Now showing items 213-232 of 244

    • Universal Design of 3D interfaces 

      Säfvenbom, Sindre (Master thesis, 2017)
      Three dimensional interfaces on two dimensional screens and platforms are getting more and more popular as a method to convey increasingly complex systems in an interactive, cognitively easier to understand manner (Petrobras, ...
    • Universal design of airline applications 

      Arshad, Muhammad Danial (MAUU;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      Air travel industry is one of the biggest industries in the world. The world is moving more and more towards electronic operations rather than physical approaches, which means the trend of e-commerce and more online bookings. ...
    • Universal Design of Intelligent Personal Assistants 

      Kurtishi, Regont (Master thesis, 2018)
      As new ways of information and communication technology arise along with new forms of interactions, it is extremely important that these innovations are created, maintained, and further developed and improved under the ...
    • Universal design of intelligent personal assistants 

      Kurtishi, Regont (MAUU;2018, Master thesis, 2018)
      As new ways of information and communication technology arise along with new forms of interactions, it is extremely important that these innovations are created, maintained, and further developed and improved under the ...
    • Universal Design Of Smartphone User interface Interaction in Stressful Situations 

      Andersson, Saja (Master thesis, 2019)
      Previous research has investigated how high values of cognitive load contributes to an increased stress level, yet there are still limitations on how stress affects our cognitive load when it is initially low. That ...
    • Universal Design taught as a part of other courses in higher education 

      Khanal, Minprakash (MAUU;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      The concept of Universal Design taught as a part of other courses may be different in various Higher Education Institutions. It is well-established that Universal Design taught as a part of other courses, the perspective ...
    • A universally designed and usable method for data visualization 

      Shrestha, Suraj (Master thesis, 2016)
      The goal of this thesis in general was to create a data visualization prototype for a mobile application called RevmaRApp which is targeted towards the use by people with rheumatoid arthritis conditions. The issues of ...
    • A Universally Designed Electronic Norwegian Dictionary 

      Shrestha, Sayush Lal (Master thesis, 2019)
      Following the concepts of universal design as well as guidelines of accessibility and usability are important parts of the website design for wide range of users, and an online dictionary is not an exception to ...
    • Universally designede earthquake management system in Pakistan 

      Ljaz, Ahmad (MAUU;2020, Master thesis, 2020)
      The broad objective of this research is to analyze how the research field of Universal Design of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can save lives from emergencies and disasters. The primary objective of this ...
    • An usability and universal design investigation into hamburger menus 

      Khadka, Nawaraj (MAUU;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      With the implementation of different interface designs in applications across various devices, the concerns related to usability in these designs have also increased. Navigation is an important functionality in websites ...
    • An usability and universal design investigation into hidden user interface navigational elements 

      Munir, Mubashar (ACIT;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      With the trend towards simplicity starting to gain supremacy in digital design, designers are now being forced to adapt. One of the practical areas recommended for them is working within mobile user interfaces' navigational ...
    • A usability and universal design investigation into the use of persistent headers in web pages 

      Kongshaug, Petter (ACIT;2022, Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis investigates users’ preferences and performance of persistent headers on websites. Persistent headers and non-persistent headers are compared through a questionnaire and experiment. Two websites are setup ...
    • A usability and universal design investigation into user interface toggle switches 

      Al-Jasim, Alyaa (ACIT;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      This evaluation study is about to investigate how usable and accessible are the existing user interface (UI) toggle switches. Some articles were done to investigate UI elements such as toggle switches, checkboxes, and radio ...
    • An usability and universal design investigation of parallax scrolling 

      Pandey, Suraj (ACIT;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      In this study, the usability and the universal design of parallax scrolling in a website was investigate with the help of experiment and two prototypes designed wholly for this research. The usability and universal design ...
    • An usability and Universal Design investigation of the three-click rule for navigation. 

      Dilen, Olga (ACIT;2022, Master thesis, 2022)
      Purpose and research questions: The aim of this research paper is to understand the relationships between “Three-clicks rule” and users' experience and to find out if Universal Design is negatively affected if the ...
    • Usable electronic voting for elderly people 

      Thapa, Vishal (MAUU;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      The research objective is about the investigation of the usability of the user interface to provide a usable voting interface for the elderly people so that they can be a part of inclusive democratic society. The usability ...
    • User and group profiling based on user process usage 

      Ochoa, Edson (Master thesis, 2007)
      User profiling based on process usage is on approach for adding an extra security layer to our computer systems. In addition it can be of great value for classification of a company/school network and the their user ...
    • User survey of practices using cfengine 

      Chaudhry, Raheel Asghar (Master thesis, 2005)
      This Master thesis is the final project at Oslo University College which is a part of the international Master degree in Network and system administration, in collaboration with the University of Oslo. This thesis includes ...
    • Using eye tracker data to assess human empathy and attention 

      Dubas, Marta (ACIT;2022, Master thesis, 2022)
      In this thesis we explore up to which extent eye pupil diameter, measured through an eye tracking device, reflects levels of empathy among individuals during a specific task performance. The analysis is conducted based on ...
    • Using non-speech sounds to increase web image accessibility for screen-reader users 

      Thapa, Ratan Bahadur (Master thesis, 2017)
      Screen-reader users access images on the Web using alternative text delivered via synthetic speech. However, research shows that this is tedious and unsatisfying for blind users, because text-to-speech applications lack ...