Browsing SAM - PhD i Sosialt arbeid og sosialpolitikk by Title
Now showing items 47-55 of 55
The Great Recession and unemployment in Europe: The impact on health and health inequalities
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Two worlds apart, yet similar? A comparative study of disability policy reforms and employment experiences of young adults with visual impairments from Norway and India
(OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 23, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This comparative study contrasts the disability policies and employment experiences of young adults with visual impairments from Norway and India. Its point of departure is the recognition that the labour market inclusion ... -
Understanding volunteering intensity in older volunteers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Although volunteering is considered a good strategy for successful ageing, not many older adults are engaged in voluntary work and those who are do so mainly sporadically. This study focuses on time invested in volunteering ... -
Urban Population Ageing and its Impact on Social Policy - Lessons from Oslo
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2019)Ageing and urbanization bring major consequences and implications to all facets of human life. We see changes not only in terms of population structure and location, but also in living arrangements, family composition ... -
Vold mot barn og unge i nære relasjonar: Forståing, konseptualisering og sosialfaglege perspektiv
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2017)Denne PhD-studien rettar fokuset mot barn og unge som har opplevd vold i nære relasjonar. Gjennom forteljingane til voldsutsette ungdommar og unge vaksne, samt profesjonsutøvarar, undersøkjer eg korleis forståingar og ... -
Warm technology against loneliness among the elderly? A script analysis of the communication solution KOMP
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artikkelen undersøker hvordan ensomhet blant eldre er forsøkt motvirket ved bruk av digital teknologi: Kommunikasjonsløsningen Komp er en skjerm med kun én knapp og en tilhørende app man kan bruke til å sende bilder, ... -
When Divergence Appears Coherent: An Investigation of How Ambiguous Policy Rationales Shape the Activation Trajectories of Hard-toemploy Clients
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Work-from-home impacts on software project: A global study on software development practices and stakeholder perceptions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Context: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disruptive impact on how people work and collaborate across all global economic sectors, including software business. While remote working is not new for software engineers, forced ... -
“Youth voices matter!” Safety and meaningful participation: Perspectives of youth and staff in Norwegian residential facilities
(OsloMet Avhandling;2024 no 45, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In recent years, safety considerations have been at the forefront of work with children and youth (hereafter, youth) in residential facilities. In particular, the awareness of safety as fundamental to staff-youth relationships ...