Discharge from Cardiac Surgery
(Pain Management Nursing;11 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-06)Women report more postoperative pain and problems performing domestic activities than men in the first month of recovery after cardiac surgery. The purpose of this article is to describe how women rate and describe pain ... -
Interaktiv nettside for endring av helseatferd
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
The total antioxidant content of more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements used worldwide
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Background: A plant-based diet protects against chronic oxidative stress-related diseases. Dietary plants contain variable chemical families and amounts of antioxidants. It has been hypothesized that plant antioxidants may ... -
Formativ vurdering : et eksempel fra en sykepleierutdanning
(Uniped;33 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)I artikkelen gis det et eksempel på hvordan man kan anvende formativ vurdering i høyere utdanning. Hensikten med formativ vurdering er her å gi studenter tilbakemelding slik at det støtter den enkeltes læringsprosess. Dette ... -
"Mellom barken og veden" : nyutdannede sykepleieres vurdering av postoperativ smerte
(Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning;12 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)”Between a rock and a hard place”. Newly graduated nurses` assessment of postoperative pain. Despite concerns about postoperative pain assessment and management, research demonstrate that many patients still suffer ... -
Forskning på pasientundervisning 1994-2004 : hvilke teorier og begreper anvendes i pasientundervisning?
(Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning;12 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Patient-education research 1994-2004. Theories, concepts, categories and methods. The aim of this overview was to explore aspects of patient-education-research. The research questions were: what theoretical perspectives ... -
Kreftpasienters barrierer mot smertebehandling
(Sykepleien Forskning;5 (4), Academic article, 2010)Bakgrunn: Ulike faktorer hos helsepersonell, pasienten selv eller i rammefaktorene kan forklare mangelfull smertelindring hos kreftpasienter. Hos pasientene kan barrierer for optimal smertebehandling være tilbakeholdenhet ... -
Er det samsvar i registreringene når sykepleiere og studenter screener pasienter for ernæringsstatus?
(Sykepleien Forskning;5 (2), Academic article, 2010)Studiens bakgrunn: I nylig publiserte nasjonale faglige retningslinjer for forebygging og behandling av underernæring anbefales at alle pasienter skal screenes for ernæringsmessig risiko. Hensikt: Å teste interrater ... -
Tannhelse hos eldre pasienter i hjemmesykepleien : en tverrsnittsstudie
(Sykepleien Forskning;5 (2), Academic article, 2010)Studiens bakgrunn: Dårlig oral helse hos eldre kan få store konsekvenser for deres livskvalitet og helse. I dag har eldre en tannstatus preget av kroner, broer og implantater og dette vil stille store krav til godt munnstell ... -
The relative importance of socioeconomic indicators in explaining differences in BMI and waist:hip ratio, and the mediating effect of work control, dietary patterns and physical activity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Socioeconomic differences in overweight are well documented, but most studies have only used one or two indicators of socioeconomic position. The aim of this study was to explore the relative importance of indicators of ... -
Relationship between fecal content of fatty acids and cyclooxygenase mRNA expression and fatty acid composition in duodenal biopsies, serum lipoproteins, and dietary fat in colectomized familial adenomatous polyposis patients
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)A few familial adenomatous polyposis studies have focused upon faecal sterols and bile acids but none has analysed the fecal content of fatty acids. We report here findings of an observational study on 29 colectomized ... -
Illegale ved sin blotte eksistens : om papirløse migranters helsestatus og behov for helsetjenester. En systematisk litteraturstudie
(Vård i Norden;30 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Background: Undocumented migrants may find themselves to be extraordinary vulnerable to health problems because of political, economic and social marginalization, language barriers and cultural constraints, fear of police ... -
Data quality and practical challenges of thyroid volume assessment by ultrasound under field conditions - observer errors may affect prevalence estimates of goitre
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Background: The ultrasonographic estimation of thyroid size has been advocated as being more precise than palpation to diagnose goitre. However, ultrasound also requires technical proficiency. This study was conducted among ... -
Mobile Health Care and Health Behavior Change : Development of a System for Virtual Counseling based on Written Diary Questionnaires and Situational Feedback
(The proceedings of Unitech : International Conference on Universal Technologies;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)In the future virtual e-health counseling through the mobile phones will be an important feature of health care. Patients are shortly in face to face contact with health care personal. Many patients face challenges living ... -
Validation of Doloplus-2 among nonverbal nursing home patients : an evaluation of Doloplus-2 in a clinical setting
(BMC Geriatrics;10 (9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-20)Background: Pain measurement in nonverbal older adults is best based on behavioural observation, e.g. using an observational measurement tool such as Doloplus-2. The purposes of this study were to examine the use ... -
The Relationships between Mood Disturbances and Pain, Hope, and Quality of Life in Hospitalized Cancer Patients with Pain on Regularly Scheduled Opioid Analgesic
(Journal of Palliative Medicine;13 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-03)Objective: The study purposes were to describe the percentage of patients in one of four mood groups (i.e., neither anxiety nor depression [NEITHER], only anxiety [ANX], only depression [DEP], both anxiety and depression [BOTH]) ...