Browsing SVA - Consumption Research Norway (SIFO) by Title
Now showing items 95-114 of 126
School meals as a resource for low-income families in three European countries: a comparative case approach
(European Societies;Volume 24, 2022 - Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-07)In the context of successive global crises and rising household food insecurity in wealthy European countries there is renewed attention to the role of school meals as a welfare intervention. However, little is known about ... -
Sharp edges, blunt objects, clean slices. Exploring design research methods
(Design Journal;Volume 22, 2019 - Issue sup1: Running with Scissors: 13th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Dundee, 10-12th April, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Design Inquiry is perhaps always needing to run with scissors, that design-centred capacity and ability to work with materials, means and methods to develop research that is context specific, abstract and conceptual. This ... -
Short Food Supply Chains and Their Contributions to Sustainability: Participants’ Views and Perceptions from 12 European Cases
(Sustainability;Volume 11, Issue 17, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-28)The present food system faces major challenges in terms of sustainable development along social, economic and environmental dimensions. These challenges are often associated with industrialised production processes and ... -
Should GPs ask patients about their financial concerns? Exploration through collaborative research
(Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care;Volume 38, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-16)Objective: Health services should arguably be concerned about the financial situation of patients since health problems can cause financial concerns, which in turn can cause health problems. In this study, we explored the ... -
Skreddersøm til barnets beste? Om personvern og markedsføring på norske barns sosiale medieprofiler
(Barn;Vol 37 No 3-4 (2019): Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-15)Denne artikkelen diskuterer barns rett til deltagelse og beskyttelse på internett i relasjon til kommersielle tredjepartsaktørers bruk av digitale persondata. Det tas utgangspunkt i FNs barnekonvensjon, norsk lovgivning, ... -
“Someone will take care of it”. Households' understanding of their responsibility to prepare for and cope with electricity and ICT infrastructure breakdowns
(Energy Policy;Volume 144, September 2020, 111676, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-31)Extensive infrastructure breakdowns are likely to become more frequent in the future as a result of continually complex and interconnected infrastructures vulnerable to weather and climate changes as well as intended ... -
Sorting things out: A typology of the digital collaborative economy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Current research on the sharing or collaborative economy has by large adopted a user-centric approach, and studies at the meso-level (firm/organization level) have received little attention and is called for both in the ... -
Standard quality as a boundary object - A conceptual study
(Sociologia Ruralis;Volume 61, Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-15)This is a conceptual article that uses the concept ‘boundary object’ in order to discuss what role the loosely defined notion ‘standard product quality’ plays with regard to coordination and controversies in the Norwegian ... -
Sustainable and purchasing behaviour of online food shoppers: Survey results from Italy, Ireland, and Germany
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)This chapter presents survey results on sustainable food behaviour and purchase frequencies of online food platform users in Italy, Germany, and Ireland from January 2021. The participants were recruited from alternative ... -
Tillit og forbrukerforhold i EU28 og Norge – Resultater fra EU-kommisjonenes Consumer Conditions Scoreboard.
(SIFO Rapport;2020:04, Research report, 2020-04-06)I EU-kommisjonens siste måling av forbrukerforholdene i tretti europeiske land rangeres forbrukerforholdene i Norge som nr.2. Norske forbrukere har høyere tillit til forbrukermyndighetene enn til tilbyderne i markedet, ... -
Time-temperature profiles and Listeria monocytogenes presence in refrigerators from households with vulnerable consumers
(Food Control;Volume 111, 107078, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-23)A transdisciplinary observational study, coupled with a web-based survey, was conducted to investigate refrigerated storage of food, in five European countries. The investigated consumer groups in this study were: young ... -
Too Cute for Words: Cuteness Evokes the Heartwarming Emotion of Kama Muta
(Frontiers in Psychology;March 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 387, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-01)A configuration of infantile attributes including a large head, large eyes, with a small nose and mouth low on the head comprise the visual baby schema or Kindchenschema that English speakers call “cute.” In contrast to the ... -
Towards a low CO2 emission building material employing bacterial metabolism (1/2): The bacterial system and prototype production
(PLoS ONE;14 (4): e0212990, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-16)The production of concrete for construction purposes is a major source of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. One promising avenue towards a more sustainable construction industry is to make use of naturally occurring mineral-microbe ... -
Towards a low CO2 emission building material employing bacterial metabolism (2/2): Prospects for global warming potential reduction in the concrete industry
(PLoS ONE;14 (4): e0208643, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-16)The production of concrete is one of the most significant contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions. This work focuses on bio-cementation-based products and their potential to reduce global warming potential (GWP). ... -
Towards realizing the sustainability potential within digital food provisioning platforms: The case of meal box schemes and online grocery shopping in Norway
(Sustainable Production and Consumption;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-04)Digital technologies for food provisioning are often proposed as solutions to developing a more sustainable food system. Consumers can now use their mobile phones and computers to buy food online from websites, apps, and ... -
Towards the integration and development of a cross-European research network and infrastructure: the DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)To address major societal challenges and enhance cooperation in research across Europe, the European Commission has initiated and facilitated `joint programming’. Joint programming is a process by which Member States engage ... -
Trust and the don't-want-to-complain bias in peer-to-peer platform markets
(International Journal of Consumer Studies;Volume 44, Issue 3, May 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-04)This paper addresses peer‐to‐peer (P2P) digital platform markets, often associated with the “sharing economy” or the “collaborative economy”. Such digital platforms, facilitating new purchasing channels for consumers by ... -
Trust in the institution and privacy management of Internet of Things devices. A comparative case study of Dutch and Norwegian households
(Technology in society;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In a society that is everyday more digitized, the legislation is slowly catching up with the latest frontiers of privacy related vulnerabilities, especially when it comes to the Internet of Things. However, studies have ... -
Understanding consumer e-waste recycling behavior: Introducing a new economic incentive to increase the collection rates
(Sustainability; Volume 11 / Issue 9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Consumer electronics are made of a wide range of materials, including precious metals and critical minerals with limited global reserves. Ensuring the recycling of these materials is essential for future use, especially ... -
Understanding National Preferences in EU Consumer Policy: A Regime Approach
(Journal of Consumer Policy;Volume 43, issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-22)EU consumer policy is a policy area that is receiving increased attention and is considered important for the proper functioning of the internal market. Yet, as with many other supranational policy areas, conflicting ...